News - 1 Fastest Killing Chimera Class Warzone 2. Best Chimera Class Setup

best chimera class

It's super easy to unlock, it's really fun to be able to use, and it's actually incredibly good. That being said, let's get into this, alright fellas.



Let's hop in here and break down the setup for you guys. Of course, we have the Chimera, which is maxed out at level 18 out of 18. We of course have our secondary, which is the deagle, aka the 0.50 GS. We have stem shots that are tactical, but our semtex is lethal.

Perk package 1 package

And the perk package here goes as follows: a double-time scavenger, fast hands, and quick fix. Overall, this is pretty much my perk package. I've been running for a long time, and I had someone comment about me making custom perk packages. You pretty much just have to go down here and create your own package.

I don't know if they just weren't really figuring that out, but pretty much that's all you have to do in order to be able to create a custom perk, package, and Of course, over here in the field upgrade section, we have the Munitions Box.

Munitions box

best chimera class setup mw2

Now it's actually getting here to the Chimera, so starting off here in the Chimera, what we're going to do is actually go ahead and forego a muzzle and a barrel just because we're going to keep the integrated silencer that comes with it, so we're going to go straight down here to the under-brow section, and the first thing we're going to look for is the f-tac.

Ftac ripper 56

Ripper 56. So this is going to be a great foregrip. To be able to stabilize this gun out, this isn't one of those guns you can just max out in terms like your Sprint to fire speed your ads speed all the time just because it's actually going to bounce around a decent bit if you don't actually tune it for some recoil stabilization or actually know the attachments.

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for it, so I'll go ahead and throw in the Ftech gripper 56 for aiming idle stability and hip-fire accuracy. And recoil, stabilization—now, let's actually hop into the tune for it. It actually starts negatively affecting this if even more so, so we don't really have to go much past the 0.37 for that recoil stabilization; it's not of course maybe you'll get a little bit more out of this but you're also going to really start messing with your handling, which is what we don't want to do, so we're going to be okay with actually having it right here, and now we're going to go down to the aiming idle stability side and we're just kind of see what we can get out of this thing and maybe get that I mean look at that I mean you get a little bit you know you get a you know a decent bit but you just start losing, so much there in that Mobility side of things and maybe you get that last little bit there which is kind of what we're going to go for because we want more of that aiming idle stability it's.

Kind of crappy; they end up losing so much of that mobility at least from this attachment, but don't worry, the entire gun will be fine as we're going to bolster its mobility otherwise. Now on the magazine side of things, we're not going to the base 30-round mag; we're going to go throw on the four 35-round mags I've got.

45 round mag

45 round mag

We're in the rear grip section here. We're going to bolster our mobility with a rear grip, so we're going to bolster our mobility here with a rear grip, so that means we're going to go find the Bruin, flash grip that's going to give us that sprint to fire and aim down sight speed.

Bruen flash grip

This is a really great grip to be able to have on this gun. So we're actually going to go throw on the Bruin flash grip now the tune for this thing, and because we're already getting here some of that sprint to fire and aimed on site speed, what we're going to try to do is we're going to try to go for a little bit more of that recoil steadiness.

best chimera loadout mw2

Like I said, this gun has a tendency to really bounce around quite a bit, and it's not that fun to kind of deal with that sort of go for that, and then we're going to go for a little bit more Sprint to Fire speed here to make it so we can be pretty agile. We need here pretty quickly in that recoil and control category, i.e., at this point right here, this is pretty much the best point there is going to be after, that you're just going to be really messing with your handling, which is what we don't want to be able to do so, that's something we have to always be aware of, that sliding all the way to the end is not always the best option.

And then now we're going to go for a little bit more sprint to fire speed, so we're going to mess with this here a little bit, and as you can see, this is like another case in point with those attachments. I mean, look at that pretty much right here. That's the maximum you're going to get out of the handling, and after that, you just start messing with the entire rest of this, and that's not good, so a negative 0.23 and a plus point of 58 here.


This is going to be the tuning for our rear grip now once again to help increase our mobility. I'm going to throw on a stock, and that's going to be the Ravage 8, and this is going to give us that Crouch movement, speed, Sprint speed, and of course aimed on sight speed. But otherwise. So we're going to go for more of the aim walking speed benefits since we've kind of stabilized this gun out here with some of these different tunes and these attachments, so the aim walking speed benefits I mean, you can see if I slide this all the way down, it's still going to pull and you're still going to lose over here, but it's still going to max out all the way to the very end pretty much.

Maybe ever so slightly beforehand—I mean, actually, even though I should take that back, it's not even that bad. It actually still reaches its maximum at the very end, which is pretty much how it should function in this game, but that's not really the case, so we're actually going to max it out at ads speed, which makes it one of the few attachments you can actually max out, just because.

chimera class

It actually still progresses to the very end, which is something that doesn't really happen that often, and now we're going to go down here and go for a little bit more of the aim walking speed just because we're trying to be very agile and very mobile, so that's our goal, and so we're going to be able to also kind of pretty much max this thing out just because, you know, you start losing a decent bit over here on the accuracy side of things like it.

It pretty much chokes on itself pretty fast, but it really doesn't do a whole lot all the way to the very end, more or less. minus a 2.05, you guys can pretty much just slide to the very end, but it wouldn't really matter, and that's what we're going to do. We're going to max out for ad speed, and almost, I maxed it out for aim walking speed, and last definitely not least, it kind of even gives it more of a honey badger vibe.

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