News - How To Win More Games On Warzone Rebirth Island

That's the circle right there, so, Prison and also Harbor. That's really where you want to play, and I decide to go towards Harbor. There's a specific building there that I really like holding, and that's one. Right there on the green ping, this one if you hold the top floor. You're pretty much fine.


I'm running proximity mines as well, so if I throw a proxy mine on this door right there and then just watch the window there, I'm okay. Some might say I'm camping, but I'm actually just trying to wait until the zone thins itself out a bit more. It's a lot easier to win a solo game on Rebirth Island and stand when there's fewer people left, so why would I fight 10 other people when I can just wait till there's maybe two or three people at the end that I can just pick off course at the bottom?

We still have a UAV and a portable radar. We have a bunch of stuff here, and I actually spot a guy up there, and well, that's why you use the cat, AMR, one shot head-shot across. That's probably like 100–150 M there; that guy would not have been happy with me. CU, our bounty Target is in the industrial building over there, right next to headquarters, and we saw that guy shooting.

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There, here, and parachute down, so I throw the portable down, which is actually right. Here, hear the footsteps; he's right here. I miss some shots, but I push him, and I take him out. This guy was rather unhappy with me in a proximity chat, but I pretty much say that my own operator's skin is cooler than his both running rows, so pretty cool operator, and yeah.

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I broke his neck there with the cranial crack finishing. Move there; there are only six people left, and right here is where you want to kind of play towards an advantageous position po the UAV there, so I know where everyone's at, and pretty much every single player is in the prison, so I go sit right here and I wait until the Zone thins itself out a little bit more.

I move a bit more forward here. I kind of think if someone pushed this spot and I was a bit more to the right. I would have been in a worse kind of position to defend, and hopefully by sitting in this spot right here. I can survive for a little bit. Longer, one guy parachutes over, and I don't shoot him; he lands right up there by the box that's actually ours.

Bounty throws out where Mt strikes down just to create a bit of chaos, especially because the zone is closing. If there's a person kind of in top prison there, they're going to have a bit of a harder time rotating, which hopefully will mean a few more people die out and we can actually push a bit more in here.

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I'm just playing passive; there's no need to push up towards the top; we're just waiting until the enemy players fight each other, and then we'll just have to kill a few more at their end in the top left on the mini map; they are fighting there, and they go sit right herein and just listen for footsteps.

There are only two other people left. The first guy jumps down, and he gets lasered, so I shoot him a bit as well, but there's still one more guy up top, so I throw the smoke down, and there he is right on the wall. This guy throws down a smoke himself as he's going to rotate, and that's when I jump up, and I just see him right there.

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If there is gas right behind you, you kind of have a bit of a wall-hat attack. Basically, I end up getting that guy. I found a precision, and the last guy is right there with a precision air strike, as that pushes him from the top there because he jumps down, and now we just have to wait till the precision air strike's overplay.

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The High Ground, and we'll easily win this. CU right below. Us, and right here bit of lasering, and we win, so honestly, the Strate is just grabbing a scavenger contract at thought really going after kills Maybe if you aren't confident, then you don't have to go after kills, but I do like going after people warming up and then really just finding the best spot, kind of close to Center Circle.

It's a bit different with rebirth. Wait till everyone kills each other and then go in for the last couple kills, and that's how you win. Nice 16-kill solo game on rebirth with the MCW and the cat AMR, but yeah, I really hope that this helps. I was kind of struggling to win on rebirth, and after learning this strategy and winning eight games in a five and a half-hour session, I think I'm pretty confident to say that this does work.

You guys should definitely try it.

This video is a Warzone Season 3 guide on how to improve your odds at winning on Rebirth Island. I will be breaking down a 16 kill solo gameplay and showing you some useful tips and tricks so that you can implement these into your own gameplay, start making make less mistakes and win more games.
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