News - How To Win Every Gulag Warzone 3. Season 2

faze clan

If you're confident obviously that you're going to be able to snap and shoot on this guy or you can actually Center that left side and then after you go up the middle to the left if I don't see him here what have I been saying this entire article, you want to cut the map I don't see him on the left side he's either going to be middle or he's going to that head glitch that we were kind of just talking about before which would be a good play out of him so let this one play out now I'm going to be aiming at that wall so I don't give up the laser I'm going to go back to my head glitch I don't see him, now I'm kind of wondering where this guy's at I still can't find him and right there he's in the back of his base.

I was playing really, really slowly, and that was very, very obvious once I cut down the left, cut down the middle, and cut down the right. Where is this guy? He's got to be either playing really slow in his base or just not playing at all, and that's why I'm able to kind of move confidently towards his base, knowing he's going to be around that area.


As I slide towards him, this next go is an important one, so if you are not the most confident player and you just don't feel like you have a good chance of winning it, maybe you're just losing all your gunfights that day, or you actually just recognize the name that you're playing against and you're like.

I might not have a chance of K killing this guy if you don't want to take a straight-up fight, especially controller players. All you Mouse and Key players right now watching this, you're probably going to love this tip: use your smoke grenades. If you're not the most skilled player and you're going to see exactly how this guy plays this against me, this is me talking about it as if I'm obviously alive right now, right?

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SL, cancel this. Look right; I don't see him. I got this guy a little weak, so now I have this guy again. With this guy on his back foot, I now have more health than this guy as well. So if this guy has less health than me, even if he is a good player, he's probably not feeling confident that even if he CHS me, I actually have more health to work with.

gulag meta

He probably wants to try and make this random for that reason too. I'm going to keep SL from canceling Ted. We're going back and forth; this guy's throwing smoke everywhere to make it random, and now this is where it just becomes crazy. I start throwing smoke back because now I don't know where this guy is, and you can see how insane this goog looks.

gulag warzone

I'm kind of looking up to make sure he's not hitting the zip line, but either way, this entire gunfight is wild. All because the fact that guy threw so many smokes and that guy actually had more of a chance after I hit him with those initial bullets to actually kind of run away, regenerate, health, and actually have another chance to catch me off guard through that smoke it didn't work for him because I kind of did the same thing back but not a bad strategy, out of that guy and not a bad strategy, that I would recommend to you guys if you do take damage and get away or again if you don't take damage you just want to make it random cuz you're just not feeling confident within the day now for another go Lo to break it down this is on the other side of that you don't see the server you're going to see this yellow piece over here if you want to do the head glitch trp from the other side and you don't see the server and you see this is the same exact variation, just on the other side you want to go left here instead of right and if you let this one play out I'm going to do the same exact.

Strategy i'm going to look left, and also, if you notice right there, I get an easy kill just because he goes gunfighting. The gunfight, like you know, has a head glitch the head glitch here but as I pass it right here, there are sometimes moments where there is a stun. Or a flash grenade on the ground too if you see a flash, or a stun or a better grenade like a seex, or a frag grenade, always try and pick them up; those are so good for the goog, and you don't always spawn in with them, so again, that is just worth picking it up, even if I don't know what tacticals.

how to win gulag

I'm about to be using which you can see right here even if I had no information, here if this was a stun or a flash grenade I am picking that up every single time because of the fact that I can actually flash my opponent where he can't see for a couple seconds the goog's, not a big map and you're able to run at him but regardless, there I'm going to slide over to the left side we're going to challenge each other he goes to the head glitch I slide cancel this I center my aim, and just recoil control kind of takes the away from there very easy kill and a very easy go Lo win same exact thing you want to either cut left or right here depending on how you kind of like to play.


This is what it looks like on the right side. Time if I pause it right here there is no cover on this box so even if he ran up here and looked to the left this is a really hard gunfight for me if he was anticipating this and if we kind of take this Challenge on the right side this is just who can hit better shots, right away I personally don't like playing gogs like this just because I feel like this is a very random gunfight no matter how good you are so again taking this fight is kind of really risky you have no cover you have no slide ability in front of you just because there's water in front of you water's really loud and there's only one part of water in the goog so the audio Q also gives you away so I try to stay away from this I'm just doing this to show you guys kind of what it looks like from this, angle.

mw3 meta

Then I slide back left we cut the map I see him on my left side here I get back to my head glitch and again the information of him not being on the right he's either middle or left I slide to my head glitch on the left he's wide peaking that head glitch for some reason not a good play and it's going to be able to make me have an easy kill just from the head glitch that I was on and now moving on to the third variation, of the goog we have the half spiral I don't even know what you want to call this but regardless of this I have the striker 9 and the Lockwood shotgun now this Lockwood shotgun is good, very good but it's going to take two shots all the time so the way you can use this Lockwood is by making them weak with your Striker 9 and then shouldering.

Out to get the Lockwood finish. That is not a bad strategy here at all. I wouldn't start off with the Lockwood just because, unless you're going to really use your shoulder Peaks, it's not the best consideration. Even if you shoot one shotgun and he slides on you, he's probably going to kill you with the automatic Striker right, but regardless, this is a Lockwood and Striker 9.

How To Win EVERY Gulag in Warzone 3! Season 2. Today I'm going to show you how to WIN more Gulags so you can stop costing your teammates! Let's break down the three Gulag variations and show you some useful tips for the next time you hop on.
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