News - Rpk Gun Guide. Warzone 2



rugged, reliable, and 600 rounds per minute when you really need more than that, and only one gun's heavy enough to cut it up. It's me, and once again I am playing Call of Duty and have learned that the feature of aiming is entirely optional. Today we're taking a look at the most prolific rifle platform in the world, taken to its most logical extent and reduced to its most primal feature.

I'm six Snipes; this is the RPK, and you're watching Gun Guy Practical. The AK is theoretically good, but it needs more bullets to introduce the RPK. The philosophy does not get more complicated than that, and neither does the history or else handheld machine guns.


Kalashnikov only saw a real development alongside the AK when Russian steelworking technology had progressed far enough to make a non-milled, stamped design cost-effective and therefore worth significant investment by the Soviet Union.



Union mechanically it is almost exactly an AK, taking the same caliber with the same exact operating mechanism, with very few modifications of function, the most obvious being a heavier, longer barrel, which allows it to shoot both further and longer without any decrease in performance due to barrel overheating, allowing it to have a better mode of sustained fire than the regular ATM model.

This, along with the integral bipod in a different wooden stock optimized for firing while pronar, is often what people cite as the largest differences with the weapon; however, there are actual mechanical differences that most people aren't aware of, primarily the receiver being 20 millimeters longer, increasing bolt travel time, and consequently having a lower fire rate than a rifle-pattern AK.


This is almost certainly for both heat management and to stymie ammunition expenditure for the machine gunner. The RPK is a weird one because it's expected to serve as a support weapon utilizing the same magazines as the rifles, meaning either low capacity or drum magazines with less reliability and higher maintenance than a high school or college football cheerleader.

You all just thought of someone, but it was also you who served the belt-fed RPD machine gun as the Soviet Army's main support weapon, meaning that effectively Russia opted for a gun with a potentially lower practical capacity as their squad gunner's armor? Don't know that this being the Soviet Union is a safe bet that prizes the largest contributing factor, and since this weapon system has a near 100-part compatibility with their main rifle to begin with, production costs are going to be much lower if you're effectively stamping one component for two different weapon designs with most of these parts, but regardless of the why, the how is spectacular because this thing performs, like an 8K, with legendary reliability, sufficient function in all other categories, and ultimately serving as one of the most famous MGS in the history of weapons design and probably one of, if not the most prolific MGS.

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It's so prolific that, in fact, it's the only sh*t gun from which the game gets its name. Isn't that just bad shit crazy? So how does the RPK do in Modern Warfare 2?



Well, if there's one thing I can tell you, it's that consistency is not the strength of the RPK. My first matches with this thing made it abundantly evident that holding an angle with this gun makes you pretty much uncontestable. On the other hand, the issues actually start when you try using this weapon like actually using it for anything but watching, like pushing a door like you know pushing, a door being a magazine.

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He'd really think the RPK would be the same run-and-gun heavy implementation of the Icarus, but no, it's not stationary, and crouched with perfect conditions, you can really tell the DPS this weapon can do. The largest struggle with this gun is having the correct tools and being in the correct position to do so, and you can only do so much to really help.


The largest issue and key downside to this gun is that, when leveling it up with none of the first 10 attachments, really even the Aiding with that, you get the ammo slot off the bat and then the AP rounds, like three levels later; if they're that close, just put them together. The compensator is like that too; it's annoying alongside crap like getting the slot for the optic you don't need and only making aiming slower with a thermal scope that you won't use, and worse yet, this polymer barrel that I can't even put on my gun because I haven't unlocked the stock slot yet.

I'd be mixing polymer and wood, and that's just like a sin, and the worst thing about that is that the worst part of the gun is easily the chunky, clunky, podunky part. Honky-assy, honky-assy-honky-ass 75-round polymer mag that isn't the stamp-still model, that goes with the original RPK, and puts your reload sprints and aim downside speed all the way where the ultraviolet light emission from the fusion reaction occurring at the center of our solar system has no hope of finding it.


The sun doesn't shine; it shoves up your ass—that's the joke. All the grips, stocks, and furniture in the world are not going to make this gun maneuver like anything lighter than a dumpster. The sooner you accept this, the faster you will realize something about this weapon. It's a machine gun you could have in a Ford F-150; you're not going to dunk it.

I mean, some people are doing that stupid run the RPK with the gutter stock incendiary rounds and, most importantly, the 100-round big chungus magazine, and that's before you load in this gun is so big it takes an extra minute to render, and that's before you start laying waste to the other team of six in and out employees who just got off their shift flipping burgers and thought that they were early enough in the night that skill-based matchmaking wasn't going to put them in the same lobbies as people like you and me.

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You will hold the button, and they will dock anyone who's missing.

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