News - Sledgehammer Has Been Absolutely Killing This Warzone 2

It basically makes the base version of this gun outstanding without making it too stupidly overpowered. You know, you're not going to be really beaming people at range and cross-mapping people with the shotgun. You're still going to have to strategically play this game and try to cut your corners and make sure your engagements are up close and personal, which is going to take some time and some practice.

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You're also going to have to be pretty picky when it comes to map selection, because certain maps just aren't going to cater to this thing unless you want to just camp like absolutely new tomorrow, but every small map in this game is just going to my god. This thing is going to take over all the small maps.

Maybe not rust. Rust is a little bit more of a I know everybody says it's an up-close and personal map. I always consider rust an AR-style map; it's a lot of long ranges, but shipment this thing is going to dominate, meat this thing is going to dominate Stash House like seriously. This gun is just superb, and I can also see on maps like Terminal, for example, that there are a lot of routes.

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You could probably run this weapon on Terminal and, you know, other underpasses, for example, as well. An underpass has a ton of fantastic routes. You could probably go ahead and run this thing, but the point to be made is that you could use this thing like a shotgun on many different maps without it being once again too overpowered, where people on the other end are saying what the hell just happened.

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But you just feel like an absolute badass. That's the best way I can put it. You know, when they said in the description that this thing is amazing for clearing rooms and stuff like that, they weren't joking around like I said. You feel like a badass, going from room to room, just blasting with this thing, and it never ends like I said; it's sick 60.

What plush bullets are in this thing? You just keep going and going and going and going, and up close, honestly, the damage is superb again. I understand they said that the damage range was buffed up on it. I can't really tell. I still think the best way to handle this thing is in the partial medium range, just depending on, you know, what type of situation you get yourself into, but if you're up close and personal, you're going to get some one taps with this thing.

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So I mean, like I said, you never have to reload on small maps or Obj game modes. You can even just circulate around B flag, or, you know, hang close and hang tight to the hardpoint locations, and just absolutely mow down spawns and never worry about having to get another mag in. This is a great conversion kit, and like I said, it's perfect in between not having it too overpowered but finding the right spot at making it fun, giving it a clear direction, and giving a clear idea of what this conversion kit is all about: what you want the consumer to go ahead and do with it and have it be fun.

Fun, like I said, makes you feel like a badass while going ahead and using it, so Sledgehammer, seriously, Bravo. In my opinion, this is a fantastic aftermarket part, and I can't wait to see what the future holds again. I love it. You know some of them. Miss I'm not going to lie, I don't really enjoy all the aftermarket parts because, obviously, you see some of them I don't even bother covering on this channel because some of them I like.

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I said I just don't care, but at the end of the day, I appreciate this stuff. I know everybody says this isn't the best live service Cod that we've had, but I still think it is, and I really do. Is it great to be in live service? No, I don't think live service is fantastic yet at all, but compared to the previous games with live service, yeah, this is the most content that we've gotten consistently.

Like I said, there's something to grind for every single week, whether it's an attachment that completely changes a gun and almost adds almost a brand new gun into the experience or, basically, adding new camos that are fun to grind for, and you know, go ahead and rock within the game. Have you unlocked it yet?

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Have you not unlocked it yet? And if you did unlock it, what do you think? Is it fun? bad. I feel like people are going to judge it because they're not going to be able to beam people across the M, but like I said, if you just focus on making sure you're up close and personal, it is just crazy.

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You know, your sprint-to-fire speeds are going to be a little bit rough, especially depending on how you deck out your weapon, but if you're prepped and you're good to go, you're going to be blasting people for days. You know what I'm saying—you're just going to be absolutely blasting. Don't forget to subscribe; hit that bell if you'll be notified of more content just like this; and last but not least, if you do want to catch my live streams, I do the over-on kick.

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