News - Easy Tips To Instantly Improve Your Aim On Warzone 2. Best Settings. Secret Tips



When it comes to War Zone 2, there are multiple ways to have perfect aim, whether it's the best class setup or even going over a few settings and even secret in-game tips that you can take advantage of. In this article, we're going to talk about all that, but to start off, we're going to go over the settings, so the first one is going to be in the field of view.

Field of view

Your iron sights are going to look bigger, and overall, what that does is increase the visual recoil that you see, making it a little bit harder to hit your targets and control that recoil. This one is pretty much a regular field of view, but it only takes place when you're aiming down sights, so what you want to do is change this over to effective.

Once again, it's going to make your iron sight smaller, your target smaller, and it's also going to make that visual recoil once again not appear as bad as if you were playing on Independent, but Now, next up, we want to go over to the controller settings, and now the first two settings are optional: the horizontal and vertical stick sensitivity.

Controller settings

So if I were you guys.

Sensitivity settings

Sensitivity settings

I want you guys to change 100. No, questions asked: "Change this to 0.8; by default, this setting is going to be 1.0." I just feel like 1.0 is too fast, like if you're shooting somebody over distance. I just feel like the sensitivity is going to be a little too high. To make those micro adjustments, If you need to, so if you just bump it down two notches.

Recoil pattern

It's going to be a little bit slower and a little bit easier for you to track your enemies, so next up, let's talk about understanding.

Recoil pattern test

I prefer to do it this way just because when I'm shooting a wall. I can see the visual pattern and the general direction that the gun kicks, so what you want to do is change the map to Embassy, go to weapons, and just build out whatever gun you want for this test; we're just doing the M13.

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So we actually load your game. You want to go here, and now from here, what I do is ping this wall, stand about 15 meters away, be at this black line, and just empty the whole magazine at the wall. The recoil pattern is going to look different, as you guys can see there, so I'm going to do it one more time.

So once again, I'm just holding down on the analog stick and moving it to the right a little bit. And that's how we get it from this straight line to this dot, so that's basically the process that I take when I'm building out guns for class setups and stuff like that. Now, lastly, there are a few tricks I want to share with you guys so you can take advantage of the Aim Assistant. Warzone , 2.

Aim assist

Aim assist

So jump back into the fine range. There are two different types of aim assist I want to talk about. So, now you have aim assist with your right analog stick and your left one. With the right analog stick, we all know about that one; it's the regular one that slows it down when you're hovering over the targets.

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But, now if you move your left analog stick like you move your actual character, you still get that same slowing effect right here, and sometimes it rotates your character around them, so what I like to do to take advantage of this is to use my left analog stick as well as the right when I'm shooting somebody, just to make that aim assist a little bit stronger.

aiming tips warzone 2

So what that looks like when I'm shooting somebody is this: If you ever see any of my past articles. I like to strafe left and right very quickly, just enough to get that rotational aim assist but not enough to throw off my aim and completely miss the target. So what that looks like is pretty much it, so I just traced left and right very quickly, and it makes the aim assist that much more sticky, so at this point in the article, just do me a favor.


I can think of one thing I wanted to talk about: my controller. I use a Cinch PS5; it's a custom controller with back buttons. I use a Control Freak analog stick, so what they do is extend the height of your analog; with the increased analog height, you actually get more precise in-game movements, kind of like what I was saying earlier about making those micro adjustments.

So overall, man, this is a high control recall, and this is how I make it look like guns have no recoil, as people like to say.

EASY tips to INSTANTLY IMPROVE your AIM on Warzone 2! Best Settings Secret Tips to Improve. Watch Me LIVE.
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