News - Winning Solo Warzone Is Easier Than You Think



I'm going to be using the SVA 545 and the cat. Amma I'll show the build at the very end, but it's a bit of a different article than normal. I'm going to be breaking down a very good solo game that I got the other day, so of course here I land at Zakhan downtown and grab myself a bounty contract right off the rip.

This is probably one of the best ways to start off a match. You get a bit of money, and you get warmed up. I feel like this lots of times when I play War Zone. I'm not really too warmed up, and I just run like a headless chicken into a gunfight, and like this, you at least get prepared a bit more, if that makes sense.


Gu is right here in this building, so I take the LTV over, and I end up spotting him in there, using that holder 26 I found to put him into the ground. I have a pretty good weapon at the moment. I must admit, they could do with a bit of a buff, but it's not bad, especially as a ground loot gun. As soon as you get your load and the wood switches out, put a bit of a surprise down there as well.

If the GU comes back, okay, here we go; we've got the load. Out, yeah, so SVA 545 and the cat Amma I will show the loadout at the end, but here I am going to go get some more kills. Now I heard an explosion on this side earlier, so of course I took the zipline up and went to investigate. I heard someone up there, so I took a bit of an alternate angle right there.

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Also, if you sprint up these stairs, people will definitely hear you, so I was pretty confident that the person wasn't up here. After looking over, I let the guy jump. Off, the beautiful sniper right there broke his plates, and there he is, head shot. I really like the cat, Amo; it's so satisfying to shoot.


There's one more there as well. Well, see, I did kill those guys, and there was another person down there; you can see him right there. Yeah, so the person was over here, but he might have gone up, and you can see on the map in the top left is a person up there, and I also just saw a bomb drone, so chaotic, I must admit.

Footsteps, I could have done that fight there a bit better. Here's that bomb drone as well; it almost kills me. I didn't have a self-recess, and I had about three. HP, of course, decided to send my own bomb drone back down to go say hello. This guy was not expecting this, I must admit, although, looking back at it now, he did run back and I did break his.

The plate-gasing guy tried coming up there behind me, but he jumped. The guy right here below couldn't line up any shots. You never know, especially in solos, that people are going to be hiding in the weirdest spots possible here. I marked a buy session as I've got 4, 000, 600, so I could easily get myself a self-R.

modern warfare 3

I also use the third-person camera here and just look around to see if there's anyone that I can spot, and there I get sniped out by a guy on that rooftop right there get that self R. Okay, here I also head inside and do a bit of looting because I did hear a box, so no one really went through. Here I think I picked up the goog intricate, but you don't need that unless you've already been to the goog, so I don't know why I picked that up whatsoever spotted someone, that shot would have lined up; that would have been insane right there.

Well, you can't hit every single shot. At least we know there's a person over there now, and over here you can see the guy is still on the roof, so we go up here, but there's a guy up here who already took him down. I don't think that Gu is ready, and he also didn't even hear my beautiful snip. There was the MTAR strike at the back there as well.

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You have to be careful. There could always be another person here. I think going to go looting immediately wasn't the best idea. I should have dropped a smoke here and maybe gone prone or something. At least I tossed the G intricate down never, mind head back up top here, and there was a person up there who fell to my death.


Guy obviously came back to go grab some stuff, or it could have been someone else, but hey, that did not work out that well. Of course, here we're fighting Anonymous in the ghog. I got the Ram Seven, which is honestly a really good sniper sport and also just a long-range weapon at the moment. I missed literally every single shot.

Though a bit of a cheeky reload, this guy was right on the other side right here, but he didn't even hit me once. Okay, and we're back in. Let's figure out where I went. I honestly don't remember here. They're right there below, and you can see the load-out drop. It's in a pretty decent spot, in my opinion.

Right on the roof, there could easily be a person up there, but you never know there's a guy on that tower, so I decided to just run back. I heard a box below here as well, so you might as well go hit because you never know what you can find. Yeah, I tried dolphin diving over, and I completely messed up but went all the way down, but something incredible happened shortly.

new update

Here so we going running across to find a redeploy pack so if I die I come back and there's a smoke there and I just run back just run all the way back that guy obviously didn't hear me so I just decided to double back all the, way bit of a high alert there guy right there on the roof broke, plates use that hand, grenade, cook it a bit, there he is.

I probably should not have jumped up there but. Hey, got that guy that was the person who killed us and sent us to the log so we got to we got our payback at least see that guy was using our. SVA 545 as well, grab an extra smoke, they're really handy you can just toss them down if you're, in like a final circle you have to cross somewhere someone shooting at you that type of stuff.

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I believe here I go get myself. A self-revive kit, grab the clim W just in case as well by myself. I put the clay down, not in the best spot someone could easily see that, but hey, just like tossing a proximity mine at like a doorway or somewhere, then it's similar got landed right there, boom head, shot man.

pc gameplay

I love sniping in this game so much that another guy drops in; that's the new boy operator, and as you can see on the left-hand side, the hunt squad is now on a Tier 3 thread. I honestly didn't notice that I had a hunt squad until now, in the actual game play I recorded. So I was definitely thinking that there was the person hunting us, so I ran back a bit, couldn't jump over the wall, and eventually got it.

You can see the hunt squad or the bounty went to a threat. Okay, leave us there. Put the claymore down. At least there he is. You can see it's back to a three-foot threat. They could easily come up, so I'm just watching the zip line. He could also come up the staircase inside and go up the ladder.

If you are struggling to get wins in Warzone Solos, you need to watch this video! I'm going to be breaking down my own gameplay and offering you guys useful Warzone tips tricks, coaching and strategies to improve your own gameplay to get more kills and wins! The class setup for both weapons is at the end of the video.
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