News - How To "win Every Gunfight" Warzone 2. Best Tips To Play Better" Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay

You know where the enemies are; they're at the red dots. If somebody's shooting on the map and they don't have a suppressor, it's perfect. His red dots there—you know where he's at, but how do you know where enemies are if you don't see red dots? Well, the best way to do this, and it's not 100%; it's never going to be 100%, but the best way to do this is to just look at the mini map and see where your teammates are.


Chances are, if your teammates are there and they're not dying on the kill feed, that's the left side that shows who kills who. Chances are you know the enemies aren't near your teammates; they're at the emptier spots of the map. If your whole team is on the left side and you're alone on the right side all alone, and no one's dying or getting killed on your team, chances are all the enemies are near.

You get out of there unless you can win six people. Yeah, maybe not just get out of there all right, but yeah, most of the time you should be able to know where the enemies are. If you spawn in a certain area, you know that the enemies are probably spawning at the opposite end on the other side of the map.

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It's just that you kind of have to learn these things by playing the game more, and the more you play, the easier it becomes. It is what it is, man. You just have to play more, and that's going to come naturally, going to a kind of bonus tip. This isn't an actual tip that I wrote, but I just thought of it while explaining that you want to know the hottest areas in the map as well you want to know where most people are going to be where most people try to get and all that kind of stuff and you want to just wait them out just wait the enemies out if the right side of the map is super popular and a lot of people like to go there go hold a head glitch there shoot some bodies shoot some people do what you got to do let's move on to number seven.

I hate shotguns, whether an SMG or an AR. You don't want to run with a heavy gun now if you're sitting back and stuff like that and you're kind of going for shots. Don't use an SMG; it just doesn't make sense to use an AR. Use a sniper. Use an LMG. Do what you have to do. Let's move on to the next one.

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All right, guys, and this one is probably one of the most important ones. The one after this that I want to talk about is not as important, but everybody forgets it, but this one's probably one of the most important ones. Okay, so rotate to different areas; at all times, don't sit and camp in one corner and wait for enemies to come to you; that's not fun, for first of all, it's boring, and lastly, the enemies know where you're at and they're going to come hard at you all right, so don't do that; don't be that guy.

What you want to do is get a few kills in an area of the map. Let's say you're on the right side of the map. Get a few kills on the right side of the map. Move over to the left, and from there, you don't want to go through the middle of the map. You'll kind of want to wrap around, get to the left side, get a few kills there, move to the other side, go back and forth, and all that kind of stuff.

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Just don't let the enemies know where you are; don't let the enemies predict where you are; and don't let the enemies pre-fire or pre-aim at you. It's not worth it all, right? Let's move on. This is probably the one that I also forget about the most, and it's not that I forget about it; I know it's happening.


I know it's going on, and I just kind of think I'm better than I actually am at the game, but that's not the case. Okay, so if you get shot at, you win the gunfight. Do not get into another gunfight unless you absolutely have to, at least until you restore your health. Okay, so if you get into a gunfight, you win it, you're bloody, and you're about to die.

You're one shot away from dying. Don't get into another gunfight if there's no enemy there. Sit back, lie down, go to a corner, heal up, do what you got to do (stim shot if you have to do what you got to do), and then get back into the gunfights. A lot of times I get shot at, I win the gunfight, and I keep pushing like a headless chicken, honestly, guys, and it just gets me killed so many times.


This is just a tip that I wanted to mention because a lot of us just seem to forget about it and just seem to ignore it, but if you're at 25 health and the enemy is at 150, even if you shoot first, he's probably going to win, so yeah, keep that in mind as well. That's the last thing I want to talk about, and this one's also an important one if you're playing the game and you're within, I'd say, 30 m from the enemy.

You're pretty close to the enemy—not too far before you even advertise. You want to start shooting with your gun, and the reason you want to do this is because you want the second you ads, you want to already be shooting at him. You don't want to advertise and then shoot. You're probably going to lose a lot of gunfights like that.

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You want to kind of shoot and then ads right after, like within a millisecond of each other, but the reason you want to do this is also because while you're hip-firing before your ads, you're probably going to hit one or two shots on the enemy. One of them, one of those stray bullets, will go directly to him, and by the time you actually ads, you will have him pretty weak, so it's worth it, and if the enemy waits to shoot until he's fully ads, well, then you already got one or two shots.

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Advantage, so it should be good. That's going to be it, man. Below, guys, what is your highest streak? Also, guys, I think this is day number 11. I started a few days before 2024, and I'm going to continue doing it. This is the most I've uploaded daily since, like, over a year ago, I thought, so that's something I feel awesome about.

I just want to get back on the grind, man. I got to do it, so if you could get some likes for that, I would appreciate it. Subs to the channel as well would be great. So yeah, do it. I hope these tips can help you guys out, and I'll catch you guys in the next one.Peace.

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