News - New Solo Tombstone Duplication Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies. After Patch" Season 1 Reloaded Mwz

And now our Playa time is going to start. Now on the old method, we would plead for help at 14 or 15 seconds, on this new method we're not going to play at all we're just going to let ourselves die out completely, we're going to run through the whole animation, and we're going to see our XP come up on the screen and you're just going to watch the whole thing play through and then you'll leave the game so let me just show you guys what I mean you're going to see eliminated, you're going to see your mission progress.

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Wait until your XP comes in. Then, once your XP comes in after this, you guys can actually go ahead and leave the game now. Now, if you guys go ahead and leave the game anytime before that, your tombstone is not going to be set. So, as I said, if you guys go and watch the old article and follow the old tutorial, then you guys are going to be leaving the game after 16 seconds on the Playa timer, and it's not going to set your tombstone.

So that's why I'm updating you guys here today, because you guys need to know the new method so that you can actually do this effectively. So obviously, you guys are not going to have another character. Don't worry about that too much at this point if you guys do have another character that does have a large backpack.

mw3 zombies solo duplication glitch

Go ahead and swap over to them so it's going to make the process a lot easier so that the next time you come in game you're just going to be able to take every single thing out of your Tombstone, without having to take money go to the shop get a backpack and then come back it's just going to save you guys a whole heap of time so I'd highly suggest swapping to someone that has a large backpack as you guys can see we don't have any I'm afraid so we're just going to have to pretty much do it the Long Way once you guys have left swapped over your character to someone that has a large backpack, this will be the time that you guys want to bring in an AA blade or if you have an ather blade in your Tombstone, then you won't have to worry about it but this is going to be the time to bring it in because you guys are going to be able to use that AER blade one time and have it forever, now the only time you're ever going to lose that AER blade is one if you dashboard.

Two if you leave the game or three if the game disconnects; other than that, you guys will be able to keep that blade every single time because you guys are not going to be going through a normal xfill in order to keep your Tombstone. You guys are going to be going through one of the ACT missions, and that's going to allow you to keep the tombstone.

mw3 zombies tombstone glitch

It's going to allow you to keep the AA blade, and it's also going to allow you to keep everything that's in your backpack when you fill it. Let's just load up for the next game. As you guys can see, we've loaded into our next game, and we can't see our tombstone on the map. Don't panic, because as soon as we load in and open up our map, the tombstone is going to be there.

I promise you, don't worry too much. So we've now loaded Lo in completely, we've opened up the map, and there is the tombstone. So as I said, if you don't see it when you're loading in off the chopper, don't have a heart attack because most of the time it does, and sometimes it does give me a heart attack.

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I'll be honest with you, but just don't worry too much because your tombstone will be there, and the tombstone is now set, so we're just going to head straight over there, okay? So we're now at our tombstone. And as you guys can see it is the updated Tombstone, with the three armor plates at the front, and the two legendary tools the two dog bones, the one, scorcher case and the one ather blade we're going to go ahead and Pop That ather blade now and I'm going to show you guys how you're going to be able to keep that forever and then obviously we just going to take these items here as well so now we've collected everything from our Tombstone I'm going to be showing you guys how to xfill now I'm quickly going to answer a few questions that I can imagine you guys having around the solo Tombstone glitch but the first question that I did notice a lot when I did post this previous method, was a lot of people asking what would happen if you go down, whilst you're playing solo, now if you do go down don't worry too much you guys can literally just exit out of your game so if you're on PC, just o F4.

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And if you're on Xbox or Playstation, just close down the application. Yes, you will lose everything that was in your backpack, but you will still have your tombstone. And as I said if you are sitting that Tombstone with things that you do need in that game and you do have unlimited money then it's not going to be a major thing to just lose everything because you're going to be able to get everything back that exact game when you go back you're going to have everything that you did have the last game because it's going to be in your Tombstone, and you're going to be able to go and buy your free plate vest your large backpack your durable gas mask all of those things, because you're going to have unlimited money as well so don't worry about it too much just close down the application, it's going to take you about 5 minutes to regain everything back through your Tombstone so just go ahead and exit out of the game now for those of you that want to know how to keep your Tombstone after the red worm, it's really simple and the old method still works I do have a dedicated article for that so if you guys want more of an in-depth sort of tutorial.

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But I'll give you guys a quick rundown of what you need to do from here. You guys can pretty much go straight through the portal that spawns after the red worm. You just need to cancel out of the portal once you get to the black screen. So once you get to the black screen, if you're on a PC, you want to all F4.


Or if you're on Xbox or PlayStation, you just want to close the application. Now that will actually make you lose everything that's in your backpack, if you gain schematics and stuff like that you'll lose those but your Tombstone will still be safe now the best option is when you finish the red worm is to go to one of the mission exils now the only Mission xfill that's going to be available at that time is going to be the act four portal, which is this one right here which we're going to be going to in just a second for this method so all you're going to want to do is go to the act four portal do the same method that I'm going to be showing you right now and that's going to save your Tombstone and everythingness in your backpack so if you do want to keep your Tombstone after the red worm just follow the same method that we're going to be doing in this article, and you're going to be able to keep everything now the last question that I get a lot before we actually go ahead and go to the xfill, is if you guys have a tombstone, how can you complete your camo progression and xfill with schematics.

EASY MW3 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Glitch Tutorial AFTER PATCH! Modern Warfare 3 Glitches How To Get UNLIMITED ESSENCE, LEGENDARY TOOLS, AETHER CRYSTALS AND MUCH MORE In MWZ! Season 1 Reloaded.
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