News - Must Try" Rpk Class Warzone 2. Best Rpk Class Setup & Tuning

best warzone 2 rpk build

So, in a circle with cover, where is the most advantageous power position that you can be in that is going to put you in the best position possible and that will help you determine whether I need to rotate late or early? So, right here, we rotate it a little bit late, so let's just play cover, and we're just going to play to this little power unit right here.

This little power tower, this electrical tower—what are these things called? I forget so, now right here we look at this and we start going okay, we probably want to get to this building first and then figure out where we're going. The other thing I'll want you to keep in mind at all times is: How many teams are left?

best warzone 2 rpk class

How many players are left? And where are they now, in duos? This doesn't matter as much, right? clearly you know we've got four other teams, we've got eight players, we've got four full teams of two, but when you start getting into quads and you really start focusing on your team, and you've got five teams, you know there could be a full team, there could be one player, and you really want to start thinking about that and understanding those numbers, or you're in a situation where you're the only full team left, if you have four players alive on your team, and you've got five teams in 15 people, you know there's a good chance that you're the only full team left now.

We're going to clear this look at us clear we're not just assuming that nobody's in here; we've got to clear this building; he's going to challenge there; he's going to push in; I push in; okay, now we're in a good spot here, right? I'm going to catch this guy, but I can't really push because he put a claymore down, like a really good play by this guy right here.

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So, I'm just going to send a text. Now, this is a little bit of map knowledge, because I didn't know that you couldn't push from this side. So, I ended up having to push all the way around to cap; he gets one, I get the second, so we're in a really good spot now when it comes to the team Dynamic.

best warzone 2 rpk loadout

I am not rushing to revive TCAP because he still has his own self-revive, so do not rush to revive in that situation and feel like you have to do it immediately instead. Slow down, reload, and just in case anybody tries to push in on you, third party, shut the door if you have to, and then you can go ahead and tap and just finish off that revive now right here.

Once again, we're looking at the three things we want to limit: the number of angles we can get shots from; power position; and cover. We definitely don't have this building right here; we can't get there now. The one thing I will tell you is that because of where we came from, this entire side right here should be clear; we've already cleared this building; we know there's some fighting up here; there's fighting up here, so there are two teams up here; there are three teams left, and I would probably guess the last team is in this building right here because nobody else is on this side or they shouldn't be on this side; so we're just going to play this little hilltop game.


We're going to be a little bit patient here because we're kind of caught out in the open. We're not in the best position possible, but we're okay for now. We're in a position where we can challenge; we have a little bit of cover right here if we need to, and our spacing is really good. We can cover for each other.

We can easily team shoot, and if I start getting shot, TCAP can look and shoot at that guy and allow me to get away. Now, we get a really good circle pull. We've got three other teams. We've got four other people. So if you do the math right, you can figure out exactly how many full teams there are left; like I said, it's a little bit easier in duos now.

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We're down to two other teams, three other people, and we know that one is over there. I'm pretty confident just based on the fighting that was happening before that there's still a team here, right? We haven't seen them rotate just yet, so we're just kind of waiting to see what we can do. There's guy number one.

rpk class setup

Do you see the RPK again? I cannot see this guy for the life of me. This is part of the scope that we're using. Gotta be really careful, but we're able to make a little bit of a move there with a jump straight to the right, which allows us to get away, and now we know exactly where The Last Enemy is, so now we can converge.

I'm going to play this with a little bit lower plates. We've got 15 kills; like I said, I picked up six kills in that end game right there, which could have been number seven here in t-caps. I'm going to snag this guy, but overall as a squad, we picked up a decent amount of kills during this end game, and we picked up the dub, so let's go jump in here to clip number two now this clip right here.

I want to talk a little bit about audiobooks. Quick Clip: Right here, we've got nine kills, 48 other players are off to a good start, and look at footstep. Audio is very hit-or-miss; it's not something we can rely on, but thankfully, right here, I heard some enemies stomping around above me. Now I can't trust directional audio.

rpk class setup warzone 2

You know, this is very much the same as the one in Warzone where we can sometimes hear footsteps but don't exactly know where they are, so, as I finally find, the staircase. I have no idea where the staircase is; once again, we're still learning this map. Watch How I kind of use not only my flash, but I'm kind of anticipating that people will be here with another gun right here so that I may do a article on these pistols, which are absolutely insane.

rpk class warzone

I notice this proximity chat, and this is where we can really start to use proximity chat to our advantage, because we just team-wiped that team but there is still proximity chat around us, so that's a scenario where immediately you have to start thinking, "Okay, where are these players," and he also says something like, "I hear shooting around us," or "There's a lot of action to the south," or something like that, which means, "Hey, there are still people around us." We've got to be aware, and not only are there people around us who are aware of, "Hey, this is an opportunity to get more kills," so you can immediately start to see us going, "Okay, where might these players be?" They might be backing this way, and we're just looking; we're just playing positioning, and finally we get this little window once again, right here.

Absolutely, fry this guy now based on where he's rotating from and who you think the teammate is going to be. My guess is he's going to be in this building over to my right, but I'm expecting him to make a move here, maybe peek a window that he shouldn't. You know your first inclination; when your teammate dies, a lot of people tend to just look at where they got shot from, so that's exactly what I'm expecting here, and the moment that I don't get that now.

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I can really go push over, and by the way, you're going to see these pistols.

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