News - How To Unlock All New Schematics Warzone 2 Zombies. Aether Blade & Classified Schematics

act 4 mw3 zombies solo

I'm going to be taking you guys through and showing you guys exactly how to get these four items in order to get yourself set up, so you're almost ready to go ahead and get those schematics. So as you guys can see we need to get a lock diary, we need to get a pill box we need to get a surveillance camera and we also need to get a dog collar so in order for you guys to get the first item which is going to be the diary you guys are going to have to go ahead and complete the new boss Mission which is the story mission for Act 4 so you guys are going to want to go ahead and go into the dark EPA pretty much complete that mission, once you guys complete the boss he'll actually go ahead and drop this diary as a reward and that'll be one out of four, for the things that you need pretty much complete now you guys can do this in any order you don't need to do the boss fight first you can do this in any order you can do it last if you want to this is just the order that I done it in so that's the reason why I'm doing it in this order for the article now going into that boss fight you should really be overprepared.

There should be at least two or three of you, and you should definitely be running level three Pack-a-Punch, as it's not easy in there. I promise you guys, the next one we're looking at is the pill bottle. Now, in order to get the pill bottle, you guys need to make sure you have the brain rot ammo mod and you guys want to head into, an a finest.

act 4 mwz solo

And then you guys just want to shoot one of the spores with that gun that has the ammo mod on it, and then once you guys see it change color to green, you're going to want to interact with it and pop the spore, and it will actually go ahead and drop a pill bottle now. once it will actually drop another pill bottle you guys need to go ahead and find a rift anywhere around the map once you guys enter into the rift you guys will see another Rift you guys just want to fly into the second Rift, and then when you go through that Rift it will actually spawn a bounty contract so at this point all you guys are going to want to do is just go ahead and take out that Bounty and then once you've taken out that Bounty it will actually drop another pill bottle but this time around the pill bottle will be gold.

The first time around, the pill bottle was purple. And we need to change all of these items from purple to gold; now it's pretty much the same for every single item. We're going to be doing a challenge pretty much four times, or sort of like an Easter egg. We're going to be getting a purple version, then we're going to need to go through two Rifts.

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Killer Bounty, and then that Bounty will drop the gold version, so we're going to have to do this pretty much four times, or three times, should I say, because one of the times is the boss fight. A lot of these bounties are not really hard to kill. I only really had one or two that might have been potentially hard to kill.

classified schematics mw3

I had a disciple that was in a Tier 2 area that you guys will see. It took a little bit of time, but it wasn't necessarily hard, and then I had a bounty that was in Tier 3. That one was a little bit hard, but I just took it out using a juggernaut. So the next one we're looking at is the surveillance camera.

For the surveillance camera, you guys need to make sure that you have the dead wire Ammo Mod on your gun. Once you guys have dead wire, you need to look for one of those floating orbs that fly around the map. Once you see one of those floating orbs, take out the gun that has the dead wire ammo mod on it and start shooting the orb.

classified schematics mwz

The orb will actually change color to a yellow-yellow SL-like orange, and you just want to keep on shooting it until it breaks. once that's done you guys can go ahead and get the gold version of the surveillance camera and again the surveillance camera is going to be purple so we need to make sure that we actually go ahead and turn that into gold we need to do that by finding a rift jumping through that Rift going through the second Rift, and then once we go through that second Rift as you guys can see we will get another Bounty contract we're going to fly down grab that take out the Bounty and then we're going to actually go ahead and get the Gold version of the surveillance camera now it does seem long- winded but when you're actually in game doing it I promise you, it's not really that long.

I was able to get these three, and I'm going to be showing you in one game the boss fight I did in the game before. And then when I came in for my next game. I was actually able to go ahead and get the final three, so it only took two games to get all of the things, and then I would have been able to go straight into the dark EPA.

easter egg mwz

If it wasn't for what you guys are going to see closer to the end of the article, the last one we're going to be looking at is the dog color. Now this one is actually the easiest one to actually get. It's just that the Bounty is kind of hard to kill because the Bounty is in the Tier 3 zone now. I don't know if that's for everyone, but it was the case for me, so if that is the case for you, then just be a little bit prepared.

free schematics mwz

You know, maybe go in there with a dragut, or if you're with a team, it might not be that hard, so for this one, all you guys actually need to do is go ahead and put a molotov. in a dog house and then it will spawn a wild dog go ahead kill that dog and as you guys can see it will drop a purple dog color so every time you guys see something that's purple we need to go through a purple Rift, and then we need to go through another Rift, that will spawn our Bounty, kill the Bounty and then you'll get the Gold version of whatever it is that you initially picked up so as you guys can see we actually get a bounty in tier three so I thought let me go ahead and get a jugernaut and use the jugut to make my life a lot EAS easier and even with the jugut guys it was still a bit of a stretch cuz if you look at this clip here you'll see it wasn't easy at all in my opinion so once you guys have actually gone ahead and found all the artifacts, again being the dog collar the pill bottle the security camera and the lock di once you have those four things you're going to want to go ahead and go to the tornado.

That's just outside of the Tier 3 zone. Once you guys get to the tornado, you'll see four sorts of pedestals. You guys need to go ahead and interact with each pedestal and give the right artifact to the right pedestal. Once you've done that, the official dark portal will spawn, and it will spawn on this island as soon as it spawns a mega Abomination, which will also come out of it.

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