News - My Favorite Pump Action Ever. Lockwood 680 Warzone Is Amazing. Best Class Setup

lockwood 680

Now I know in the stats it says The Breu Bash Angle Grip helps you hit fire and spread more than the Crownbreaker choke, but if you actually go in and compare the two, you'll see the crownbreaker choke actually comes out on top when it comes to hit firing, and especially T stance, you'll see that it actually comes out to having a tighter version of each now. Even though it says in the game stats that the Breu Bastion is actually better in those, it's not for whatever reason there's just a discrepancy there, so I would just swap out that Breu and Bastion for a guard if you want a little bit more mobility, otherwise this thing is a great build you guys have to trust out as for my overall thoughts on the shotgun.

Overall thoughts

Overall thoughts

Well, as you can tell, I'm a little bit excited about this one. I haven't felt this good about using a pump action in War Zone in quite a while. This is kind of harkening back to the OG days of Ver Dan because you get such good fluid movement, which really does play an important role in how the game feels.

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And combine that with this shotgun, which has amazing two-shot potential. 10 pellets, 10 rounds. It's just that the stars have kind of aligned in some ways, and this is a perfect storm. This is without a doubt one of the best pump actions we've had in quite a while now. I know we had those crazy 15-meter two-point kills in season 3 Reloaded of War Zone 2, which are very good, even though this doesn't shoot quite that far with a two-point.

modern warfare 2023

This is way more consistent, and this thing is incredibly deadly. You have great mobility. There's just not a lot bad I can say about this thing. Yes, the Sprint of First Speed can feel a little bit slow with the Lockwood Defender Barrel at times, but it's not unworkable; it's still totally manageable.

You can still slide, cancel, and do crazy stunts around people, and it works super well overall, though I am so happy with this. This is such a good pump action if you are a fan of pump actions at all and love that cat-and-mouse gameplay style, or if you have to finesse people and show them that you can move like a demon.

This is a shotgun for you. Forget the Haymaker, forget the Riveter, and forget the Bryson's. This is the shotgun you want to show off with. This is the thing you guys need to be using now because it is so good and so much fun, so I'll stop talking about it now, but basically, that's going to do it for this article, guys.

As always, I want to know.

The Lockwood 680 is AMAZING. It has such damage potential, amazing range, great mobility, and 10 pellets.
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