News - S2 Reloaded Actual Patch Change Values And New Tempus Torrent Marksman Rifle Stats - Warzone & Warzone 2



I've got some really good comparisons here for pre-patch to post-patch, and TGD is also updated with most things, not the attachment changes, but we'll go over all that as we're going through it.

Stb 556

Obviously, this article is going to be focused on weapon changes because that's what I talk about all the time, so we're going to go one by one.

The first weapon change was the STV-556. It says they added a minimum damage against armor, so this is something I've covered in the past; some of the weapons have a sort of like a damage value that if they have armor plates on and they get hit with a bullet, there's a minimum armor damage for that weapon, and it will update the damage to that armor damage if the damage that would have been done was below that value.

So if you shoot this guy and they were supposed to take 18 damage without this armor damage, now that it has this new minimum armor damage, that will be updated to either 22 or 23 damage. I will update TG to have this functionality soon, but when I was testing this, I got 22 or 23, which was weird, so maybe it's kind of like the fennec profile where it varies across the body. So yeah, it's like +4 damage at range, which isn't a huge change, but it will be a nice little buff for the sdb at range.



But, the damage profile that I found is in the top right here, so you can see what they said is true in the first damage range and a little bit of a buff to the damage overall.

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Second damage range, slight nerf, but there is this new upper arm same as the chest multiplier that I found, so that is a buff across the board at all damage ranges, but they did reduce the damage in that mid-range for chest, neck, and head, and then out past 42 meters, there never used to be this drop off; this is a brand new drop off, so these are the new values on the right: 52, 41, 37, 34, and 41.

To the upper arm and 34 to the lower arm, so yeah, overall a nerf to the damage if you look at the combination ttk on tgd. I have both the pre-patched version and the current version live on the site, and you can see in that last damage drop-off that there is one extra shot to kill now, which is a pretty big hit to the raw, and then it also says they increased the recoil, so I have that on TGD as well.

You can also see pre-patches. The orange here, the raw with post-patch values, has just way more recoil; it doesn't just stop in that little circle and just sit there like it used to, so I think the raw is probably pretty much the same. Dead with the changes unfortunately I'll, need to see what this recoil actually feels like but just looking at the comparison there it, pretty dramatically nerfed .

Rpk and sakin

Rpk and sakin

The RPK also caught a bit of a nerf, so they reduced the walking speed. I didn't actually test that because it's not super important for the role that the RPK plays in reducing muzzle velocity.

I did test this, and basically it has the same muzzle velocity as the ARs now. That was when it first came out; it had about 700 meters per second muzzle velocity, and now it's down at about 590, so it's a pretty big Nerf. My value on TGD was at 700, but Sim had 620, so I'm wondering if there was a patch recently where it got changed to 620, and then this patch nerfed it even further, so that's why I said minus four percent because it went from 620 to 590.

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As for the skin, Mg38 mentions the reduced damage range, so I wanted to show this with the new premium feature on TGD. This is the damage range damage range maps. You can see a visual representation on all the multiplayer maps of damage ranges as concentric circles around where you would be standing, so in this case you'd be standing right on the 184, which is the time to kill of the gun, in that first range, and then you can see the old was 36 meters and 61 meters, so we've got the two red rings where they would be. Um, basically, old and new in the first image range and then the orange ring would be old and new of the last damage range, so a little bit different here, this is shoot house, and you can see it's not a huge difference there for, where these actually line up across the map, but it is, you know, five meters at the most of the last range and three meters at the close range.



The mx-9 also had a slight buff, so I'm doing the same thing here and increasing the mid damage ranges, so you can see the first damage range on the damage range maps on tgd is the same at 9.7 meters and then the second damage range these orange rings went, from 20.3 meters up to 26 meters, so a really big buff of about six meters of range there that's a pretty significant amount, you can see on the map, and then the second damage drop off as well used to be 34 meters and now it's 37, so a nice buff to the damage range values for the mx9.


The bass P also got a buff, so it says to increase the sprint fire time; this is a typo; it should say increased centrifier speed or decrease sprint fire time, so it used to have, and I think it was probably a mistake; it used to have AR spring to fire time at 210 milliseconds. And now they've reduced it down to a standard SMG sprint to fire time of 110 milliseconds and then also they increase the damage ranges, so this is the damage range map again, same idea: the first damage range is the same out to 16 meters, so that's a really long first damage range for an SMG; the second damage range these orange rings went from 21.8 up to 26; so about a four-meter increase in damage range there on the second drop; and then the last drop got about five meters from 41.9 up to 38 and then the last drop went from 41.9 up to 48; so just overall big damage range increases and it finally has the correct sprint to fire time for an SMG.

Pdsw 528 (p90)

Pdsw 528 (p90)

So the PDSW 528, the P90, it's always kind of had this problem, which you can see on the right where the iron sights are. The back of the gun was almost like it was raised up too much from the perspective of where you were looking in game, so the back part of the iron sights were too high, which made it really hard to see your target and where you were shooting.

Vel 46

Vel46, also got a nice buff here, so it says the increased close damage ranges and then they fixed attributes on the 30 round mag to improve handling and mobility, so I'm just going to talk about the damage ranges here. Same idea, we've got the damage range map on TGD up here; this is a premium feature again, but the first damage range went from 10.2 up to 13.1 so a really nice buff there, and the second damage range went from 15.2 up to 20.3, so the first damage range almost reaches where the second damage drop off was after this buff, so that's huge, and you get an extra five meters for that second damage range.

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