News - How To Win Every Gulag Warzone 3. Season 2

crowder cod

Again, that guy did not cut the map properly. He didn't really have an idea where I was because I wasn't running around, so he was probably trying to rely on audio. I didn't have any audio for him to hear and he kind of just lost full and challenged out that is the last thing you want to do unless you were really confident, of where that guy is going to be again we have another similar variation, of the single and the double box one and now I'm going to show you another tip to kind of improve, this double box just a little bit more the double box Strat is the best strategy you can ever have you're going to see me go over here to the left, and instead of just aiming, down where you can actually see that laser, so if he was back here over here he actually can see my laser kind of aiming, down which then he can kind of obviously get an idea of where I'm going to be at I'm going to aim at the corner of this box over here so I can get ready to either snap to my right or snap to my left I still have cover so I'm very confident.

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That even if he does actually try and Peak me and predict where I am I'm still going to have the cover to get this kill so I'm going to be staring, at this box I see him cross, and now I'm going to able to, you know do this where this guy kind of runs at me all of that aggression from that guy all I saw was him cross I knew exactly where it was going to be at I predicted the right side I was wrong but even though he slides to my left I still have covered to use movement and my movement tips that I've done in other articles to get that kill and before showing you this next goog, a big thing for these gcks too is obviously you have to win your gunfights and have good movement because that's always going to help you I have plenty of aiming.

crowder gulag tips

But going into this next one, we have the MTZ. Again this is going to be a different variation, where you can see that I call this the server one with the server on the side right here and when this plays out you're going to see exactly what this looks like, so you notice I go towards the right side here and the reason why is if you back it up and you see the server side here, there is a head glitch that I'm about to slide to right here and there is no head glitch on the left side so again you want to make sure you're always using that cover and then cutting the map right so you're going to see here that I get the server kind of go Lo that means immediately I know exactly where I'm going to go by memorizing these kind of starts and really starting to kind of keep it conscious of like this is the goolag that I got I'm going to have my strategy to go to the consistent, kind of practice you'll get better and better at these situations, or you might just want to change it up a little bit so you can obviously have your own kind of flow to the go lo as this plays out I slide cancel to the right.

I should, to the right; I don't see him on that. Side now I'm kind of sliding to the left, and I'm using my audio. there to kind of cut the map again, so if you back it up one more time and you put this a little bit louder so you can actually hear it, sometimes I'm just talking about the clip, so I want to keep it a little bit low, and a big thing here is that I slide here.

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I don't see him over there, and now if he were to have sprinted the same head glitch as I did at the same time since it's kind of symmetrical of where you're standing, we would have gotten to that at the same time, so I'm assuming this is a pretty good player, and since I think it's a pretty good player if he's not there, most likely he did not break off to the right side so after that shoulder.

I'm going to see that I don't see him. I hear him in the middle right here, or just like on like the middle area he's not walking through water so I know he's not back right, he's not back left either now be back left, or back middle off of some footsteps that I hear so I shoulder to left and now I know he's not back right he's not back left either he's playing it very slowly, which is just going back and forth in the back of his base, and I'm just getting bad timing, or he is actually pushed into the middle to play obviously the fight, as I'm cutting down the map and getting myself information, so if you let this play out again.

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I don't see anything here. I slide here and now the reason why I slide to the left and I started looking a little bit more right if I don't see him on the left side I didn't see him on the right side I'm assuming he either hit middle or he's playing very slow so I slide, out here and I look to my right the only thing that he could have done the counter me is obviously play a little bit slower and play on this left side and really kind of only Hard Play One angle but if I go far left I can kill him and that would be a really Reckless challenge so.

I slide this way, I use my movement, and we're able to have that straight-on gunfight. And once again. I was a lot more confident on that slide because I cut the right side of the map. I cut the left side of the map, and then I had Footsteps in front of me, and I was able to hear where I kind of knew exactly where he was going to be after that, so give yourself the information, know the weapons that you're using, and that will help you tremendously.

crowder warzone

I'm going into these Googs, and now let's show you some other tips and tricks too. Again, here you are going to see a server—a side variation of Google. I'm going to break off to the right. We're going to do some shoulder-to-shoulder. I'm going to snake it. I don't see him, and then right there, as I'm cutting the map again, you can see his laser.

You can actually see him shoot at me, and immediately. I now know where my enemy is, and it becomes a gunfight of movement and aiming tips that are going to help you obviously just not get caught off guard, like I have been saying this entire article, so always cut the map, always know what you're doing, and then if we back it up and let this one play out, you're going to see how this kind of goes out.

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So I see him to my left; we're going back and forth now. I'm doing a little jump spot to see if I can spot him. Right here, I see that I have a C4. That's my next tip that I'm about to give. And again, every single time that I just fought that guy, he was in front of me, and he did not catch me off guard.


Again, you can use your audio cues and just cut the map to kind of know exactly where he's coming from, and my next tip that I was going to talk about is what you're about to see here: I have smoke grenades, and for my lethals. I had C4s. Of what you want to do and backing it up. This is another variation of the server side, but instead if you don't like shouldering, the right, and cutting the map, you don't feel that confident in your movement.

This is another strategy that you can use when you are playing this game to kind of see what it looks like. So this is what it's going to look like if I run up the middle of the map. If you pause it right here, I can run up the middle. And if he does peak my left side here, he doesn't have that much cover, so it's not a bad play to kind of go up the middle into the left and then hold this challenge.

How To Win EVERY Gulag in Warzone 3! Season 2. Today I'm going to show you how to WIN more Gulags so you can stop costing your teammates! Let's break down the three Gulag variations and show you some useful tips for the next time you hop on.
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