News - Is The Vault Easter Egg Worth It. Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Zombies

Of course, the loot inside these boxes is, you know, random, and your mileage may vary, but you might get a self-revival of much better stuff in there. I was able to get some gold bars; I think I got a self-revival; there were obviously some weapons in there; there was a juggernaut kill streak. There was an elemental drink, and I think that was pretty much it, and a wonder weapon, so not all that great, and obviously if you just spend like 10 to 15 minutes doing missions in the tier three area of the game, you're going to get far better loot, but let's say, for example, that you're not capable of easily doing the tier three area because you don't have the right power up, or it's at the very beginning of the map, or you're in a group of four or you know three, then perhaps this might be useful in a way to essentially get someone you know who's maybe died and get them back up.

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That being said, I didn't see a, you know, increased backpack. I didn't see a three-plate or anything like that, so you know it's not all that great. But last but not least, there was a surprise, of course, and the one piece that we still saw standing on the board, of course. I think with all the tombstones, sort of abuse, and things like that we're seeing in the mode right now.

It's kind of like overshadows, a lot of these Easter eggs and stuff, because those are by far the more efficient ways of essentially just bouncing back and always having a huge amount of money, and you know, loot and everything available to you, but if those are dealt with, that might actually make things like this Easter egg POS and possible future ones that they're adding down the line a little bit more viable and a little bit more.

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I would say it's valuable to be able to do that. That being said, as always, it's just super important to me that you have a fantastic morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you are in the world until next article.

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