News - I Tried The Warzone Loot Challenge

Not only did I have a good time while playing with the strategy, which I would say even for myself is a bit unusual; I usually like to try hard a little bit more, but I actually did great, and I felt like I could play pretty competitively. While also taking more of a relaxed approach to the game in most of the matches I was holding my own against fully geared up enemies and even squashing some squads here and there on my own this match here actually ended up getting really dire as the final few circles started to Bear down on us one of the guys in my party had to go AFK, against the final enemy Squad of two players and while it might have put us on a bit of equal footing in terms of numbers the other Squad had much better positioning on a rooftop, when my squadmate was down I genuinely, thought I was about to get sent back to the menu with another second place finish, as I was caught in a pretty bad position but somehow I managed to kill the final enemy and get my win with the anniversary weapon blueprint build and I got to say seeing Snoop Dog in the victory cinematic is icing on the cake a very Cod moment if you will now a lot of my matches ended up with like some really close second place finishes.

And I never felt like I was getting outplayed due to having worse gear. My setup of going for free weapon blueprints and floor loot was really effective. And, at no point did I feel like I was raging against OP meta builds and stuff, which can be a thing in COD sometimes, but at least for when I was playing, it just felt really clean the whole way through, so yeah.

I've been having an absolute blast getting back into Call of Duty Battle Royale. It's really impressive how massive these seasonal updates feel, especially when you compare it to just about any other game out there, and I got to take my hats off to the de for designing an incredibly well-balanced map as well.

I highly recommend it. If you enjoyed this content, drop me a like. Bell to beat the YouTube algorithm with me as always, guys.

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