News - Should You Spend Time Grinding Tier 3 Warzone 2 Zombies

It's just going to make the tier three grind easier because they can load in with that legendary a-to and a tier three Pack-a-Punch cryst. Do you genuinely think Tier 3 is worth grinding in Modern Warfare 3 zombies or not, because there's some games where I think okay that game was actually worth it?

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I grinded for a little bit, and I came out with some decent loot, which means I can now record my next article with a gun. I can rank three: Pack-a-Punch it legendary, all straight away without having to use schematics. But then I also have a bunch of games where I'm like, okay, let me go in and complete a whole load of contracts and do a load of looting, and I don't come up with any loot that has benefited me in any way whatsoever.

I've just spent 45 minutes running around the Tier 3 Zone, and then I'm coming up with basically nothing that's going to help me in the long run, whereas, like I said. I would like to go into a game run around Tier 3 and get some good loot, and then in that next game I can get myself set up right.

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I'm going to go into the dark AA zone, the Elder dark AA zone, whichever one it is. I'd like to be able to run around Tier 3 for 45 minutes of a game and be able to be prepared to go into those harder zones so then I can almost guarantee myself those better schematics, those better rewards out of contracts, and just looting in general, because I do think a large majority of the player base for this game.

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Tier 3: Pack-a-Punch Crystals are legendary AA tools, and okay, I understand they can go into a game; they can go ahead and complete contracts and get enough cash to tear three Pack-a-Punch. But the thing is, a lot of people just want to be able to loot up within one game and then the next game go into those zones, which, in my opinion, is also what I wouldn't mind doing.

I would like to be able to go into a game where I can just loot up, and then the next game I'll go right. Okay, I know that I can go straight into that dark AA zone. The Elder Dark AA, go ahead and complete those, and I know I'm going to come up with good loot so I can loot myself up for about 40–45 minutes in the first game, and then it's going to make it way easier for me to go into the dark AA and the Elder Dark AA in the next game and be able to do it basically straight away and guarantee some good loot, whether it's the AA blade case, whether it's dog bones, whether it's the Golden Plates, or whether it's legendary tools and Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch crystals.

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Whatever it is. I almost want that first game to be a setup game; maybe even two games; maybe have two games that are setup games; and then the next game. I can basically guarantee myself to be able to go in, and I know that I'm going to have the loot I need to start those AA zones, so tier three is worth grinding.

Yes and no is honestly the real answer to this because, like I said, there are some games where I have two games in a row where I come out and I've got good loot and I've come out with legendary tools tier 2 or tier 3 Pack-a-Punch crystals. And I've spent maybe an hour and a half, and I've actually got some great loot that I've come out with, but then there's also, on the other hand.

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I'm grinding tier three, and I might spend two or three hours in the tier three zone and really come out with no loot that's benefited me whatsoever because I've come out with perk can I've come out with ammo mods and just some things like that really aren't going to make too much of a difference to the game or even just tier one pack-a-punch crystals, but even then you can get the tier one pack-a-punch.

Simply completing tier one contracts, why would you grind tier three for it when you can make it much easier in the tier one zone? So yeah, overall, they have definitely buffed it slightly because I'm seeing better loot come out of the rewards for tier three contracts, and like I said, just looting in tier three in general.

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I'm finding legendary for tools and things like that, so they have definitely buffed it. Is it the craziest change? No, and I definitely think it does need to be buffed a bit more simply because of the fact like I said. I want to know that I'm going to go in grind contracts, and within one game, if I complete contracts all game long.

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I'd like to come out with a Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch crystal and a legendary effol that I can store to use later on down the line, because if I'm grinding in one of the hardest zones in the game. I want to be rewarded for it. After this article is finished, I will appreciate it. Again, have a great rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next one in a bit.


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