News - Improve Your Decision Making Warzone 2 On Ashika Island. Tips To Get Better At Call Of Duty

Now we're going to get the reload, and as I turn back, this guy is landing again. This guy probably hates me. I am very sorry, but we're going to move up here and we're going to try to take this free kill here as I work up. He's farther left here, but he doesn't have great cover to work off of. Again, notice how I'm behind this wall.

If for some reason I needed to. I could have dove down left, and I'm just always trying to put myself in an area where I have an exit round, so we're going to get that kill, we're going to move up here, and loot this guy. I'm going to accidentally loot the wrong thing now that we're going to keep working towards the zone as I do, and one thing I'm really looking for is some ammo.

warzone 2 tips

I don't have a lot, and I really wish I had a buying station. I never was able to hit my load in this game because it was so hectic, and I haven't had a buy station by me because at this point I actually have 20,000. Now one thing I want to put here is this guy. I hear him landing, but I have the wrong gun.

I have my AR, but notice this very simple move of switching ducking behind cover, and then once my gun is out, now challenging with my close-range gun, again utilizing cover so that we're not taking damage here. Give the down now and notice that as soon as I get the down, I'm not concerned about the finish; I'm immediately going to my next target because I have another thread in front of me.

warzone 2 tips and tricks

We got both down and back for finish number one; now we're going to drop down for finish number two. The pings we got to our left and above us might be floating in, but we're not sure. So now I'm just trying to loot, trying to find plates, ammo, and whatnot, and as I come in, I think I'm okay. My shotgun is not reloaded in Warzone 2, and we have the reload cancel animation, where once you start to reload, you have to finish it; you cannot cancel it like you could in Warzone One.

Because of this, I don't want to challenge this with my tactic. I'm going to drop back into the water. When I drop back in the water and I go down, you can't shoot me unless he has a pistol, which I'm going to guess he doesn't now. It's very, very hard to see this, but he's actually right in front of me on the recording; it doesn't look as clear, but in the game, I can see this guy a lot better now.

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You have two options. You go up to the top, you try to shoot down, or you go for the melee. My goal was to get my first melee off before Fajitas, so I swam towards him to get the first melee off before he could get one, and I'm going to win this melee underwater, or whatever you want to call it. 25 kills in four circles We have played a pretty much perfect game at this point.

warzone tips

I am very low on ammunition though; I am trying to find plates, ammunition, and all that good stuff. Zone is going to be moving here in about 25 seconds as I come up; we're scanning, trying to see if we don't see anyone as I come around this corner, though there was a guy just down the stairs, and he came down the stairs, and I'm going to challenge him forward with my shotgun.

We're able to get that down, but his teammate is right behind him, so we're not going to oversell for The Thirst because he's at that awkward range with a rifle. I could very easily lose this fight even though the broadside is so good, so we're going to immediately go back and reset and start to play, but there are one and two people over here, so now I'm forced back and I'm going to sit in this corner, and thankfully he doesn't push me, so now when I challenge this, guy is right here, so throw the wrong gun out for this fight.

xen cupppajoe

This is where you have to know your ranges if you're going to use shotguns, and I'm going to try to take one shot, but this is just too much of a fight for me to take. Switch this; the guy's right here, and thankfully I use just a little bit of movement to throw them off. We're going to jump at him.

Now this is just pure chaos, and I heard footsteps leave and looked left, but here's this guy now jumping down on you; deal with him. I look left, and here is another one now. One thing I want to point out here, and there's a lot going on here, and I apologize; I'm trying to keep up and explain. When Resurgence and Respawn are disabled, you no longer get me map pings when you down people, so it's very frustrating because that was a team effort, but I would have had a lot more information during some of these downs about where these guys were, but now I have to go back to just simply acting off of visual and audio cues, so I saw a guy to my left, but I have Zone In.

I do have a regular gas mask, but I am trying to reload it slowly because the regular gas masks don't have very much gas. Health! Now look right here when I start to move left here if this guy comes around the corner with a freaking RPG. Thankfully. I don't know if he didn't have a reload loaded or something, but he wasn't able to get it off right away, so now I'm going to work back the other way, but Zone's moving and I only have three ticks on a regular gas mask.

I'm going to plate as we work around, and, hello, there's this guy right here. Shotgun handles him, but this is where I made my mistake earlier. I reloaded my tank 56, which had like 50 rounds, at 60 instead of reloading, I could have had 10 bullets left. We hit those two, but we didn't get the third, and now this guy is right in front of me.

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I'm not sure if I would have downed him or not because he's kind of behind cover and he's at that awkward range for a shotgun, but these two fry me, and I just wasn't able to get out of that situation. Was it him? This was the guy who ended up binding himself, which was super unfortunate. I don't know what else I can do in this situation besides probably try to have the shotgun reloaded.

I think in hindsight that's the biggest thing I had to do there, and I just didn't know that I was putting myself in between two teams. I was just unaware of all those teams that were around me when I was rotating zones. If you liked it and you're new here, consider subscribing. Maybe come check out our livestream as well.

By the way, guys, if you want to know what my Tac 56 and KV broadside classes were, you can check out these articles right here for

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Improve your Decision Making in Warzone 2 on Ashika Island! In this video, I breakdown a 28 kill solo vs. trios game on Ashika Island and take you inside the mind so you can understand the decision making needed to drop high kill games in Call of Duty Warzone 2.
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