News - I Used These 5 Classes To Hit Iridescent Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Warzone 2 Season 5

I think just the damage range was nerfed slightly. I did get one hit marker the other day on the upper chest. I think on LSC, but it's not very often you get hit markers; hopefully they change it for the next game where you actually get a one-shot sniper kill. I have tried the intervention, Imperium, but I don't get how the ads are down, so I still prefer the SPX 80.

cod ranked

So into the gunsmith here this personalties, on my cyer build I've got the 22 inch C Cavalry Barrel it's going to give you better bu up velocity you're not really too fast about the Recoil control, you're going to lose a little bit of movement speed here. I think that is the best one to use there are some other ones to here to give you a bit of ads.

Speed—that's just personally what I've been using and what I found works best for me. Next up, we've got the max DMR Precision stock to give you better aiming stability and better ad speed. You might be able to just quick scope, so at the last second, you're again losing a bit of recoil control, but with a sniper, you're not really too worried about recoil.

iridescent class setup

You've got enough time in between the kind of bolt going back to reload the next shot in to kind of reposition your shot, so recoil isn't really too big of an issue on the sniper, and then finally, we got the match rear grip again. Better sprint to fire speed if you do get called out when sprinting with a sniper that could potentially just save you that one kill in Search and Destroy, which when you're playing search one kill can be so key can be so beneficial just to winning those Sear games, and better ad speed again, not too F about the Recoil controller, now this pistol build is by far the best pistol build that I found, so starting off with the xrk, lu9, barrel better movement speed so you can sprint around the map a lot faster and better ads speed again you know sprinting out with a sniper you're instantly at disadvantage with a pistol compared to someone who does have maybe an SMG or an AR so you want to have that better ads speed, to be ready for a gun fight whenever I've got the whole punch of, muzzle on here so gives you a bit more melee damage, again mellies can be very if you sprint around them out quickly sometimes if you're in really close quarters it's better to Melly someone rather than trying to shoot them now that should actually be the XR K9.

This XR KTR9 trigger allows you to shoot so much faster, so I used to use this one, but the XR 9 trigger actually allows you to come and shoot as fast as possible because the pistol is a free-shot kill. This means that you can just shoot so fast and absolutely shred people, and then finally finish off with the cron in rear grip.

iridescent classes

Here again for better, sorry pistol. Fast Draw better Sprint to fast speed and better ads, speed, then next up we got the stun grenade. I'm running a frag grenade just because it's handy to cook grades in certain positions. You know you're sitting further back with a sniper, so a frag grenad but eggs, you can throw it further and you can cook it for longer.

Where 7x is, you can't quite throw for as far, so you know when you sit further back in the map, you want not to have that frag grenade. My perk package, double time with bomb squad so I don't get NED out of any sniper positions, and I've got Focus so I have reduced Flinch when a down sight and extended to refrigeration, and then finally finishing off with dead silence.

iridescent mw2

Your trophies can be good potentially, but if you've got a sniper and if they're planted on the other side of the map and you've got a pistol, you really need that dead silent to try and sneak up on someone with a pistol to secure a kill. So the first three classes are now finishing up. Sorry with the last class, which I kind of split into two.

This is the T56 build. Now I've got two variations, one with a trophy system and one with dead silence, so the dead silence is one for maybe more. Search and destroy, or control, Whereas the T-56 is more difficult to control depending on what role I need them to play. I mean, like I said, mainly when playing SMG nowadays, I'm really a main sub player, so it's not too often that I do use the T 56.

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However, this is the main T-56 build I personally like to use; it's got next to almost no recoil. So we're starting off with a Tund Pro Barrel to give you better damage range, better bullet velocity, going to lose a little bit of ads, speed, and hip recoil control. Next up, we've got the FJX Falcon Pro on the muzzle for that really good horizontal and vertical rehaul control.


We've then got the high velocity ammo for extra war bangs with the ATT 56, which is so important, especially for things like Search and Destroy, because it can really pick you up and key kills. With the demo, clean shot rear grip, better spr fire speed, and better ad speed, losing a little bit of recoil control, and finishing up with the TV xline Pro Stock for better Sprint speed, you can kind of move around them up a little bit faster.

The way I like to play AR is kind of a bit similar to the SMG; I like to run around the map and move around rather than kind of holding key lines to site when I do use an AR, so I personally like the Sprint speed on that tack build. I finished up with a combat knife stun grenade sentex, same per package as my SMG roll.

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And then, yeah, like I said, you got the troop one and the dead silence one depending on when you need it, so it's just handy rather than having to sit there and game go all the way along and change my field upgrade. I can just quickly switch between the two classes, which definitely saves, you know, a few milliseconds, which could just mean you get to a bomb site slightly faster if you already spawned up.

mw2 best ranked play classes

So guys, there're all the classes I used to get at Iridescent. Hopefully, you can use these in your own game play and climb up the ranks in mod rank PL.

In this video, I show you the best 5 Classes I used to reach Iridescent in MW2 Ranked Play Season 5! In this video, I go over the best ranked classes inlcuding the SP-X 80, MP7 VEL 46, TAQ 56 and the Vaznev.
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