News - New" Solo How To Set Up Tombstone Glitch After Patch. Warzone 2 Zombie Glitch (full Walk-through)

If you guys are doing this on normal tier one XLS and you lose your ather blade That's probably going to be your reason why you're losing the ather blade. In my opinion, I've never lost my armor blade, and I've never lost my tombstone from doing these story missions, especially filling solo. So we're going to go ahead and wait for the helicopter to come in, just like normal.

modern warfare 3 new

We're going to go ahead and play it out, and when we get the helicopter in here, we'll go ahead, and Xill and I'll show you guys the proper time to close your game. We load back in. I'll show you guys that I still have all my schematics, and then we'll go into an additional game to show you guys that Tombstone is still active in working with the new season patch update.

Now I do think there may be a time where Tombstone might get patched later on because they are trying to do a workaround for, as you can tell, they've already kind of bugged with the Tombstone glitch as they quote, unquote, and hot patched it, but luckily we have a great community that found out how to go ahead and duplicate your Tombstone and keep having it over and over within a couple hours, which is awesome.

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So we're going to go ahead and wait for this helicopter to come in really fast, and then all we're going to do is go ahead and do the fill glitch. This is going to allow us to keep the tombstone in every single game. All we're going to do is press that pause button. If you guys are on PC, I recommend playing in window mode, but if you guys are on console, just get ready to close your game out.

modern warfare 3 zombies

This is what I call a sound queue, so you can either fill it now since the helicopter is quote unquote in the air, or if you want to play it safe. Wait till the helicopter does the 45° tail, and then Hits the black screen with the music in the background. Once it hits the music in the background and you hit the black screen, you guys are good to quit.

Now, I did notice on my second account that if you guys are doing the normal X bills, you guys need to be ready to close ASAP. The reason being that as soon as you get into that helicopter and it hits up, it's straight to a successful XL screen, so if you guys are doing those tier one XS, please be cautious of that when you're trying to do the glitch, but we're loading back in no cuts, nothing like that, and you guys are going to see that we have all of our schematics still there and we have the Aether blade in our pocket.

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So I head over to gear, look at all those schematics, get the ather blade, and we're going to go ahead and go back into another game just to show you guys that we have our Tombstone still there for you guys, so we'll be right back. And as you can see guys showing you guys proof once again, we are going to go ahead and be right in front of our Tombstone for game three, and if I pull up my rucksack, you can see that I have all of these schematics here, so I'm just going to go ahead and drop them as of now because it doesn't look like anybody's really near that needs them.

I already checked with the guy up top, and it looks like he already has all the schematics. So we're going to go ahead and take them and make sure our Tombstone crumbles, and then from here we're just going to go ahead and find a story mission, or if you guys want to, you guys can go ahead and do the normal X fills.

modern warfare 3 zombies glitches

If you don't have story missions unlocked, they would look like this. Obviously. I'm sure you've been around them before, but we're going to go ahead and do this story mission right over here, so we'll go Ahad and make our way right over just like normal, and we're going to close the game out just to make sure that we keep everything at all times.

We will have a new stash article out for you guys if you guys are having trouble. Unfortunately, on my main account, I have not had any trouble with the stash patch update or whatever. My stash still works perfectly fine. I'm actually able to put over what I actually had in my stash; I actually had it maxed out at 15, and now I'm over 80 trying to do this glitch to show you guys the new updated way, but it's not working on my main account, so I'm going to have to make a Smurf account and kind of get that all set up for the stash glitch to help teach you guys how to do the new updated version, but we'll go ahead and.

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Call the helicopter in, just like normal. I'm going to go ahead and cut this part out so you guys don't have to bear to wait for another X helicopter to show up, but as soon as we get on, we'll show you guys how to close out the game and how to keep everything just like normal. All right, so we're hopping back onto the helicopter; it's down to 3 seconds.

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We're going to go ahead and pull out the menu. Get ready to close out that game. You guys are more than welcome to close out the game once the helicopter starts lifting up. I prefer not to. I like to keep it safe, so if you guys want to follow me, I wait until we get to the top. Do the 45-degree angle.

Q Music closes the game out, and we'll load back in to show you guys that I have my ather blade, my schematics, and everything once again without cutting out the article, so you guys know that this is 100% working and legit with the new season 1. Update, Go ahead and load in, just like normal. Man, I feel like I'm loading into GTA right now.

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Holy cow, come on, go ahead, and click on the zombies. Any day boom, just like that ather blade still here, we still got our gun, we still got every single schematic that we had in our Tombstone, and I can keep rinsing and repeating this over and over again. Don't forget to subscribe. I hope you guys have an amazing day.

I love you guys.

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