News - Pro Highrise Ctrl Tips. Ranked Play For Dummies (warzone 2)

It's just a guessing game, and I'm hoping he kind of just comes from my top left and gives me a pick. Midman all that for that mean good win that'll be a nice 1v3 I was hoping okay yeah I mean he just sort of predicts I'm going to Chow the right side so right there it's a 50/50 guessing game if I Chow the left side I kill him but I mean fair play good read I, suppose back on defense same break for me I'm going to use my attacks right side street I don't have a trophy unfortunately so I do got to be careful I feel like they might try to explode this propane tank so I'm going to play deep and sort of play for info for a sec there is one guy for right street he does peak me for some odd.

methodz and scump

Reason: Yeah, I read that, but he was just able to get some shots up before I could react. Last guy, no sorry, that was the same guy killed off break. This guy was bottom heli; he's still there untraded. Okay, I'm not sure how this guy just bottomed out. What I made him there, we go beautiful. Now look, my teammates are both on the left side, so what's my play?

Play my life and do my thing right side. I'm trying to pick up lanes that I know are exposed. I'm hoping my teammate can get that kill on spawn so I can just play my life and do my thing right, street. I'm going the all-angle spot, so they're forced to overchow and CH me, and because I have this guy weak, I mean, that's done, that's done changes things, but my team, my team kills me also doesn't.

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I think this guy might have pushed up in our right base he does so my goal is on him win that fight they're on a I don't see where so I'm going to need right side point and try to bait him out left luckily my teammate gets that kill and now there's one guy left alive I'm assuming they're going to work towards right cuz notice how they have full control of the right side right now with no one really to contest.

methodz ranked

Them i'm going to check top heli first then stun n point and then rotate over TR to play my life from this guy top heli once I get to this head glitch I have no problem testing him and actually fighting him it just I can't fight him from the wide open yeah don't pick me like that b, making contact at Bravo I'm going to try to fight, from a nice position here're not going to read that I'm just going to Chow out pretty aggressively here try to get these guys sprinting because they're sort of forced to Sprint so notice I'm just going to slide on these guys Street yeah this guy's a little bit weird cuz he should be sprinting the point considering he has 6 seconds to hop it and not pring me about to Chow him off the point so I don't know about that one.

methodz ranked play

I need my teammate's help right now. It's not coming. He wins the fight. All right, 13 V12; they have a minute left. What's our goal? Put them in the spawn trap here and also mitigate our live loss. So I'm going to play Midad. My goal is to play some of these power spots. This guy pushes up under our window, but he gets behind me.

He's weak on point. I need my team to get that trade. Now it's just 9 V8; there's 45 seconds left, but this will probably come down alive. You, my team, should just prioritize their lives here. My teammate's dying from the top right. I'm going to pick up this guy going top crane, top left, and, at this point, because I'm getting kills from the window, they're probably looking for me.

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I play in this left window, and I can pretty much help my teammates on the entire point from there. Once again, reposition. My teammates need to watch Bottom Blue; I can pretty much watch everything else. This guy CHS off, and that pretty much screws his team over for the entire round one. These guys are trapping themselves on a dune, and they're setting ducks.

modern warfare 2

Pretty, self-explanatory, defense, there. Obviously, they would have liked to keep being in the round sooner, but. For the most part, B is definitely the one to capture; they have that wall covering them, and if they have trophies, it's kind of hard to stun them in there. Ideally, we just want to put them in a trap, I mean, while simultaneously working for B, just because B is the easier point to capture, more SES to hide easier, easier finesse.

I don't have a trophy, so I don't want to push onto the street yet, but I will throw my attacks onto the guy B, and I did see that guy cross the outer elevator, so my goal is to sort of bait my teammates here and just help them slay out this. Street, my teammates kill one, but I don't know where this guy actually is trying to jump out of the crane, and he does; he does jump top elevator; that's a pretty easy spot to pick someone off of when you're on this side, so play for info mid, make sure nothing's peeking me top heli.

modern warfare 3

I do know Akuma, or whatever his name is, is the guy on the top elevator, so my goal is to play for him right now. I have him stunned. I'm assuming he's going to peek at some point. I see his wig, but he's just not giving me anything right here, so with that fresh four. Right, I'm weak, so I don't really want to take this crow yet.

I'm just going to play with my food until I can fully regen and child this. I'm just playing through the street here, and I'm hoping these guys give me some free picks. I have no idea where that guy actually is; this is going to be a pretty tough round to win. I can't lie, we just don't really have time to work with trying to play for this guy in their spawn; he does end up chiding me at some point.

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But this is looking like we're going round five. We do get three down, so hopefully my teammates can hop on the point and just delay the game a little bit. Ene running reinforces, let's not look likely, especially with 12 seconds left. I'm forced to sprint to the point, almost slam that guy with the pistol, and we're going around.

modern warfare iii

Five, hopefully we have defense but I don't think we got any ticks there really not much you can do there it does work the same way I mean if we get a fresh four down we do have defense thank Lord, thank the lord we have a defense I don't have a trophy though so I'm going to play aggressive on this right street I'm going to turn out to be a Sitting Duck I'm going try to work a pick ASAP I'm not even going to throw a grenade I'm just going to throw my son to try and slow him down while simultaneously sprinting up the left side of the street they do build up for pain I think my teammate does.

That's a fresh four, so what's my goal? Somehow, they do capture it, but with only one life, this is not the end of the world. We just need to be perfect here and not give up our lives for free. That guy who gets away—I have no idea where he went; there he is. My teammates are dying, which is not ideal.

mw 2

This guy's going outer, it seems, going to play the pick on him. This guy in B is weak. Unfortunately, you don't get through fences, which is not ideal, but my teammates honestly seem to play their lives here because we're dying too. Quick, the one way that we're going to lose this round is if we just give up.

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