News - I Turned A Pistol Into An Smg Warzone 2 Zombies. Easy Tier 3 Zone Solo

Try and put in some early work on him to see how much damage we can get before that Decoy runs. Out and that's what I mean, like there's so many other weapons that would have done so much damage in that time, and we' have been set, but this weapon doesn't seem to put that damage output out to hem.


As I said it's really good when it comes to crowd control it can take out these zombies with no problem but we do want something that can take out zombies no problem and can also take out the HPT, so I would say that this would be really good as a secondary weapon as like a crowd control secondary weapon as long as you had a weapon that could take out the hvts with no problem so for example you guys could pair this with something like the Tona and it would be really op, so you could use this to pretty much run around because the mobility is really good so you can run around tier three and the dark EO with no problem and then when you come against like hvts and stuff like that you guys can just swap over to your Tona which is super overpowered against hvts.

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And then take them out with no problem at all that's what's going to make running something like this really op, but if you guys are literally just solely going off of the gun itself then is you're going to have some trouble when you are using them against some hbts especially in like the tier three Zone and stuff like that it might be good against the hvts, in the lower threet zones but you guys don't want to be popping a legendary tool and a triple pack a punch just to be able to take out hbts in tier 2 that that's pretty much backwards you know what I mean and this to say is very stubborn man he does not want to go down honestly I'm having some real problems here okay so this disciple really doesn't want to go down he just keeps on regening health I'm trying to get his , crit hits but as you guys can see I got his crit hit just there and it didn't do anything and then by the time we're going to be able to deal with these zombies and then start hitting him again he's going to regen.

Health, we're trying to do our best we can here, but it just doesn't seem like a really great option to be totally honest with you, as I said, especially not when it comes to these HBTs. I haven't retreated on a bounty contract in a really long time; I haven't had to, but I feel like with this, I might actually have to retreat, guys.

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His health is not going down at all. This is just terrible. Look, we broke. We got a crit hit, and nothing happened. Okay, I think I might have to accept the feat if this guy over here can help me take him out. That'll be amazing because I have no more bullets. And it doesn't look like he's going to I would have loved to finish this cont trat but there's no point of standing here for this long of a Time sort of going over and over with this disciple when he just keeps on regening health off his zombies, and off of me and look we're out of bullets again and that's just from trying to do some crowd control so I would say this is a really good weapon to use because it is a pistol at the end of the day you're getting 100 bullets out of a clip for a pistol which is absolutely insane but you guys just need to be aware that if you're running it by itself it's not that great you need to pair this with something that can take out the hpts, with no problem and if you guys do actually go ahead and pair this with something that's really overpowered like the TOA it's going to make it a really overpowered class setup but if not then it's going to be pretty mediocre, because it can't take out hpts by itself.

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Okay, so we're just running around, and we found a massive Abomination here, so we're just going to go ahead and try and take out this Mega. We have gone ahead and refilled our guns, so our guns are at max ammo, and we're only going to try and take out this Mega when he shoots his eye. We're going to try and do the crowd control with the AA blade, which should kind of work as long as we don't get swarmed by them, and at the same time we managed to take out an eye, which was pretty quick.

We're just going to run with our fists out until we start shooting. Now we could go up there and cheese it a little bit, but I would just much prefer to do it this way, and let's try and pick up any armor shields and stuff in the process and any bullets in the process. And he's going to shoot again.

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Let's get behind this, Car, so we're doing all right with this Mega Abomination; not hard at all, I mean, it's pretty decent against the Megas. I guess I feel like the disciple; maybe it's just because I wasn't getting a chance to put all my bullets into him, but at the same time, those critical hits weren't doing much at all, and normally you'd expect those critical hits to do something, so he's about to shoot again.

Let's get this other eye nice. We also have another guy here shooting; he's trying not to go down. Come on, shoot me. I'm shooting you all right there. Here we go. Here we go. He's going to die. Now this is his death. There we go. Nice and easy; this guy just came and tried to take all my stuff, so it handled Mega pretty well, I would say okay, so closing fors whilst we're on our way to the xville.

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I would say that this is a really good weapon to use. You guys can have a lot of fun with it, and to get the most out of it, you're going to definitely want to pair it with something that is pretty open P against hvts. So as I said already, something like the Tona that's really good against bosses—if you guys run that with this, then you're going to have a whole heap of fun.

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The gun is really good by itself; I mean, it's really good at crowd control and has really good mobility. It's really fun to use; it's a pistol, and with the conversion kit, you get to have 100 bullets, which is just absolutely amazing for a pistol. It performs really well, but obviously, guys, with the HBTs, it's just not as powerful as some of the other options out there, for example, like the tears.

With the tears, you can wreck whole hordes of zombies, and you can also wreck HVTs. With this, you can pretty much wreck hordes of zombies, but you just can't really wreck HVTs. Like that, I mean, it's okay; it definitely takes some of them down. I was able to take down two Mega Abominations, a few manglers, and a few mimics, but it's just terrible against disciples for some reason.

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Maybe that's just me. Maybe it's my class setup. Who knows if you guys are having different experiences with this weapon and you guys can take down HVTs without a problem? I did try to hit the disciples weak spot, and every time I did hit the weak spot, and we knew we hit the weak spot because we got the sound, it didn't do anything to the hell, so I'm not too sure, but as I said in my closing thoughts.

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