News - How To Play Snd Warzone 2 (toronto Ultra Breakdown)


Toronto Ultra is one of the best teams in the game and the most consistent across all the game modes going up against Seattle Search. This one was an absolute slaughter on the map. We're going to be breaking down Search and Destroy, and now Toronto Ultra has perfected the game mode against Seattle Search.

So it looks like they're sending a standard three setup towards B, and what you want to do here is, to be honest, I don't really know what's going to happen there. I can't remember. Let's just kind of play out and see what's happening, so Envoy, he's kind of going to go through and shoulder right you want to shoulder for information.

And it looks like they're going to get aggressive to the point. He has the bomb in hand, and if they can, they're going to get that bomb down and try to make Seattle make a play. Okay, going through, look at this he's going to shoulder for information, he has a smoke grenade now smoke grenades one of the most useful equipment in search Andro they had so much variety so much skill to the game so I love the play so far going to Chuck a smoke out, and look at this he's not going to get on the bomb straight away, so what they're trying to do is try to bait the opponent in scrap.


We're going to we're going to have to look at that because it's unquestionable. I see something a bit questionable here: my boy scraps on zero health. Okay that I know it's a glitch but right there you have to be very careful if you're scrap right now in this scenario look what's happening so, he's going through he's watching over onway right I like what they're doing they're trying to bait the bomb I like how scrap trying to get away with his lifeair but if he dies there that is an incredibly, harsh way to die and you're basically trolling your team because you've lost a life they know exactly where you are and you're going to die but if we look on the other side here look at number eight this is really important as they're making noise towards B, number eight is going to be Kleenex with a submachine gun he's going to be the sole player look what happens he actually catches arties in Red so now that he takes out Ares in Red so Kleenex was about there right he takes out AR he kills him as he kills him right we're okay now what what's the play now well if you look through we can kind of see like where is it.


Yeah, if you look through now, you can kind of see, okay, he's killed him now. The other teammates are now going to think right where they are, like we know Kleenex is going towards, and now look, you're going to see them start to worry a little bit; they're going to start to watch over, is going to go through, he's going to back off to his team, and now Hook is pushed out on the map.

I don't like this play from Hook, if I'm honest. I think right now, with the smoke grenade going through and stuff, I don't think you need to get Mixie. I don't mind it, but I just feel like Envoy really, really baited him in there, like Envoy literally backed off, hoping somebody fell for the bait, and I think Hook fell for it.

You see Hook's out in the open, and Envoy's on the head glitch. Great shots from Hook there, but he's going to kill him, and I think right there he just caught the bait. Booz, with some bad timing, 's by himself he's going to go through almost get one, and look at that he's going to cook his n they're going to back off, now know where he is so how can they get this kill, kind of you know how can they get this properly so 4v1, right what you want to do is you don't want to give him any dope you don't give him any momentum so you want to stop him from anything, and look at this they're playing perfect Search and Destroy I love this play right now look they're first going to back off the bomb cuz they know 's got a line of sight as soon as il's off the line of sight they're giving him no free Bloods to work CU they're going to go through get the bomb down as they get the bomb down into clean is going to watch over make him one shot jump across take him out, absolutely nothing they give them nothing what you want to do is you want to drain the team out give them nothing no kills.

Give them absolutely nothing to work with. Okay, so right now, look at what's happening. We go to we go to round two, and so many times I see people right there who will give IL three two-kill kills, right? They'll give him a two-piece. Don't give him any confidence. Stop their confidence now they're in one, okay?

They're all like, right, that's a rough start. You know what I mean. It's all a confidence game, in my opinion. Four men are set up to go toward a goal. What is the play here? How can they kind of make this so RC is going to go through the middle? They're sending three men to eight. Right now, if you look at the mini map purely based on numbers, you have numbers seven and eight, insight, and Kleenex, going up against abuza.

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Illy and Hook, okay, so you have a three versus two on the side, so what you want to do is you want to use your numbers effectively and get the kill here they're going to slide across. And this is where I think they just don't trade effectively, just little things like this. Okay, look at this. If we back off, this just doesn't look like a unit right now.

And I think with a team playing together every day, if you are trying to be the best of the best right now, like you should be Comm, this should be a standard push. Okay, this is the setup right now. This should be a standard push. Look what happens. They're all peeking over each other like who goes in by himself, 's watching the wall and by the way I love it IL is one of my favorite players I'm not like I'm just saying like right now like this is just not coordinated enough like abuza goes in after inside gets a kill and they're not able to get the trade, the fact that they threw that blood away, that should never be the case what they could have done is just have a few standard setups okay so right now they're going to go through, just as for example set up one right what they could do is this look, as hoot goes around the corner, maybe hoot goes prone okay so hoot goes prone there IL jumped around the corner that way they both have a line of sight on whoever could be yellow car because they know somebody could be around here that's what they're worried about right they know somebody could be you know around yellow car from the spawn or around there what they could do is instead of both of them just standing there and kind of tweaking.

They could maybe have one prone one jumping across and they could have both 2V1 the gun fight, completely different round look at that Bo go through now they're chucking grade it's a bit too late they're holding they're chucking it through and insight's already repositioned, so it's just a bit too late then we have onvoy on the middle Envoy goes through makes a play.

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