News - New" Top 5 Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 3 Meta Loadouts Warzone 2

You can use that, but for my specific build, we're going to go find a compensator, so just keep in mind that you can pretty much use the exact same build, whether with the VT7 or the cus break, which is going to be my choice. I really love how it stabilized the horizontal recoil. I mean. I for real felt like I almost didn't have to touch the stick when I was using this in the game because it was just so laser beam accurate straight I had to correct for almost anything, so I really enjoyed using that.


Now, in the barrel section, you're going to go throw on the MTZ, clinch Pro Barrel, increasing our bullet velocity damage range and sway. Aing stability making this thing super easy to be able to use next up we're going down in here we're going to throw on once again that Brewing heavy support grip no reason for you guys to like once again use anything else this is just a fantastic under barrel and it's pretty much our go-to for all of our assault rifles across the board we always go for the breu and heavy it's kind of like the Commando forgrip from back in the day in war zone 1 it was just the go-to, on pretty much every single gun so that's why we got that on there now we're going to go on down and once again look at that a 50 round mag unfortunately there's no 60s so far in the this top five but the 50 round magag always go for this don't go for the stock 30 or the 20 I don't even know why this is an option this doesn't make sense but we're going to go throw on the 50 and call it a day right, there.


Lastly, we're going to go throw into the stock section, and what we're going to do is throw on the MTZ. Marauder, Stock so, this is really, really solid, and I enjoy using it when I put this full build together. I mean, I was telling you I was absolutely frying zero recoil, which was kind of ridiculous, so you guys can run it like this.

I've seen other people take off, let's say the brew and heavy, and go up in here to the optic section and throw like the jck glass list. You can kind of mix and match some of the recoil attachments if you want to throw in an optic instead of using the iron sights, but if you're playing like Rebirth Island, the iron sights are totally fine, totally good, so pretty much do what you want but use Jack glasses or go back here and use this.

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That's my full build right there in the couple variations. Now let's move on to our next gun.

Xrk stalker mw3 warzone loadout

Xrk stalker mw3 warzone loadout

Next up, we're giving you guys a build here with the XRK. I know there's some debate between the XRK and the Moors about which is technically better. I know for the Moors, you want those crazy one-shots like that infinite on-target kill range you have to charge up the barrel, which is not exactly ideal, especially if you're playing on something like Rebirth Island, where maybe you're just trying to get a quick shot off, so we're going to give you guys a good build here that doesn't require any of that, and this is going to be for the XRK, which I'm sure everybody has fully leveled up, so we're actually going to skip the muzzle and go straight to the barrel.


This is an interesting one I've seen a lot of people use, so I had to test it out for myself. But pretty much you go over here for the XRK Stoic 4 suppressed barrel, and this gives you the ability to stay undetectable by the radar but also increases your bullet velocity and range, so you get up to that 61 M right there, and keep in mind your effective damage range, which is the top value, is what's going to give you that one shot kill potential, so don't worry, this is not the final.

Of our, like, you know, total damage range, we're still going to get up into that 70+ meters that you're going to be able to get that one shot head shot, but this is really solid, making you super effective and keeping you off the radar so you can pop some kind of very inconspicuous. Shots off if you're going to be, you know, hiding or something else like that, or if you just want to stay off the radar, so it's really good like that.

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We're going to go to the laser section since we're right next to it, and what we're going to do is throw on the Coro lz-44 V3. This pretty much helps your aiming stability and your ad speed quite a bit. Here, your ad speed gets bumped up 7%, or pretty much, you know, you get a 7% reduction, which is good, and then that's pretty much just going to help you stabilize out your scope's not going to be swaying around.

meta 3

That's what that aiming idle sway or aiming stability is, so that's why we have that on there. Now we're going down to the ammunition side. What we're going to do is we're actually going to go throw on these 50-cal high-grain rounds, which is going to further extend out our damage range and our bullet flossy, so we can check this out here.

We were at 60 m/s, or 60 M pretty much beforehand, and now we're at 70.1, which is another 15% increase, and our blow velocity is at almost 1300 M/s, which is really good, so that means that 70.1 m is going to be your distance in which you can get that one shot head shot kill, which is pretty solid.

meta loadout 3

I think there's another funny thing down here: if you go to the explosive rounds, you can get out to 87 M for that one shot head shot. Look at your bullet flossy; it's liter; it's literal trash, so no one ever wants to use that. That's like, so weird that it balances out like that, so you can, if you want to have almost 90 m in one shot and have a trash bullet flossy, go for the explosive rounds, but for everyone else, that's like normal and reasonable, so we're going to go for the 50 cal high grain rounds right there.

Now to the optic section: this is a scope that I think not many people actually use. We had to scroll here a little bit for it. We're going to scroll down a little bit. I'm going to see if I can find it really fast. I actually scrolled past it, but pretty much it's the Hind RoR Hybrid Scope, which gives you a 3.7 times magnification and a seven times magnification.

rebirth island 3

It helps your ad speed and your aim locking speed, so it actually helps you out. It's a nice little double, so it makes it really good if you're trying to pop some close shots off. You know, you're not trying to look super far across. Maybe you're just, you know. Grandma's house, you know, maybe Rat Tower or something else like that, that distance versus maybe you're trying to go from one side of top prison to the other side of top prison, then you can zoom into that seven times magnification. And get a little bit better view so it's really good for a variety of situations, which I quite like, and then lastly we're going to go on back here to the bolt section and of course we're going to go throw on the xrk stalker light bolt which helps our overall reach hand bring speed basically allowing us to get a 50%, increase to overall rate of fire meaning you can get 75, shots off per minute if you were just to continuously fire, without reloading so it helps you quite a bit get those followup shots a lot quicker so that's going to be that that's my full build there for the xrk stalker hope you guys try this one out get some success with it now let's move on to our sniper support to run with this all right now to give you guys a sniper support I'm not sure how many of you guys have seen this one going around but the MCW.

NEW TOP 5 META LOADOUTS AFTER UPDATE! Warzone 3 Meta Loadouts MW3 - Today I go over the warzone 3 top 5 meta loadouts top 5 best loadouts in warzone 3 to use. These are the warzone meta loadouts that will help you improve and drop more kills per game.
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