News - Is The Vault Easter Egg Worth It. Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Zombies


There is an Easter egg in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 zombies that you might not have attempted or might not even know about, and it's been around since the very beginning of the pre-season of zombies. In this article today, I'm going to explain exactly how to do it, plus I'm also just going to give you my opinion as to whether I think it's even worth it to attempt this in the first place.

Let's go through a summary before we kick off with each of the individual steps. Basically, this Easter egg involves you going across the map and finding four different radios, which you will in turn use to transmit to a vault. NH H7, which is Shahen Mana all the way on the bottom right side of the map, which will in turn give you the ability to access a vault and thereby claim a whole bunch of loot.

Now there's no particular order that you have to do these in, and it largely depends on where you spawn on the map as to where you will start to sort of start doing these activities. And he's riding on the back of one of these Soldier pickups, and this car is essentially traveling. Counterclockwise around the map, following the train tracks is kind of like this route that I'm showing you on this map right now.


I was super lucky when I dropped into this particular deployment where I was recording the footage this was the first guy as I said that I found and I found him right off the drop at the beginning, but essentially you have to either be hitting him from the front in other words you're coming you know clockwise that way you can ensure that he doesn't outrace you because the driver doesn't really stop unless you block him or you could do what I'm doing and essentially drive him off the road and then as soon as you kill this guy on the back he's going to drop a gun F to pick up but more importantly that radio, that you can then use to transmit the signal to H7, and that is the first of the four steps done next up for me was The Rook, this guy actually sits on the balcony of the resort.


At C5, on the map and if you come close to this area on let's say the land side of the resort you will actually take pot shots at you or any zombies that are around you so you can kind of like figure out exactly where you're shooting from, now there's two ways that you can approach coming at this enemy you can go through the actual Resort itself which basically involves you going up the side of the building but you're going to see a lot of traps things like bouncing betties and stuff like that as well as Sentry turrets so there is absolutely a better way of doing this and that is just by scaling one of the to taller buildings, just sort of to the right of this Resort and then gliding your way into the roof by doing this you are skipping all of the traps all of the turrets and you can just fall down onto this balcony here and blow this guy away he's going to have a longbow sniper on him and the second radio that you need to use to transmit.

Now, I think at this point in time, it's also a good thing to mention that all of these areas are where these enemies that we are attacking are situated. Also have relatively easy access to the teleportation. Network, which exists on the map again, something that not a lot of players use, but there's essentially a rune-based teleportation.

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Network on the map, which lets you cover large distances fairly quickly, much faster than you could if you were, for instance, driving or even, you know, going up into the sky and skydiving. For the purpose of this article, I'm not actually going to be covering this teleportation network. Look at my channel for a article that exactly explains how all of this works in the footage that you see in the background.

I was basically manually traveling in between the different points and also did this because at this point in time, when we're at the back end of season 1, there's not a lot of people still going for this, and that's why I felt it was relatively safe, almost in a way to a little bit more of my time, but just know that this network is available to you and that is going to really shave off some time, especially if you're trying to do this solo.

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Third on my list was the bishop, and he is actually situated in this underpass underneath the mountain at D1. So if you go driving through here, you'll sometimes see like a small amount of you know enemies that are sort of like Milling around there, but specifically, the guy that you're looking for is the bishop; he's one of these knife scouts.

Recon guys that irritate you so much whenever you do one of the strongholds, but basically, as soon as you blow him away, he is going to have a Deagle 50 available for you, as well as the third radio that you need to transmit, and last but certainly not least, our fourth radio sits all the way to the top right of the map at i1.

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I basically just call this the house since there isn't actually an enemy that you have to fight here. Basically, you just go into this little house next to the water here, and you'll see the radio that you can use to transmit sitting right there as soon as you transmit it. However, a huge amount of enemies, dogs, and zombies will essentially spawn in the game will essentially spawn, and you kind of have to fight your way out of there.

is the vault easter egg worth it mw3 zombies

Bear in mind that this will also spawn a disciple, so you might have to deal with that as well and not be overwhelmed by all of the zombies that he can potentially summon as well. Once all four of these radios are transmitted, the only thing left for you to do is to actually go to the vault, which, as mentioned, is located all the way to the bottom right corner of the map in Ags Shahen.

Mana, once you get to this area, you can actually go in from the water side. There's a tunnel that gives you very easy access to this vault, and as you go through this area, beware that sometimes there are mercenaries set up in these tunnels. In the footage that you're seeing on the backend right now, that was not the case, and as you come to the front door, or, let's say, the door of the vault, you'll notice the chest board there that shows all of the enemies and all of the pieces that you've essentially toppled.

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You'll notice that there is another piece still standing, and that's because there's a little additional surprise in the vault itself. Once you actually pop open the vault, you'll see there are some loot boxes there, and this is the part, I guess, where we talk about whether it's actually worth it to do this now.

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