News - Is Warzone 2 Worth Buying. My Honest Warzone 2 Game Review

And you've got to complete daily challenges and win matches to progressively unlock these things, which, in my opinion, is one of the dumbest things they've ever come up with. I don't know why they couldn't just leave it in the 1 to 55 progression, and if you say something dumb, like, I don't know, there's too many things to go from 1 to 55.


If you unlock one thing, make one level unlock multiple things, or just increase the levels, make the base levels 1 to 75, or something, because realistically everyone got to level 55 in the first week of the game anyway. I digress Yeah, the Army unlock system I'm not a fan of, and other than that, there's not too many other things that I can think of, like I say off the top of my head, that really piss me off with the game.

I mean, there's some weapon balancing. There's some Creator class issues. You know some things that are overpowered and some that are underpowered, but on the whole, I think it's a very solid game, generally. Play really well. The Mastery camo is really good, you know, not just the camo itself but the whole grind, and if you haven't played mod Warfare 2, you've got the Arion grind you can do in this as well.

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So if you're a camo grinder and you didn't play Modern Warfare 2, you've got so much to do in this game, and it's an actual good game to do so as well, not Modern Warfare 2. The UI is a lot better than Modern Warfare 2 as well. There's not a lot of modes that have come over from Warfare 2 either, but we do have some decent ones, and I'm sure there's going to be more on the way.


We've also got a higher-level cap as well. I think you can get to level 250 now, so if there is a time to try Modern Warfare 3, I think it's now during the free trial and during the time it's on sale. I think now is a good time to try the game, and I can sit here and praise or discredit the game as much as I want to, but ultimately it's a decision that you have to make for yourself.

I'm a Call of Duty nerd, and I have pre-ordered Call of Duty games now for probably the past 12 years or so. And you know to say that I'm a Call of Duty fan. I'm a nerd, I'm a shield, whatever; it's probably completely true, but I'm not somebody who likes to shy away from criticism when it comes to the Call of Duty game.

I know what this game is; it's basically what FIFA has been doing for the past 10 years or so, where they update the game, repackage it, and resell it. I know what this is, and I know it's a scam, and it's not fair, but it's a fun game, and to say otherwise, it isn't really fair. So here we are at the end of the article, and I want to answer the question: Is Modern Warfare 3 worth buying?

modern warfare 3

I really think it depends on what kind of person you are. If you're a casual gamer who didn't buy Modern Warfare 2 and is looking for a new Call of Duty game to invest some time in and have some fun. I think Mare 3 is 100% worth buying, especially now that it's on sale, but even at full price. I would say it's worth it.

If you're a casual gamer who bought Mare 2, it didn't click with you, and you're looking to buy Mare 3, I don't think it's worth it, even at a discounted price. I really don't think it's worth it. It's not different enough from Modern Warfare 2 to warrant you buying this game. I'll honestly just wait until tryouts in 2024.

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I think that is going to be a really good CoD game, and I think whether you bought Modern Warfare 2 or not and you spend a serious amount of time playing CoD games. I genuinely think the mul 3 is worth it. Whether you want to buy it at full price or at a discounted price, that's completely up to you, but especially if you're a fan of Call of Duty, I think this game is worth it.


The cam grind alone is a lot of fun, and I think you'll have a lot of good times actually going for it, and even if you don't, if you just. I know, play ranked play if you play Search and Destroy, if you want to play the war mode, if you just play normal modes just for the fun of it. I think Modern Warfare 3 is genuinely a very good game, and if you're going to spend a lot of time playing it, then I think it's worth the buy.

I think it's worth the money, so that's my opinion on Modern Warfare 3.

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