News - Mw2 Fix Guns Wont Work Ingame How To Fix Broken Guns Mw2 And Warzone 2 Also Dmz Gun Equip Bug Fix

after patch

Today, we've got an awesome one for you guys. You'll soon have that fixed. As you see right here, we have a protuned weapon blueprint by B-Man, so as you see here, it shows that it's all got the protune tick on it, but it's a custom blueprint with a custom setup and custom attachments. And the issue is, and why it doesn't spawn in game, is because you've got two different tunes overlapping, so all you need to do to remove the one that it puts on overlapping is come in and adjust an attachment.

As you see, if we try and add anything, so we try and swap this attachment out for a different laser to a different laser, it will say that altering the blueprint will remove all tuning and manufacture. Settings do you wish to continue, and you say yes, and what you'll notice is that things still stay tuned because they've got the Tog, and they are still tuned from what we put on them, but it's removed that extra manufacture and tuning that they put on it because, see, this now doesn't have the manufacturer tuning if we save a blueprint just normally like this, so if I change the name, then if we go to PEST.

attachment glitch

All right, test piece, so save this as a test, and now it's got our custom tunes, okay, it's a custom blueprint with our custom tunes now if we come out and we equip that blueprint test suddenly, they've got the blueprints protune overlapping our tune again, which is causing the problem with the blueprint, so when you equip any blueprint that's a blueprint, whether it's a custom safe, you have done and this is not just a glitched one.

This is not a legit, so if we come in, if we come in like this, if I take this off and it says remove tuning and we remove that and say I want to put a barrel on it right and then we want to tune it because I have max level, so if I tune this now. So, let's turn to my settings. If we turn this and this, and we'll leave those untuned there, so we'll leave that unturned and that unturned, and then if we say save this p, e s t test, and now we're going to equip that as a blueprint, so we're not doing any glitches here.

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You're only losing that stupid manufacturer and the tune that comes with the blueprint. That will be the only problem. What your problem is that when you're tuning any gun, whether it's done with a glitch or not, like you've just seen here, this gun was not made with a glitch. If we just come in and out of the seed, we've removed that.

b man

The issue is with the DMZ at the moment. cheval in. Like so, we come across it, and it wipes all the attachments off the guys; now it's putting them in, at least so; but I can go through and equip the weapon, and it will keep it in there, and it'll put it in there at the moment now. What if you go along and you come in here and you alter the receiver, guys, do not do that in the DMZ.

That is what completely breaks it, so if we put another receiver on, say, the seven for you now, we can't equip the gun. So I try and equip it, and it just doesn't equip, so I'll figure it out. Do not change receivers. Guys, don't change receivers and stuff in the DMZ at the moment. Well, for me, if you try and change the receiver on a gun from that point on, it just won't spawn in.


What you'll have to do is go in and try to find that gun in this menu. It equipped it and then equipped it, and it will go in. Silly extra things like, "Why don't they?" "Why did it?" Why do they have this if you can't use it? So we go back, we say "equipped," and it'll work okay. And, then, come in, and then you can come in here and alter your guns and make any attachment onto them now like this guy, so see this gun here; it's level five, and we've come in and we've customized it completely, and then, when you're in CDL, which CDL?

You can see there are no CDL rules in place, so we can't tune. To make sure CDL rules kick in, go back out of here and come back to here, where it says CDL rules are in and the restrictions are up. Save it as a blueprint. Now if you use a base of a blueprint that is protuned, remember once you equip that blueprint you're going to have to remove the protune because the game is broken and puts a plotune overlapping your tune, okay, and that is what the problem is with the invisible guns.


Okay, so you can come in here with guns like the ones you see here; we've got this level five, but we can equip absolutely anything; we can fully set up the attachment like this as you've seen, and as you've seen, we're using them perfectly in the game online. Just come and remove the proton, so when you equip the gun, if it has that or doesn't have the proton stuff on it, you're good to go, but if it says that stuff that it's protuned, that is your issue, okay guys?

It's as simple as that, guys, as you'll see here. This one here doesn't say protone, so we're fine. If it says the proton won't come, in which case when it's like this with the protein and it's a custom tuned one, it won't work, all you got to do to make it work is remove that proton, and now it will work.

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I'll catch you guys on the next one,

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