News - The Best Pro Player Loadouts For Warzone 2 Ranked

best ranked loadout mw3

With CDL rank play coming out and being the head coach of the Atlanta phase. I am here to provide you all the loadouts that the pro players are using currently, so you can have a better experience in your CDL rank play. Let's get right into it, starting with the MCW. This is the main class or the main AR that everyone has been using.

If you were watching the CDL, you know that this is probably one of the best multiplayer weapons that you can use that is not g, or obviously banned by Pro players, and this class right here is my personal favorite now. I know a lot of pro players have been switching over to the flashhider build, which we'll get to in a second, but this one specifically, right here, is an absolute beam.

You have the brake, the x10 Phantom hand stop, the barrel, the stock, and then I use the Slate reflector, but you can use the MK3 reflector. For all these builds that I'm showing you right now, you could either use, you know a kind of whatever red dot you know makes you happy; it doesn't matter, but this one right here with The built-in brake is going to probably have the easiest recoil control.

best ranked loadouts mw3

Out of all the ones that I'm about to show you, it does take off a little bit of range with that built-in brake over the flash hider, but this thing's an absolute laser beam, probably my favorite gun to use and overall my number one, but again, you guys want to see what the pro players are using. Not an old retired coach; let's move on to the next one.

This next one's a weird one, but this is going to be the no-muzzle. MCW personally, I don't recommend this one. I've seen a few pro players experiment with this one. No one on phase uses this class mainly, but I just want to show you every class that you can use so you can find what works out for you.

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Of course, it's not always what certain people are using and whatnot, but this class right here is pretty self-explanatory. You take off the muzzle, and you throw on the rear grip, which is the claw rear grip. This is going to help you with your aim-firing stability. Your gun K control and your recoil control are just a kind of a different ways of Just the recoil pattern, the way the gun shoots is still really accurate, still limited recoil, not my favorite personally, but let's go on to the one that you guys all want to see, and that is what the phas ARs are using, so right here is going to be Daza's favorite, assault rifle class, the MCW class right here, and it has the flash hider, the dr6 hand stop, the Cyclone barrel, the Slate reflector, and then the Regal heavy stock.

Now that Draw uses either the Slate reflector, the reflector, or the MK3 reflector, he goes back and forth all the time again. A lot of pro players kind of go back and forth between whatever they're feeling or whatever they're frying with, but this is a really good build too, and the reason why a lot of pro players also choose to use this build is because of the fact that this flash hider is right here.

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If you look at these stats, you can see that it does not take off effective damage range, and then you pull up the stats right here, you have a 32-meter effective damage range with the buil to class that I showed you; it's 30 m away, so that 2 m distance can definitely make a difference between you getting a three-bullet kill or a four-bullet kill, and adding that one extra bullet you know slows the time to kill down, so a lot of people don't like using the ability to break for that reason.

Still, I think that one's really easy to shoot, whereas this one is a tad bit harder to shoot. Not really, and then the DR6 hand stop is really good for Flex players, and the reason why is that it's going to give you a lot of speed that aims for walking speed. The aim downside speed and the movement speed kind of keep you at a faster pace, so this gun is really fun to use.

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I do like this build, and if you're a little bit more of a skilled player or a faster player, you can very easily use this MCW and do really, really well, so this is a draza favorite. Moving over to the next build that you're going to see, it is very similar; the only difference is between the one that I'm showing you now and the one that I just showed you that draza loves to use.

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Is the under barrel and the under ball right here the Phantom hand stop? This is really good for Sprint to fire speed your aim down, fire your aim down sight speed as well, but the Dr6 hand stop keeps you moving at a little bit more of a faster Pace, now you would think I was about to say that Celium uses this build and Draza uses the one that's more for a flex, but the reason why I kind of highlighted it for the Draza build is that that's more of a flex kind of MCW.

So if you were more of a faster paste AR, you can see that build, but Celium also does use the DR6 hand stop, so he loves to use that as well, just because, again, he's more of a faster Pac player when it comes to actual gunfights and the way he plays and the way he strafes and the way he moves, but a lot of main ARS instead of using the DR6 hand stop, use this right here, which is the x10 Phantom hand stop.

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It's going to be a little bit more snappy. It's going to help your recoil control as well. You can see that between this and the DR6, the movement speed's really good for the DR6. But the recoil control is a little bit better with this one, and it's going to help down your ads just as much as the DR6, so this one's really good too for more of the postup kind of player, and just a little bit extra, recoil control, so this is going to shoot like this, but still very good again, with a very minimal difference between all the builds.

The MCW is just so godlike, but yeah, that's every single MCW loadout that I would probably say most pros are running right now. I'm sure there are some other ones that are weird; if you have any, make sure you guys comment below on any secret crazy meta builds that people or pro players don't know about, and now let's move over to that SMG.

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Speaking of SMGs, this right here is exactly what Simpa uses. This is the class; it hasn't changed since day one. You have your purifier muzzle break that's going to help that horizontal recoil control, and then, of course, the DR6 hand stop for the movement speed, the clear shot barrel for the range, and the recoil.

coach crowder loadouts

The Marauder stock and then the vice assault grip for more recoil This gun is insane. Obviously, you've seen these guys play really, really well with this weapon in their hands. It's a very fun gun to use and a very satisfying gun to use as well, but yeah, that's the exact build that the Atlanta Phase players are using.

This is the rival build right here, and there's one other rival build that I've seen other pro players use, and that is right here on your screen. The only difference between these builds is that the x10 Phantom has a hand stop over the dr6. Dr six-hand stop, so again, this one has a faster speed.

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