News - How Youtubers Always Have Easy Lobbies. Warzone 2 No Sbmm


Our top player was 25, theirs was 28, then 20, and then 28 again, so it's just a lot more balanced. When playing with this and then this one right here, I had the most kills at 48. We still lost we still lost but I had the most kills at 48, and it's just again a lot more balanced. In terms of kills, our team actually ended up getting more kills and stuff than their team, but no one was playing the objective and stuff, and it's just that it's a lot more fun to play like this, so it should go to show you that, it just makes the lobby more balanced, it doesn't throw you on the noob team like it always does just crazy the way it always does that and your friends will enjoy playing again, like they're not going to be the worst players in the lobby if they're not that great to begin with, so in all fairness and a big bonus.

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It gets rid of packet bursts; at least that's what I've noticed when playing that Packer burst I had. It was crazy, and that was one of the big reasons why I went ahead and got this and started using it. It was just because of that Packer burst every single game I would join, no matter what it was—every single game for the first 2 minutes practically.

I would just lag and lag and lag and lag, and it was crazy. It just works; it makes the game fun; it's just great to play overall. Now the worst part is that some of the world's best players who play this game who have ever touched this game are actually complaining about skill-based matchmaking as well; it's something that's for some reason Sledgehammer.

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Has listened every single thing that the community wants pretty much movement is back all that kind of stuff the gunfights feel good everything that we wanted is back everything that we've ever complained about is here we're good to go except, for sbmm, there's not much we could do about that it seems like that's such a huge secret that nobody wants to talk about at least in the higher ups maybe at Activision and stuff, it just no one's ever mentioning it and I guess it is what it is and we just got to get used to it being worse and worse every year super simple to install so as you guys can see right here it's $6.99.

A month—that's literally less than a burger, so it's actually pretty nice now. What's really easy is on Playstation. Xbox, whatever you're playing on, you're just going to manually put in an internet connection and set the DNS to these numbers right here, restart your console, and you're pretty much good to go.

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There's articles if you guys want to watch, like if we click PlayStation here, there's a article guide that you guys can watch right there now. If you're like me and you're on PC, one thing you guys could do is open up your settings right here, and we'll go into that. And then, from here, you're going to go to the network and the internet.

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From here, we're going to choose either Wi-Fi or Ethernet; like, now I'm connected with a plug and everything, so we're going to choose that right there. We're going to go to DNS server assignment, we're going to click edit on this, and we're going to put in manual. You're going to want to make sure four is on and six is off, so we're going to do that right there, and then in the preferred field, we'll go ahead and open up this page again.

What we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and copy this first one up here, and that's what we're going to throw into the first field, and there we go. And then after that, what we're going to do is we're going to take the second one and pretty much put the second number in. Right here, make sure to hit save.

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After this, let it do its thing, and then after that, you're going to restart your computer, your gaming console, or whatever you're using. Once you restart your computer, you're going to choose a location. I like to choose one that's kind of like morning time, so I would say like Australia, which is pretty much close to morning time right now; it's probably like 3:00 a.m.


There, so you would pick Australia. Go ahead, close this, open up your game, launch your game, check if the location's changed, and if it is, you're set to go. I'm also not the type of person who wants to sweat in every single public match. I mean, that's what ranking is for. That's why ranked was in the game and stuff.

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That's where you go. You don't want that on public matches if you're coming home from school or you're coming home from work. You just want to chill. You just want to relax. You don't want to worry about all that kind of stuff and the full disclaimer. I don't use this while playing solo if I'm playing solo, that's it I'm going to solo queue it is what it is that's how I'm going to play that's what it's going to be but when I do play with my friend friends and we just really want to have fun we just want to relax we want to talk and joke as we're playing this is perfect because it allows for all of that too now full disclaimer number two this won't give you bot lobbies every, single game all right it's not going to happen there there's no service that will do that, but I will say that you will get more balanced lobbies a lot easier lobbies and some of them yeah okay you will jump into the occasional Lobby where some of the your teammates and some of the enemies are Bots but there's going to be those guys in those lobbies as well who do know what they're doing and do have a brain on their head, now I will never advocate for any type of cheating or anything like that and you guys know that man and if you're one of those cheaters, you already know if you're if you're hacking in this game, you know.


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