News - The "new" Best Taq-56 Class Warzone 2. Best Taq-56 Class Setup

best mw2 taq 56 class

Today's model for two articles I have an incredibly high-gun street gameplay experience, along with 100+ kills on MGB and Tech Nuke with Attack 56. So Banger set up, and I know you guys are going to love it. With notifications turned on, of course, shout out to the Noti Gang on screen. That being said, let's get right into this.

The tactical as our Sim shot the lethals are semtex.

Perk package 1 package

Perk package 1 package

Perk match: a double-time scavenger with fast hands and a quick fix I'll produce my go-to perk packaging when I'm trying to go for high kill gameplays, nukes, and so on and so forth, and of course.

Munitions box

I have the Munitions Box as my field upgrade, but now that it's here, it's the TAC 56. We're pretty much going to be building this here for a lot of mobility, which is what I'm really excited about, and we're also going to make this thing very usable, so the first thing we're gonna go to the barrel section.

175 tundra pro barrel

We're going to throw on the Tundra Pro Barrel, which is going to give us an increase in damage range and hip fire accuracy. And of course, bullet velocity is not really going to do much for your recoil or control, but it's a great barrel to make this thing more effective at those medium-to-longest ranges.

best taq 56 class

Grand around using it for a super long range, but it's going to make you more effective, which is always a good thing for having an AR. To be effective at those longer ranges, let's hop into the tuning here for this, so we're going to break this down. Of course, we have the Tundra Pro Barrel here, and we can see its pros and cons, so what we're going to do is go for more aim walking speed and more aim downside speed.

We're trying to get this thing a little bit more agile, considering. About here is the max you're going to have to go to get a lot of mobility out of this instead of going all the way down to the very end because you're not doing much besides hurt, start the rest of this right here, which is not something we're trying to do now, to move down to the aim down sight speed section here, and by the way, you can do this to your controller; it doesn't have to be like super down to the 0.001 but.

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Otherwise, I pretty much tune with my analog stick, but just for article purposes, I do this. Now for the ad speed here. While I move it down, we can see that we've pretty much in terms of the handling, which is what we're kind of looking at, reached our maximum gain for that very quickly and the rest of this just starts negatively affecting the gun, so we'll go right here.

We get the maximum benefit from the handling, and we still keep our damage, our range, et cetera, et cetera, but if we start moving it farther, we start losing that, which is not a good thing at all. On the underground section, we're going to go throw on a barrel, and on the other barrel section, what we're going to do is throw on a grip when that's going to be the f-tac.

Ftac ripper 56

Ftac ripper 56

Ripper 56. It's going to be huge for recoil stabilization if our accuracy and aiming idle stability are good because the barrels, normally speaking, if you run like an M4, would help you with a little bit of recoil control if you ran like the high tower, but this actually doesn't even though it has the largest barrel on it, so we're going to have to go kind of correct that out here quite a bit, and that's going to be the F-Tech Ripper 56.

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All right, now I'm going to hop into the tuning here for the underbarrel section. We're just going to kind of tune this thing out here to give us a tad bit more ability since this is our already stabilized recoil, which is pretty much what we're going for. So pretty much, we have a large majority of our handling capabilities, right about here, and then after that, you just like have some space that doesn't need to be like having that slider all the way slid down, so at a negative point 31, you got like 32, 33, somewhere in the general range is going to be good as long as you're not going all the way down to the very end, that's when you're going to start getting those detrimental effects.

Now let's go down here to aim walking speed and aim idle stability. We're just going to move this slider here ever so slightly because it's not one of those attachments that reaches its maximum very quickly in terms of how much you're going to get out of it versus how much you're going to start negatively affecting the rest of the attachment.

So I'll move this a little over here, but you can pretty much see if we go back to zero. This is a large jump right there, and that's kind of more or less worried about Peaks out for your mobility, so we don't need to go all the way over there and mess up the entire rest of this attachment. Of course, down in the magazine section, we're going to give us our own, a little bit more ammo we're going to throw on the 40-round magazine.

40 round mag

40 round mag

I am a six-year-old mag kind of guy, you know, and I'm saying that I normally love to go for that 60, but pretty much between the 60 and the 40. We're not right now going for multiplayers, so the 40-round magazine works out great, and of course there's no tuning for this now in the rear grip section, but we're going to go add on something that's going to help us a little bit more mobility, and that's going to be the demo clean shot grip, which will help us out with that sprint to fire and aim down sight speed; we absolutely love that for this gun.

Demo cleanshot grip

best taq 56 class mw2

This makes this thing a little bit more agile and a little bit more mobile, as, of course, I like to be super aggressive with my guns. Like pretty much all ranges, okay, so now for the tuning on the rear grip, we're going to go for a little bit more speed on this thing; we're not as worried about sprint to fire since we're going to be getting that sprint already; we want to have a little bit more idle stability, so we'll kind of tune it out a little bit more for that.

We're going to go ahead and do this so the recoil settings we don't care as much about that just because. I mean, this gun's already very stable as is, especially with that you know under the barrel, so we're gonna go a little bit here for the ads speed, and you can see that if I scroll all the way down.

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the NEW BEST TAQ-56 CLASS in MODERN WARFARE 2! Best Taq-56 Class Setup MW2 | Chuck.
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