News - I Created The Lowest Recoil Sidewinder Class Warzone 2. Best Sidewinder Class Setup -warzone 2



now I have had several people beg me to do a article on The Sidewinder since the game came out, and here's what I can tell you: the weapon is not very good. It is a very high-damage and slow-firing weapon, so I guess in certain situations it's going to be better than others, but you are in a lot of situations where faster-firing automatic weapons are just going to outgun you, and on top of that, the recoil pattern is pretty bad.

I've seen some articles out there where people are claiming that this weapon is overpowered. 100% not the case. I found a way to limit the recoil as much as possible to make it easier to use. It's going to be most effective in the medium range, but just keep that in mind. You're not going to want to be taking super long-range fights because the recoil will just kind of go too sporadic in close range.

best sidewinder class

You don't really have a chance in hell unless you have your gun up quicker than them. simply because faster-firing weapons are going to outgun a weapon like this. Let's get into the attachments.

Lowest recoil class

So starting with a stock here, obviously we're going to be targeting recoil when it comes to The Sidewinder.

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I'm sure if you're watching this article, you've used it and you're looking to improve your build, so recoil is going to be the number one priority here. The RB Regal heavy stock is going to be the best option in the stock category; it's going to give you aiming idle sway, gun kick control, fire aiming stability, and an increase in your aim-down sight speed.

I'm mainly targeting that gun kit control and fire aiming stability, but the other two are nice additions as well, so if we go over here to our statistics, we get 14.5%, or sorry, 14.9%, towards your gun kick control, 5.4% towards the horizontal recoil control, and 7.3% towards the vertical recoil control now for a rear grip.

best sidewinder class mw3

A 100% necessary attachment is the RB Borealis grip. It's going to give you fire-aing stability, gun kick control, and recoil control at the sacrifice of some aiming Idol sway, which isn't honestly too big of a deal simply because we just kind of made up for that with the stock there. It's a pretty steady weapon overall, nonetheless, looking at these statistics here.

14% towards your recoil control gun kick control, then we have 10.6% towards the horizontal recoil control and 11.2% towards the vertical recoil control now for an underbarrel. I have the Brewing pivot vertical grip. This is going to give you the largest increase in your vertical recoil, along with gun kick control.

It is going to slow down the weapon, though, which isn't that big of a deal. It's not a fast-paced weapon, and you shouldn't be going head-on into gunfights with this thing because of its vertical grip. We're going to look at these statistics here. It's going to give you 16.2% towards the gun kick control and 13.3% towards the vertical recoil control.

best sidewinder class setup

Now for a musle, it is going to be a Modern Warfare 2 option in the Tempest GH50, and that's just simple: this gives you the most bang for your buck. You are sacrificing aim-down sight speed once again, but unfortunately, that's a trade-off you're going to have to make when you have this weapon you can see with a value here of negative 26.9% toward your gun kick control.

best sidewinder class setup mw3

10% towards your horizontal recoil control and 27%. Towards your vertical recoil control, it makes sense, right? yes you are unfortunately having to sacrifice 14.8%, of the aim down sight speed but if you want this weapon and you want to be successful with it you are going to have to make trade-offs like that one and our final attachment is a barrel with the Tempest Predator Precision Barrel giving you an increase to Bullet velocity recoil control gun kick control and aiming idle sway, so I don't really feel the need to increase the damage range on a weapon like this and it's quite simple you're not taking, 40 meter fights you're just you're not really going to be that successful with it yeah there's situations where you could possibly win that fight but other weapons are just going to be easier to use so the damage range overall really isn't that awful I would say it's in the range that it needs to be so fun; in fact, it does increase your damage range by 12.5%, which isn't all that crazy; it's not too much, but it's going to bring it up to 21.4.

For your effective damage range, which is about the range. I would say the 20 to 30 m range is where you're going to be wanting to use it, and then the minimum ma or the minimum damage range is 41.4, meaning it's going to take a consistent amount of bullets after 41 MERS to get a kill bullet velocities increase as well, but that's not really why I'm targeting it.

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The biggest reason I chose it is for that extra recoil control, where it's 12.7% toward your gun kit control. 14.7%, towards the horizontal recoil control, and Nega 14.3%, towards the vertical recoil control. So here's all of your attachments on the screen if you guys wanted to pause and copy that down.


I know I'm going to get some questions about people asking me why I'm not running an optic, and I'm going to show you exactly why right now. I find that the visual recoil when it comes to an optic is just far too hard to control, so I'm going to quickly go to the firing range here, and you guys can see what I'm talking about, so when you have the iron sight, it's just the typical MCW iron sight you can see.

It looks pretty steady, but when you get to long ranges, like I stated, it does get a bit harder, so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to take off the least amount of recoil control, which is going to be the stock there. We're going to Chuck on just the Slate reflector, and you can see that it has a much more bouncy feel and attitude towards it, like it's just kind of like it's just a little harder to control in my opinion, and I think you're just going to have more success using the iron sights there, so here is the rest of the load out.

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I 100% think it needs a buff, and I feel like a lot of you are going to be in agreement with me. I don't exactly know how they can buff it, whether it would just be simply recoil control, because if they raise the fire rate, it's not really going to benefit. That's what this weapon is good at. As always, let's get into the gameplay.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

Triple swarm

Triple swarm

So I've seen some wild takes about The Sidewinder, about how this thing's not that bad. It's no recoil. Brother, they're lying to you respectfully if somebody is telling you this gun's got no recoil or it's overpowered. I'm going to keep it a buck with you; they are. Lying, here's the thing: it does do a ton of damage, like that's one thing it's got going for; it's very high damage, weapon, lead, but outside of that Nah, now I'm still, as always, going to feature it.

I created the LOWEST RECOIL Sidewinder Class in MW3! Best Sidewinder Class Setup -Modern Warfare 3.
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