News - New Top 5 Fastest Killing Guns Ranked Play (warzone 2 Best Ranked Play Class Setups) Warzone 2

The setup is going to be the X12 attachments. It doesn't matter if we have on a sun grenade semtex and we have a double-time bomb squad as well as fast hands and dead silence.

Best kastov 545 class setup ranked play mw2

Best kastov 545 class setup ranked play mw2

Now for class number three , we are going to utilize the cast-off 545; this is a mid-range monster here ever since they removed the iso Hemlock The 545 has kind of weaved its way into the rank and file, and for good reason. Definitely give this a try because it really isn't that good in regular multiplayer because things are available there, but in ranked play, this is valid now for the rear group, and we are going to rock the true track grip.

To bump up that sprint to fire speed as well as aim down sight speed now for the tuning, we are going to bump up that sprint to fire speed to plus 0.01, and we're also going to adjust that recoil steadiness at plus 0.81. Now we are going to rock the cast of Ramah stock here. We are not running the broadside of the FCT.

best ranked play class setups mw2

The Rama is going to be a great attachment for the 545, increasing that aim walking speed and adding more sprint speed. Remember, this is going to be a medium-range monster, so we're going to build this class setup for those engagements, and for the tuning, we are going to bump up that aim out of stability at 1.86.

And we're also going to adjust that in Walking Stability at 1.03. Definitely a great attachment in tune combination we are not running an optic because that's all we need now for the tuna. We are going to bump up the aim down side speed or, range goes now we are going to rock game most which is going to be a new attachment that I really have not recommended until now the Komodo heavy bumping up that horizontal recoil control because that's all we need now for the tuna we are going to bump up the aim idle stability at negative Point 16 as well as that aim down side speed at negative point 52.

best ranked play classes mw2

now for the underbarrel for this specific weapon we are going to rock the shark fin 90 similar to the vasnav build so we can go ahead and smooth out that recoil pattern, and for the tuning we are going to adjust the aim walking speed at negative point 12 as well as the aim down side speed at negative point 26., now finally for the ammunition we are going to rock High Velocity because we do have an open slot which is going to bump up that velocity crucial on a medium range assault rifle here, and for the tuning we are going to bump up that steadiness at negative 4.6 E5 and we are going to adjust the Rico smoothness at negative Point 14.

Once we go ahead and jump in the firing range, you're going to be very happy here because it's definitely going to be, like I said, a quick ad, and the time to kill is ridiculous. Quick on the 545. Secondary is going to have the same attachments as X12; it's going to be irrelevant; it's on grenade simtex, and we have on double time bomb squad fast hands with the silence here now.

Best lachmann sub class setup ranked play mw2

Best lachmann sub class setup ranked play mw2

For classic number four, we're going to go ahead and take a look at the Lochman sub. The Lochman sub is one of those SMGs where you can definitely control it if you are bored of the Vasnav 9K and maybe you're on a hot streak, you're playing with buddies, and you're looking to go ahead and mix some things up here now for this weapon, we are going to rock the lochman TC G10, this is a fantastic fan attachment to bump down that recoil so we can definitely control it at those medium ranges, and for the lochman TC G10, we are going to bump up that Sprint fire speed to negative 0.44 and aim downside speed at negative Point 58 with a fantastic fan attachment in combination with Is it mandatory?

fastest killing gun ranked play

We're not running a stock here; we're actually going to go ahead and remove this for this build. We're not running an optic either because we don't need to; the iron sights are perfect. But we are going to rock a barrel, which is going to be that Falcon Barrel, to bump up that movement speed as well as aim-down sight speed.

This is a fantastic attachment to compete with the Vasnab at close range. For the tuning, we are going to adjust the aim down sight speed at negative Point 36. In the aim blocking speed, we're going to increase this to minus fifty. We have the luxury to do so with this specific build. For the muzzle, we are going to the Bruin pendulum, which is the same attachment we run on the Vasdev 9K.

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We're rocking it on the Lochman sub to increase that, Vertically as well as horizontally, recoil control is going to be a mandatory attachment on the submachine gun to keep the recoil down. We need to do that with the submachine gun during the tuning. We are going to adjust gun kick at minus 20.7, and we're also going to go ahead and adjust the aim down sight speed at minus 0.77.

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Definitely a great attachment, so we can go ahead and control this weapon at those medium ranges to attack other vast M9K users. For the underbelly, we are going to rock that shark fin 90 here again to smooth out that recoil pattern, and for the tuning, we are going to adjust the aim walking speed at negative point 22, and for the aim downside speed, we are going to adjust this at negative 0.62.

And tune combo, and because we have an open attachment slot, we are going to rock that 40-round magazine as a fantastic option in place of the stock because even if you take the stock off something in the firing range, we still have a quick ad, and the recoil is going to be very, very manageable. The setup is going to be X12 Sungrenade simtex, and again for the perks, double time bomb squad fast hands, and obviously Dead.

Best kastov 762 class setup ranked play mw2

Best kastov 762 class setup ranked play mw2

Silence here and for the fifth and final time that we're taking a look at the cast of "762," a fantastic, fantastic. Assault rifle is here in ranked play; if you guys are not running it, give it a go.

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It's a great substitute if you do not want to rock attack No. 56 now for the rear, we are going to rock that demo X2 grip; we are not running the True Tech grip here; this is going to bump up that recoil control. Now for the tuna, we are going to bump up that sprint to fire speed to negative point 22 and aim down side speed to negative 0.65; for the stock, we are going to utilize the broadside fct to increase that Crouch movement speed.

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Sprint speed aim down side speed as well as aiming stability overall. Helping out with this weapon and all of its relative combat environments, here we're going to be able to go out at close range, medium range, as well as long range. Now for the tuning, we are going to bump up the walking speed to a negative of 1.70.

modern warfare 2

And we're also going to bump up that aim-down side speed to negative 3.48. We're also going to rock an optic; I like to rock an optic on the cast of the 762 because this is going to be a weapon that we need to compete with the tap 56 as well as the 545, and having a high-damage AR with more precision is a huge plus in my book.

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