News - New Bas-p Class Is Like Cheating Warzone 2. Best Bas-p Class Setup - Warzone 2

bas p

So in today's article, we're going to be taking a look at the bass P in Modern Warfare 2. So here's the class that we'll be using for the bass P. Now starting off with our attachments, we have the optic and we're going to the Cronin mini Red Dot. Now I do want to be changing up attachments.

Slimline pro

Slimline pro

A little bit, if you want to, you can run anything that you feel comfortable with, but anything is better than the iron sights on this; these things are super ugly. I don't like them, and I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like when using the iron sights for this weapon, they just bounce a lot more, and I feel like having an optic on.

Cronen mini red dot

It's probably a placebo, but I am having the Cronin mini Red Dot on, and then we need to tune this attachment up. We max out on the eye position at far, and then we max out the aim down size speed at -3,000. So, you want to have that on now.

Bruen flash v4 stock

For our next attachment, we have the ruin flash V4 stock; this could help with sprint speed, aim, and walking movement speed.

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Crouch movement speed and aim downside speed: this is going to give our build a little bit more ability. We're running fast around the map when aiming down sides; we're walking faster for those pre-ames, and also that aim down sight speed is up, helping you be more aggressive now for the rear grip.

D37 grip

I decided to add on the D37 grip for that recoil control; the weapon does jump a little bit, so I have this on to help me control. My weapon's not as jumpy as much, but you'll see in today's gameplay that I have full control of my weapon, hitting all my shots and dropping a very high kill game. And then we did tune this attaching up, maxing out on the sprint, the fire speed, and the recoil steadiness.

So you want to copy this down now.

Fss sharkfin 90

Fss sharkfin 90

We're going to go straight to the underbelly and add on the FSS shark fin 90 grip to come up with idle stability. I did tune this attaching up; we almost maxed out on the aim-down size speed at zero, or negative 0.36.

Bruen pendulum

And then we did max out the aiming idle stability so when aiming down sights were more stable and also were more aggressive when aiming down sights, and then for our final attachment I went to the muzzle and added on the Bruin pendulum for that vertical and horizontal recoil control so I have a little bit more control of my weapon giving me full control of my class, and then we did tune this attaching up, we maxed out in the recoil stabilization, on the gun kick control, but this is my classroom for the bass P.

bas p class mw2

I haven't used this weapon. In a good while I've tried using it on stream a few times, but I do not, I don't know how I feel about this weapon, I really don't. Look, he's a little easy—double kill, triple kill. I don't know if this SMG is fair, but I'll have to give it that if I were to rank it.

I think I would have to rank it, maybe because I don't think the damage is good. In my opinion, I think the damage is kind of moderate. It's really midtown; there's a guy right here; I mean, I don't know his headshot. I mean, I couldn't really say anything because I had a headshot in that game right there, yes.

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The recoil is not bad. The fire rate's not bad, but I just think the damage overall needs a buff, and as long as these people do not back out. I think this might be a good game, even though our teammates are playing too much objective here that I don't enjoy. I could also use a larger magazine on this weapon.

I hope I'm dead; it's like, "I ain't dead, but I might be," and I'm very uncomfortable right now. I do not like how they're spawning right there in this very corner, all right. I'm getting out of this position I'm in, all right. I think we're on a 24-hour schedule. I think we need, like, one chill and one kill for, well, no.

bas p class setup

Okay, well, we just completely skipped the brutal, I guess, but with 64 kills, I mean, we still have a lot of time right here. I like this; you know I'm going to say this. I know people are going to be like, "This ain't the number one build," but I truly, truly think that, and I just got some ammo and just got out of there.

I might have to run an ammunition box on some of these weapons. All right, we're going to go for another nuke and maybe some more streaks here. Like I don't know if I want to make like I could really make like perks like perks tier lists or I can make like perks like the top five perks or perks lineups, which you can use.

I guess perk package is the word I'm looking for; that's the word I'm looking for, and there we are, park package. Keep going, though, and get some unstoppables in. Let me get in here real quick, though. 189 we have 103 too. Just looking over at my OBS thing, I dropped 100. Well, we have 105 kills under seven minutes, which is actually really good.

bas p class setup mw2

There's one, there's two, and I love these knives in this game, and we're going for another set of streaks here when we're at 210. We're only at 210. We did, we did, we had 219 Try to do some quick math here. I think we're going to be good. We can get a little bit more. All right, 2: 30. Just keep looking at the time; that's all we've got to do.

We've got 120 kills at the moment, and they're probably going to spawn near me. Nah, we've got to look. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to call the MGB in at 120 kills. Let me see if I can, you know, call these in real quick. I doubt that I might be able to get a kill or so with it, but there he is at 121.

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