News - My Concerns About Warzone 2i Zombies - Will It Deliver To Hardcore Zombie Players

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You could launch a game with some garbage experience and change it later down the road, but it will be too Lately, the damage has been done. Vanguard's launch and the downfall of their reputation were real, and no amount of Shinon Numa round-based play made up for that. If Modern Warfare 3 zombies follow the same footprints, we are in for a really bad experience, but hey, we don't know it yet.

It might be good if it integrates War Zone DMC and zombies in a way that's fun enough to keep us playing for a year until Trak comes back with the new stuff. I'm sure they are cooking right now, and we might get a taste of what it is with Modern Warfare 3, Zombies, and that was it. Those were my thoughts about it.

I'm still not sure how to feel about it since I haven't played it yet, but I guess we will find out in a few weeks from now on.

Today I want to talk about Modern Warfare 3 zombies. Here are my first thoughts about the mode from what we've seen so far. Let me know what you think about it.
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