News - New" Aimbot Taq 56 Class Is Godly Warzone 2 Season 5. Best Taq 56 Class Setup - Warzone 2

Well, all right, I mean literally a 16-point lead. I'm not mad at this; we're going to go ahead and call our veto in so they can't get lasered. You took one for the team. There's a guy at the trash cans. I don't know where we go. All right, we had a little reset. If I do this right, we should just go ahead and get our double here.

I'm not sure exactly, but we should. A little cheeky spot right there. Throw that right there. That's a kill. Yeah, I literally count four, three, or four. I mean, easy kills, perfect. I don't have a nap yet, but all right, we have a nap now, so one, two, three, and four are dead. No, that's bad.

best taq 56 class setup mw2

There we go. We gotta get a flank here, perfect. Yes, sir, all right, how many kills are at 73? If I get a double nuke, hey, well, never mind; we're not getting a double nuke here, but there's still some time. Let's either get another nuke, or we've got to get 100 kills there. We go all right; that shouldn't kill me.

They're going to be spawning from this side. See, I see that green laser. Yep, easy we'll see when we're at 80. I'm not going to freak out too much because if I start freaking out, I'm not going to get any gameplay, and that's the guy who killed me. Shame on you. I think he saw me, or he's, like, really blind.

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The Snaps are lethal; yes, sir 99, who's going to be our hunter's kill? Supreme is our 100th kill. Let's go, all right? We got another advance. I literally just want to get another nuke so bad, and it's not going to happen. My aim just went bad. I literally just started going cross-eye for a minute.

modern warfare 2

All right, he's in the tunnel, and we still have I might have to start using the ballistics a little bit more. And also, I wish we had more of a was that what's that gun from BO2, the executioners; it's like those really strong shotgun pistols. I wish we had those again, but I'm fine with the snake shots.

I mean, I guess they're the same thing, but all right, we gotta call our nuke in now that I read 110 kills. I'll honestly take that. I mean, I will definitely take that over not getting it; you know nothing, you know. I mean, let's cook up a little bit more here. Honestly, I'll take it that I'm 115.

Honestly, yeah, give me an extra five kills and one more run through there. I couldn't get that, but 115 kills We should have gotten at least a triple nuke there, but I kept choking, fortunately, but honestly, I still think this is great gameplay. Let's go.

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