News - New "chimera" Assault Rifle. Warzone 2 Chimera Gameplay

But yeah, Dead Silence is way too slow to use on shipment. I'm committed to these hip fires. I don't even care; I could have actually just had a hit-and-run quad right there. I should have just aims I don't know if I've gotten it done yet. I think I only need like a couple more; there it is; hopefully that was the last one I needed.

That was a pretty good game. 25 kills with only one fire Yeah, buddy, don't forget color. I'm close to the double kills; we'll put the Aztec camo on because you can't even see this one, so yeah, we're already halfway to gold. To be honest, I wanted an objective game mode. The muting is different; you can't mute everyone; it kind of just skips through now, and I've been having to just mute the whole lobby if I don't want to hear people.


All right, we got to level 15, so we can start going for double kills. I mean, they're kind of forgiving. Luis, you're at level 16 already. Okay that is a nasty drop shot from these La thieves, whose skins they didn't even refund. Like, no. I'm committing to the sweat; I'm a grease ball for life, and I swear the layout of the shipment is like, "It's so interesting how it's like, kind of different but still the same." I'm already level 17, so I have to get kills from behind, but I don't know how I'm going to do that on the ship.

I think it'll kind of just happen naturally, but yeah, another 20 kills was okay. I love being able to pull up the menu and just see how much double XP you have going. That is a really nice feature that I wish was just in the game at launch. It would have been so nice to have for the Orion camo grind, I mean, but hey, we are grinding out the Chimera assault rifle right now.

modern warfare 2

I already have four double kills, and we have one kill from behind, so, yeah, it's going by really fast, obviously. If you're grinding camos in this game, shipment is going to be the best thing to play in most situations. I mean, if you're going for platinum, then I don't know what to say—probably won't be as good as what I'm going to throw on the 45 rounds.

So we have some extra ammunition; I don't think it needs that many attachments. Though, yeah, I could put it on this barrel, but since it's a shipment, it doesn't really matter. There's double noise. I almost had quad feet already, Stinky. Party level 230: Let's go look at all these kills. We've got to get more flags, but, I mean, this shit's going well kill-wise.

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I think I already got my double kills done. I just have to kill people from behind. I'm just going to play the game normally. It's going to be kind of tough to get kills on shipment. It's just going to happen naturally, the camps for a helicopter. Gunner Yeah, I think I know what I'm doing. Are we doing on camos?

modern warfare 2 chimera

Okay, so we got two extra kills. From behind, it's going to be tough. Do the camels just look like this on the new gun, like they look insane? It almost looks like they've updated the Ryan camo again and made it brighter, but I don't know if that's just the previews or not because, like, let's check out the SP.

Okay, yeah, it does look brighter. That is so random, like how the Sab was left untouched, but this thing lost all its attachments. What's weird is that it doesn't actually look brighter in the game. There are a couple behind Kills; let's go, Disgusting, okay, seven times multiple, for what, we're just going to kill Shane.

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I'm pretty sure that was a kill chain. That was a kill chain. What the heck happens so casually? This thing is amazing. I need to get these behind-the-back kills, though I'm just not sure if I'm getting them. Hardpoint is probably the best thing for getting the behind-the-back kills, though just because of the randomness of the spawns, you never know when people are going to show up, and there you go, there's a kill from behind.

modern warfare 2 chimera gameplay

There's flick watch 63 kills though; I mean, it was insane. I needed one more behind the kill. What I'm curious to see is if I have to get platinum and polyatomics for the chimera before I can get Orion. That's not what happened with the DLC guns like I showed off in my last article. If we take a look at the m13b, I was able to unlock gold camo for it.

But wait, they relocked Orion. They fixed that. That is actually so weird, and now I'm kind of mad because I had the M13B in the class and now I just lost the Orion camo, but my camos were bugged. That should do it; that should be the last one from behind. Come on, get those free three kill streaks.

I think we'll have to play at least one more, and we'll have gold camo all right. How are we looking? have already reached the halfway point; hell yeah, let's go. Come on, it's just going to line up right there, isn't it? There you go, there's gold camo; we're done; I'm out; we've got it; that's not the chimera.


What is that? That's a sniper all right there; you go gold camo, and it does not unlock the other camo for you; it is bugged, and it says we have to get eight gold camo challenges with assault rifles. Well, that is just great, and I have to complete 51 platinum camo challenges all over, so okay, but we did it, we've got gold camo on the Chimera, and it only took about an hour.

I think for most people it'll take about 10 to 20 minutes to complete the multiplayer challenge, so you can get it unlocked very fast for free, and as far as unlocking gold camo, it should take you, hopefully, less than an hour. Once you pick it, it will just show the regular version of shipment, but you can see right there in the bottom right that we have the Christmas version of shipment, so let's go ahead and play it and check it

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