News - Inside The Mind Of A Warzone Pro: Rebirth Island


We can re-engage; it sounds like he is above me. Let this happen. it does sound like it's still above me up top somewhere that guy just dropped in down low I'm not seeing anything I'm not seeing, anything there is somebody up top that maybe the guy that I was looking for we'll see now the most important thing for war zone in general is having good centering in all of your gunfights so sliding out and being prepared where somebody should be or could be is number one like besides movement aiming everything else centering his hands down like the most important thing in the game I try to preach to a lot of people we have somebody, here let's push off, this, let's double check for a third party I'm not seeing anything and now you could run over that loot, so 15 left a lot of these games and solos do die out pretty fast which kind of stinks but he got top with a shotgun, , that's got deleted, so obviously the current player count is the exact same for quads, trios, and duos, which kind of stinks because the lobs do die out sometimes pretty fast, but it is what it is, so like I said, the start of the third zone is a fire sale, which means I'm going to drop in here, grab this, and then hopefully set up top to then buy some stuff for the end game and prepare for those last couple zones, so I'm set up top here to see if we can kind of get involved.

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Now that I have died, as you can see in the bottom left, there is a timer, and that timer means that I currently have 9 seconds before I get to come back. To change that timer and have it go down, the things that you can do are grab contracts, kill people, or loot, and once's that timer goes to hit zero again and says active, you can keep coming back now if the timer is still alive and active requ and, say, 10 seconds or 5 seconds or whatever, that means you cannot come back and you're going to be dead and lose, so there are two solid dots here; there is a player on my left and then a player at 10; we're going to probably side over here and get this guy real quick.

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I'm not seeing anything there. We're all going to break him now. Let's get involved here in this fight, and there is a person now, as you can see in the top left corner of the building. Again, the arrows on the red dots tell you a ton of information. He is on top. We're going to break him. Let's throw a n up there.

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See if we can maybe, just a cheeky kill nothing, pop this UAV. Again, we are not seeing anything, so it does. Like you just jumped down did get the kill now there's 30 seconds, until the end of this game here so we can kind of start playing for end game a little bit let's check our map here we have 1 two three on my right person top prison two deep I got this by that is a lot of the end game here so let's see what this zone does now most likely top prison and stuff is going to be the place to play here so let's see Zone does yeah I would probably say most likely I'm going to try to play down from prison, to then control center, so let's side up top here let's see what's going on, now I should have bought a gas mask I really hope that does not come to just absolutely bite me in the butt, but we'll See, so rer I did see four people on my bottom right at Factory meaning they are going to have to rotate up to me towards the Zone, which most lik it mean some free kills for me, and as you can see they are still fighting deep Factory and zone is going to be pushing them out now I'll probably side up top tole to clear the guy that was top prison earlier, gas ising in so let's side up here let's see if we see the guy top, prison that's him from a while ago if we can maybe get us a cheeky kill here, this should be a great a great time for a sniper but I'm going to be honest I can't snipe to save my life so either way it probably wouldn't have matter all righty as that second Precision goes back up let's climb up top and probably get us a few cheeky kills, here all right so there's a still the god top prison we can.

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So now there is no more Resurgence, meaning I do have to play this a little bit differently and a little bit more carefully, and like I said. Zone did pull straight towards the control center, so we are going to probably play down from there. There's a guy bottom, let's get this, kill, and they also are the guy top prison, so we are going to probably see if we can catch him rotating and see what he's trying to do.

Yeah, so that is the guy in prison. Now he has to move before I do, unless he has a gas mask, so I'm going to try to wait until he does. Moves—that's him i'm not seeing anything yet, so we are going to try to take a control center. There is a person in top left control that I just saw zip, so let's try to engage him and take him off this height.

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Let's get him out, so I did just knock him right here and then side over, get my full kill, and let's get evolved. I said, Let's get my full kill. Let's see if he has anything tempered and good for me. Of course, there's a gas mask that is 30%, but I don't think we'll probably need that there's a guy in the storm here.

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Get this kill, get my full kill, and that is going to be the last guy, actually. So really just that easy, a 19-kill win, not a bad one there again. The most important thing is trying to get your money up, always having a load out, and just trying to keep a solid pace with self-restraints. Things like that are happening again.

Solos is a little bit different because you're obviously only fighting one person, and with third parties and stuff, it can get interesting. I've actually had some streaks where, in rebirth, I've gotten 10 wins and solos in a row. So as I die and I'm flying back in, if you look in the bottom left corner, right above my name, you can see a landing.

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The title now means, obviously, as I'm flying in, it's going to say landing. Because if I were able to float and have my timer go to zero and then be able to come back, that'd be kind of broken, but as you can see, once I land, I get a resurgence timer. Now, as each zone goes on, that timer is going to get longer and longer, and if you die before the timer hits zero, you are then wiped, and the resurgence is over.

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Now, the best way to get that timer closer and closer to zero is obviously going to be to kill people. It's going to shrink that timer a lot. If you move around, that timer is going to go down. If you loot certain crates and boxes, they're going to go down. So make sure if you're regaining after a death try to get that timer to zero as quickly as possible, to stop yourself from getting wiped more now this is another point that I talk about all the time is going to be your mini map in the top left now this is one of the most important features on the whole game as people saying all the time like Joe what monitor are you looking at all that kind of stuff if you guys don't know I do sit very close to my monitor, but in the top left of your screen so on your left is going to be your mini map now your mini map tells you a ton of crucial information If you look right now at my mini map, you can see solid, red circles after I pop a UAV.

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That means that the players that are on that mini map are actually on the same level. That I am now if you see a circle and an up arrow, that means that player is at a higher elevation than you are, which means they could be upstairs or on top of a building or something like that, or if there's a circle and a down arrow, that means that they're under a certain floor that you're on, whether that could be in the water or not.

Warzone Pro JoeWo takes you Inside the Mind of a Pro Warzone Player as we drop into a game of Call of Duty Warzone Solos on Rebirth Island.
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