News - I Built The Kar98 Warzone 3

They're literally not moving; they just moved. They jump down. Second Story God, this is annoying. I don't really know how to get up there, so I'm just going to do this again. I'm going to be a very sneaky boy, D, and they will never hear me coming. They look like La and Boob. Well, they jumped off.

Great love now I leave, and I go get my load out. That four-wheeler just got out right there. Good Lord, there are just people everywhere. Let's throw out a recon drone. It's okay i'll figure out where everybody is. Now I'm being pushed by the other guy. I think yeah, he's right there, okay, and I saw a sniper in the distance.


Okay, I'm calling it in because the other side of me was very hot and heavy, and I just want to get this stuff before I die. Going to be H, are you kidding me? I need a balloon. Where's a balloon? I genuinely don't think I can get that load out. I don't i think it's pretty shocking now that I have to go fight.

All the good people, I suppose the good news is that if I die, I have a load out on top of a water tower to come back in from the go. Lo and get someone's doing a recon up there, you know what? I might just leave them to it; they're all the way on the roof. I don't know why they're doing it, and I'm just going to let them have fun.

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Plus, now that I have my guns, I can go back and kill them. I could take a little zipper. Over here, really surprise him. Give him the old bamboozle. There's a zip on top of this building. Maybe we do that. Did they stick around? God, it's a riot shield player. I don't know how this is going to play out, guys.

warzone 2

I don't have battles hardened on. I'm not going to do the dumb thing once in my life. Yeah, I'm not going to go chase the riot shield player. I'm going to deal with them towards the end of the game. If I'm lucky enough to make it that far, I didn't see a gun on their back. I don't think they're one of the crazy Shield players, so I want to go around and snipe some people, so I'm going to try to get onto this balloon without getting shot at, and then go somewhere where I actually see people.

We know there are always people in Old Town, so let's go that way, which I'm so upset about. That UAV that's so clutch now—let's call this anybody. Please tell me there's like some place where there's no one around me. Ah, we have a ghosty boy. I saw him right there. I don't want to talk about it, but hey, what do you know?

warzone 3

I have a load out in zone amazing. I'll see if this guy's still just chilling over here; he's not. There's somebody i don't have full plates, but I'm going to see if they get closer because I want to get a kill with this thing I don't want to get. I know you're in the car. I know you're right there.

I know now I have low ammo, so now I'm leaving; that guy's got a better shot than me, apparently. That's really impressive. What they just did was heartbeat sensor massive love that for me. I'm assuming they're going to push me because they seemed really good and I definitely shot at the wrong kind of player, so let's put that down, then grab my heart sensor back.

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They just called in a streak. There they are. How should we play this guy? That is the million-dollar question for which I have no real answer. Someone's on the roof right up here. St., and that's fine because I have a J. This guy is the same person who killed me. 11 kills a good Lord. How much, Aderall, did you snort holy?

I hate this gun. I hate it a lot. 12 kills; they could easily get 25 if I don't do something here. I died around Oldtown. I died, right? Don't you dare say that you splattered, okay? Well, let's see if my stuff's still here. That would mean my gas is inbound. Wait, why do I have their stuff?


No, I don't want it. I don't want their stuff. I want my stuff. I don't want their stupid, cheesy gun. I want my own stupid, cheesy gun. Luckily for me, there's a buy station close, so I'm going to put out this recon drone and go see if I can buy it. I lied about the recon drone; I'm just feeling impatient.

Where's this guy going? away, now I put out the Recon drone, I bought my gun, and let's see where some people are. Only Uno, that's surprising to me, but I guess we can get up here and hold them potentially okay. There's another one on top over there, and here comes a car. I think the car is trying to hold them.

I just saw him up top, so now I get to play this like a weenie. Now that I understand the 100-round mag, I didn't even have to reload a mosquito drone over the spy station, and I just looted hidden cash through a wall self-revive and a durable I'll take it. This is about to be a very unfun rotation.

I'm going to have to put on my durball because I might end up getting stuck in gas, and I don't want to choke on it. There are only 19 people left. Here goes nothing. I saw someone floating on that building right there. There is this zone. Let's see, kind of. I respect that, Dead. Yeah, who knows?

No, I'm dead. That's the same person I was down in the car with, and I couldn't get it clean because everyone under me has the damn MTZ Interceptor. It's one-vs.-one for the win. They're just going to throw grenades at each other and MTZ Interceptor themselves to death. That's a very unlucky lunge.

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I don't know how you didn't die to the new Okay, well, there we go. Is it the actual Kar98? No, but it's the closest thing we can get. Here's the loadout. I obviously have a bit of a learning curve on this thing. Hopefully, you pick it up quicker than me.

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