News - Huge Warzone 2 Season 2 Content Update Patch Notes, Changes & New Features. Warzone 2 Update 1. 38 Download

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The death location highlight player's death skull icon appears upon redeployment. And remains visible until the player has landed. When the player has landed, the death icon will stay for an extra 10 seconds if they have landed near it, and then they mentioned lootable grenade visibility. Loadout markers and smoke Gren are now easier to spot as ground loot as they are now up right and slightly elevated from the ground this will now match the behavior of a Deployable by station grenade when they are on the ground Auto equip stowed kill streaks players will now Auto equip the next available kill streak that is stowed, in the backpack if a matching one is not found, live ping fade while players are aiming down site live enemy pings will now Fade Away sto equi perk packages another quality life change players can now sto their equip perk pack Battle Royale years EXT stand bu station Shuffle bu station locations across your's extent have been updated, to refresh the gameplay Loop and combat scenarios the number of available buy stations remains unchanged for the goolock loadouts update the weapon builds for all weapons in the go Lo the item drops decrease the chance of a portable radar and suppression mine appears in the ground Loop by 30%.

mw3 season 2

The Champions Quest progress will be reset at launch for season two, with the use timer decreased to 10 seconds down from 15.

Warzone weapon balance changes season 2 update

Warzone weapon balance changes season 2 update

Chopper Health increased by 10%, and then they also change the order of the elements you'll need for Resurgence the gulock token has been removed from the resurgence, loot table which makes sense and then for vondo dynamic fog system will now only be present in 8% of games when it used to be 24, the loot density in the smaller or more dense pois, the loot density has also decreased these are all the war zone weapon adjustments we've reduced The Recoil on all weapons while using them in tact stance a number of improvements have been made to MW2 weapons as well and they mentioned for ARS they increase the movement speed while aiming down sight battle rifles increase the movement speed while adsing and crouching same with the marksman rifles and then for the lmgs.

mw3 season 2 content update

Increase movement speed while aiming downside while Crouch and while strafing; sniper rifles increase movement speed while ading Crouch and while strafing; and then for the AR, the ram 7 mid damage was reduced to 24 down from 28 and the minimum damage was reduced to 22 down from 25. For the MCW, they increased the ad sight time to 265 and the sprint to fire to 252.

mw3 season 2 download

The hoger increased ad sight time, and then for the TR76. Guys, the headshot damage multiplier modifier has been reduced to 1.25. Upper torso damage modif fire increased to 1.15. And the same thing to the arm and hand damage modifier for the battle rifles the bass B maximum damage reduced to 30 down from 35 increase Sprint to fire to 252, from 231 increase the ads sight time from 270 up from 260 increase the hi fire spread minimum so this gun got a Nerf the MTZ 762 semi-auto override has been removed so now it does the same damage and semi-auto as it does an automatic, side Winder increase bullet velocity to 600 decrease The Recoil and gun kick significantly and the Jack Thunder lmg kit increased delay before accelerated rate of fire begins decreased accelerated rate of fire Decay rate and increase the gun kick control and recoil control for the SMGs the HR M9 Max damage reduced to 12.9 down from 16.5, that's a very big Nerf the wsp 9 Max damage range increase to 18 from 16.5, near Mid damage range increase from 26 to 22 decrease the ads sight time 220 down from 240 The Brood mother 45 kit decrease ad s sight time to 241.

And decreased the movement speed penalties by 50%, so the wp9 definitely saw a nice buff. The shotgun lock with 680 mid damage reduced to 30 Defender heavy long barrel increased Sprint to fire time penalty to 30%, the Haymaker 12 gauge dragon breath attachment Max damage range decreased to 2.9 from 3.5, and the near mid damage has been decreased.

mw3 season 2 patch notes

The Riveter near mid-damage range decreased, as did the 410 gauge incendiary. Max damage range decrease to 2.5 down from three and the near mid-damage range decrease increase the Bryson 890 mid damage range reduced the KV broadside decreased Sprint to Fire and ads sight time the lock with 32, gauge dragon's breath so this only the attachment Max damage range decrease and the near mid damage range decrease the MX Guardian 12 gate dragon's breath attachment maximum damage decrease and the near mid damage decrease for the lmgs the pulat only the Jack Annihilator kit was U changed near Mid damage set to 32 which is a new variable near Mid damage range set to 38.1.

And minimum damage reduced to 30 down from 30 4 the attack evolver Max damage increased to 34 from 26 which is a big buff Max damage range reduced to 30.5, down from 45, near Mid damage range 29 new variable near Mid damage range 45 is new and then minimum damage increase to 26 up from 20 the attack eradicated the increase to Sprint to fire time but then they said that twice and gave two different numbers so I'm pretty sure the second one is for something else maybe the aim down sight time and then the 5.56.

mw3 season 2 update

Ioras decreased to Sprint of fire time, and the raw mg decreased to Sprint of fire time, decreasing the ads sight time, and for the RPK, decreasing the ads sight time to two or to 380 down from 410. Marksman rifles, KVD enforcer, decreased headshot multiplier damage, MTZ interceptor increased the sprint of fire time, increased the ad sight time, and decreased the neck multiplier.

And then for the perks general adjustment, several perk descriptions have been updated, so the flex perk revised audio levels while equi the irradiated will not reduce gas damage by 20% up from 10%, allowing players to replace armor plates, while in the gas battle. Harden will now share the resist icon with the killstreak owner when a player resists the guardian.

mw3 season 2 weapon balance

Quick Fix will now correctly begin regenerating health when the player inserts an armor plate shrouded. The deployed smoke grenade has a slightly randomized offset, so now it is not deployed directly on top of the player couple of equipment changes the Claymore following related Buck fix players can now expect following damage values from Claymores Clos damage 170 far damage 100 for the C Force throw velocity increase and the charge can now be thrown between 5 m to 15 M based on the type of throw breacher drone Clos damage decreased to 175, down from 200 and for frag grenades they did a buff close damage increase to 275.


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HUGE MW3 Season 2 Content Update Patch Notes, Changes New Features! - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Update 1. 38 Download.
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