News - Vaznev 9k Gun Guide. Warzone 2


It's, me I am now playing Call of Duty again, and I am still very good at this game. Today, we are taking a look at what it takes to win. Russian special operations forces ask for the MP5, but Daddy Vlad says we have the MP5 at home. "I'm six Snipes," he says, "and this is the Vasnev 9K, and you're watching." gun, guide ship The pp19 articles is what amounts the most immediately obvious modification to the AK platform when among all the innumerably vast variants you could possibly conceptualize, you ask the simple question of what caliber would you rather have it in the tradition is passed down through the generations of firearm design from making a desert eagle bullet that qualifies for Disabilities because somebody was running the wrong powder in Mogadishu, to putting a 50 BMG into a ghetto AK sharing a substantial portion of its components with the AK-74.

Rather than running the scale down in the streamlined low drag rifle around the Disney five-four-five by 39 millimeters, the Vityaz chambers, even more scaled down and also streamlined, are nine millimeters. It's almost as if it's not difficult to modify an existing weapons platform to accept and operate with a different caliber.

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It's almost as if someone's a fraud. It's almost as if we do this all the time, or you don't even play Fallout 4; you are a schooner. Yes. Firing the classic Luger or Parabellum, round depending on your preference of meaningless prefixing the vidyas, the answer is the question of what if you designed a weapon to mirror the function of an MP5, but it's way cheaper and not operationally similar whatsoever.


The closed-bolt straight blowback operation of this weapon means that unlike an actual AK, this gun has no real gas system to speak of and also lacks the typical piston rod and rotary bolt you'd find in those collajinas. Because you're working with such a low caliber, it's often easier to just let the bolt recoil under the back pressure, blow the bolt straight back, and have a return spring complete the full cycle.

In my opinion, that's pretty neat, especially since it's operated off of backward force, and adding a suppressor increases the pressure resulting from the In a faster cycling speed, and as a result, the rate of fire of the weapons can actually be changed with a muzzle attachment that's like the one-time shitty Call of Duty attachment logic would actually check out, and overall, while not functionally an AK, the gun still maintains the reputation as a very cool, very sleek, reliable AK-like, which is perfect for anything from covert wet work to murking the shite white claw on a Tuesday.


So, as a cheaper MP5 and almost literally an AK that skipped a few steps, how does the vidya, Vasnav, perform in the Modern Warfare mixtape volume 2? Well, the precision is actually very good. You can hit a lot of shots with this gun with a relatively low recoil and moderate fire rate, which is really good because you're going to need to hit a lot of shitshots with this gun.

When I picked up the FSS Hurricane and figured out how terrible it was, I figured it was okay to get one off. The aiming speed once you've got the long barrel in stock, you can't even finish aiming before they kill you, and the damage is so bad. Forget doubles; I don't even get this single; I just shoot them both and don't kill either of them, and don't say I'm not good with this gun.

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You don't get a suppressor by leveling it at all, so to get a suppressor, I had to go back to the FSS Hurricane and get the last level on it, and when I used the Hurricane, I did this. Gun violence is so bad that it may make hurricanes look good there. There is no better feeling than not being able to finish someone off before they get around a corner, only for them to come back and kill you as soon as you stop watching it because the capacity is so insufficient.


There is no conceivable way to get the triple, and instead you die to the third guy while you're reloading. At this point, you're probably thinking, Man, this gun sucks shit this gun no shit you this gun is the worst gun I love this gun. There is no cooler gun than the one Cap Can has in Rainbow Six: Siege.

This was my favorite gun as a kid. I love the noise it makes. I think the action is really neat, as long as the animations are actually working. It still kills people as long as the other person is either a complete idiot anymore or else just sits there and takes it with less reaction and speed than a lobotomy patient, which is a lot of people.

A lot of people are very bad at this game; in essence, this gun is situational. The only situation where this gun works doesn't exist; at least I got my cruise missile to watch this. Until then, I'm six Snipes, and I'm going to go eat ases in modern warfare. I'd like to take notes.

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