News - Keep Your Tombstone After The Dark Aether Warzone 2 Zombies. Tombstone Dark Aether Glitch

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So, for example, let's just say we set our tombstone. In this game, we went into the dark EPA, and in the next game, if we didn't set our tombstone and went straight back into the dark EA, we would actually lose our tombstone. You guys need to make sure that you're setting the tombstone every single game that you are going into the dark EA, and as long as you do that, you guys will secure your tombstone every single time, and that's pretty much the method in which you guys need to achieve this it's really easy to do like I said you can do it Solo or with a team if you are Solo, then make sure that you are putting it in the chat before you go down and someone has responded to you so that you don't go ahead and lose all your items because that will suck.

Now there are a few things that you guys should know, so I'm going to quickly cover those before we end the article. The first thing is going to be that you guys may run into a problem. Sometimes, when you enter the dark EA or when you're leaving the dark EA via the portal, your game may freeze, or you might get a black screen if that happens.

glitches mw3

Don't panic if you're on a PC. Just alt-f4 to close down your game, and if you're on Playstation or Xbox, just go ahead and dashboard and close the application to close down your game. When you guys go back to the next game, your tombstone will still be there. Don't worry; the only thing that you guys might have lost in this scenario would be everything that you guys had on your operator, but your tombstone will still be there, so don't panic and don't worry.

Also, if you guys are going to be using this method to go into the dark EA quite often, I would highly suggest putting a tombstone, Perk, inside your actual tombstone. This way, every single time you go to collect your tombstone and break it, you have a tombstone perk ready to consume, and you guys can instantly start the process of making that new tombstone in order to go into the dark EA, saving you a whole bunch of time.

keep tombstone dark aether

It means that you don't have to bring in multiple tombstone perks over and over again. Two, you don't have to come to your tombstone to get your money in order to go and buy another tombstone, and three, you don't have to travel around the map to go ahead and do the tombstone Easter egg if you don't have any funds to go ahead and buy the tombstone per, so essentially, you're just saving a whole heap of time.

If you guys do have a large backpack and your tombstone isn't full with schematics because you're gifting and stuff like that, you should definitely be able to have one space for that tombstone per to make your life way easier, but as I said, this is only really if you're going to be going in there frequently.

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If you're just going to be going in there, say, once a day, then you probably won't need that Tombstone perk in actual Tombstone. And you can probably just go ahead and purchase it every time you actually want to go into the dark. If you guys need help with schematics or if you guys are looking for six-man groups to take on the red worm and things like that, we have an amazing community.

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A whole bunch of people play with each other every day, and people are always drawing schematics, gifting, and stuff like that, as well as myself, so definitely think about joining the community if that's something that you guys are interested in. Anyway, that's it for me. It's been your Bo first; I'm out

MW3 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Dark Aether Glitch Lets You Keep Tombstone Forever! NEW MWZ GLITCH Never Lose Your Tombstone Again. DUPLICATION GLITCH EASY.
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