News - This Breaks Warzone 2 And Dmz. Money Duplication Glitch New Infinite Money Glitch Dmz Money Glitch

after patch

Today, we've got another awesome one for you guys. As you see right here, we had 500 in cash, but we picked up one thousand. We'll drop 500 cash, and we'll pick up one thousand. Yes, guys, we can do it over and over and over again. As you see right here, we're doing it with armor plates. Drop one, pick up two.

Now that we've got more, just keep building up armor. Place guys at work in Battle Royale and the DMZ, so you just need to go and find one bit of money and you can get thousands. And thousands and thousands go off to the buy station, buy plates and ammo boxes, and get heaps of XP for that. Just find some money, and you can duplicate it easily.

Now, as you see here, we've got no shortage, provided we pick up this, and now we have two of them. We can drop the original one that we picked up and do it again, and then we will have three of them. We can drop that original one again, and we now have four of them. It just keeps going and going and going, guys.

b man

Simple as now, how this works, as you will need a mouse and keyboard set, plugged in for this, and be on mouse and keyboard keybinds, okay, I have not done this on the controller yet. Now you'll also be able to deposit the stuff you duplicate to reduce your cooldowns. This gives less XP than Battle Royale, so if you're going to try and buy XP from the buy station by buying plates and things like that, do it within.

Beat Battle Royale, but with that said, let's get into how to actually do this now. How this works is that it mostly works with an item when you first see it and pick it up, so it won't work with items that you have to pull out of a box, so if you have to go into something to get the item, you can't stow it off the ground then.

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It won't work with that, okay, so it's going to work with items that are on the ground, okay? Now, what you need to do is have a keyboard, and you need to set your keybinds so that you have one button for stowing and one button for interacting, okay? And then, what I do is I have if and I have E, and I have F to store and I have E to interact.


I hold my fingers like this, and I push them like that, so, pretty much, you're hitting. I can do it consistently. You drop one out and you hit, and I just hit G and GF because those are mine; sorry, G and F, so I just press G and F. G and F: drop one out G, and F one, out G and F because G is my store and F is my interact, so I'm pressing stove first before interact, okay, so make sure you're doing that, and it now seems to work mostly.

On the very first item that you're picking up when you're picking it up off the ground, now you can continue to keep doing that item over and over, but if you go and grab a different item, that'll mess it up, and it will no longer duplicate it. Okay, guys, so keep going. You can't do it on that item.

Say you've got 500 on the ground, and you mess it up. Go find one more 500 dollars, press G and H together to pick it up, and you'll pick it up and double-drop 500 on the ground. It's not that difficult, but just stick with it, guys; once you get it, it's really easy, it's game-breaking, and as you've seen, the possibilities are endless.


You can have anything in the game with money, so you could have your XP or anything. I want to experiment by smashing that share button and then smashing Copy the link, share it, and copy the link. You don't have to post it anywhere. I just want you to push "Copy Link." I want to see what that does for the algorithms.

Be a man and have an awesome day!

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