News - Secret Warzone 2 Zombies Dark Aether Rooms & Free Wonder Weapons. All Key Locations - Season 1

Typically, it's a max amp. I believe that you'll always see the same type of power-up in every secret room if it does spawn there in that match, so you're looking at the possibility of a wonder weapon case and a power-up here in the officer quarters. I do wish that one key would have opened both doors or that the one officer quarter key could have had multiple uses, but it's a one-time use per key, unfortunately.

Storeroom key spawns & rewards

Storeroom key spawns & rewards

Next up, we have the storefront. You can find this key by also doing parkour, just by where you found the key for the storefront.

Again, if you just stay on the pillar where you got the office recorder key, you can actually jump onto this ambulance to the next pillar, where you'll find a second key for the storefront. Again, if you're doing parkour to get one key, you might as well grab both at this rate, and then you can make your way over to the warehouse, which is of course labeled on the detonated graphic, and in this area.

I very commonly see a second key for the storefront, so in terms of what you can find here in this area. I very commonly see an instakill. In the gate here on the right, the first store front door, you go in here and grab an Instagram. A good-coming clutch, especially if you're doing one of the dark ether contracts close to this area, might as well get a free instant kill, but in the door on the left, very rarely, but I have seen it, and very rarely.

dark aether secret rooms

I have seen a Wonder weapon case sitting in that room. Honestly. I'll say if you guys have a key and you see there's nothing in there like a PowerUp or Wonder weapon case, then it's not worth wasting the key or opening the door unless you just want a space that you could just camp in and have a spot to just chill at. It could be very easy to get trapped in a year if you're by yourself, so if you're with a group of people and you're just trapping yourselves in a room for whatever reason, then I guess there's a use for the secret room, but On top of that, you can also find a key for the Antiquities Shop, which can be found in the South Underground section of the map, just sitting right here on a box.

Antiquities key spawn & rewards

Antiquities key spawn & rewards

I've always seen it here in every single match that I played once again. We've run through the dark ether almost a dozen times, and these keys are always in these locations. What's weird about this room, though, which is again pointed out on the graphic, is that once you open it, I've never not gotten full power from this room.

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I feel like the RNG for this power-up has just been really strong, but maybe it's just been my luck. Maybe there's a possibility you open it and there's no power up in there totally plausible, but there also is a slim chance that a wonder weapon case could be chilling there in the corner of this room.

I almost missed it last time I went in here without death perception; there was just a scorcher case laying right there on the ground on the other side of that canvas, which is kind of by the full power, so always make sure you inspect these rooms the best you can to ensure you're not missing a possible wonder weapon case that could be sitting there on the floor.

dark aether south bedroom

Barracks key spawn & rewards

We next have the barracks key, which could be located on the bottom floor on top of a desk in the middle apartment building, so there's a section of the map that has several different apartment buildings; the middle one does contain this desk where the key could be located. And you're going to find the barracks on the right side of the fortress, on the bottom floor, and inside you could typically find full armor.

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PowerUp, there's probably a chance the wonder weapon case is also sitting in here again. There's probably a chance that in every match that you play in the dark ether, there's probably one or two under-weapon cases cycled across the seven total secret rooms that are located here in Albarra, so here's where things get pretty strange.

Bedroom key spawns & rewards

Bedroom key spawns & rewards

There is a seventh secret room that can be unlocked using a key; it is known as the south bedroom door, and for whatever reason the key for this door is either bugged or just hasn't been found yet, but allow me to explain.

So there was another key location found in the infested stronghold. Underground, here in Albra. And somehow it was another office rec quarters key, and I'm like. Wait a second; there are only two office recorder doors that you can open. Why would there be three keys for the office records? That just doesn't make any sense now.

Funny enough, if you go over on Reddit, there was a post that was put out talking about this exact same key that somebody apparently found in this infested stronghold area, but the person claimed that they found it in the Act 4 Story Mission, so I'm like. Wait a second, you can't find keys in the Act 4 Story Mission, so we went ahead and hopped in and tested the Act 4 Mission, and what do you know?

dark aether south bedroom key

None of the keys that we just went over in this article were found in any of those spots, and like I said at the beginning of the article, all the secret rooms were already open, with no rewards inside. But for some reason in the act for Story Mission down in The Ether Nest or the infested stronghold You guys know what I mean?

There was a key there for the Antiquities room, but then when going into the regular dark ether outside of the Act 4 mission, there wasn't a key in this spawn, but there was one a couple of feet away, and that was the third officer quarter key, which again was useless since we already had the other officer quarter keys.

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So what I believe happened here is that this person did find the spawn for the bedroom key, but maybe the game bugged out and accidentally plopped an officer quarters key even though you don't even need that one. We need the bedroom key, so I'll keep you guys posted. If, for whatever reason, there's just three officer quarter keys, even though there's only two doors you can open.

Closing statements

Closing statements

Now that is about it. This has been DK Dynamite. I really hope you enjoyed it, and peace

SECRET MW3 Zombies Dark Aether Rooms FREE Wonder Weapons | All Key Locations - Season 1.
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