News - How To Play Snd Warzone 2 (toronto Ultra Breakdown)

Right now, look at it. This is what I mean by teamwork. Although we can't see this, we can paint a picture from the mini map. Let's take a look at the mini map right now. Number four is now middle; they know somebody's probably middle right, so look at this; they have number eight, number six, and number five looking at him.

As number five shoots, number four, Arties, is now in a gunfight with Scrap. As he's in a gunfight, look at this; he's shooting. Envo is going to push through, so as he's distracting him, Onvo is now in front of him, and you can already see AR. TR shoots Scrap, goes through, and takes him out. That's a two-piece, and guess what?

Kleenex is now there. Insight gave the coms the right two of them were their insight's going to go through by himself, gets one he spots the last guy. He spots him back off, and now they're going to trap him again and suffocate him in. I don't want to give him anything. There are no free kills right now.

No-free kills are very important. You don't want to give him any freebies. Okay, it's not about killing. You just don't want to give him any freebies. Because now look, they're now 0 and two, and I promise you I promise you no matter how good your mentor is, if your whole team is 0 and two, you are starting to TW a little bit.

You're starting to question your decisions. You're starting to not play with as much confidence as you would if you were two, okay? Right now, not one person's got a kill on the side of Seattle. I didn't even get it. Actually a really good play from him okay now it's a 33, you know Envoy does go down AR gets a kill we're going to go through and he's just going to slide across and look at that he sees one and this is what I mean he spots a St on hook as well and that is just a brilliant play from inside sorry from what's his name there, his name Kleenex what a play from Kleenex he goes through he stuns he stuns hook as well just to give that Intel right now that he stunned hook they now know Hook is there they're going to play for him five's going to push him they're like okay Hook's done push him and they get the trade so not only did he kill you know arties he also helps out insight to kill hook now in a one3, again look at that get the bomb down they didn't even give IL a time to react they didn't give him a second to react there they got the bomb down straight away they now know post bomb BL is going to be very difficult has to make the.

Play i actually did a good job sneaking by, so right now, if I'm honest, I'm not shooting just yet. Yeah, so I think right, yeah, so look right there, you know, scrap is there good play for M to be honest with you, great play for I love the play for that's a good play from. I think what he could have done was just to be a bit more effective as a perfectionist in this scenario.

I think if he knows scrap is on the right, he sees scrap there, so I love this play. Okay, have trigger discipline watch over. I think right now what he should have done, he should have went down there he should have went down there, shot inside in the head so by the time inside reacted then he could have looked at scrap again just trying to perfect his game right there but look great play there kill scrap the only reason I'm saying that would have been different is just to save a few seconds but I you know what going back he actually play that really well go through gets two and now he's going to hold the ladder but the problem is there just not a lot of time to work going to go through middle, and honestly he almost clutches this I think he could have clutched that really unlucky from I think that was a great play from, probably the highlight of seatt.

Right there but K the man is beaming six and0 give him that one V one give him some more confidence even though he's beaming, you do not need to give this man any more confidence because now he is going to take over but fair play to him right there I think he you know I thought that was a great play from going through what can they do on this next round there so again going through Kleenex he's just loving playing the top here and what I've noticed straight away is they're just giving up so much map control this whole top third they've given up for free they've not even contested top third so right now you can see the fact that Kleenex, okay from the red side L's to the new rounds if we back off for a second right now you see Kleenex is over here.

They have not even got any map pressure over to Kleenex the fact that they have no one sitting there they have people around chicken right, look what's going to happen Kleenex now has a free round to ro around and he's going to be able to get as many kills as he wants going go through jump across there they do end up sing arties there I think CLE what he could have done to be honest, is just play patient if Kleenex watched that staircase right there I think he would been good to go he could have got a free kill on hook as well so, again just really unfortunate I think in hindsight we can see a lot more than he can of course we can't he can't see through walls but, just like I think that was quite unfortunate there for C but goes through hook with a big round WI a big kill and right now this should be a round win this should be a round win you see abuza goes through he's behind scrap pair and he actually goes through and he gets caught off guard there that you should not be losing that gunfight, as a submachine gun player.

In my opinion, Scrap There did a fantastic job, but you just really cannot be losing that gun fight. That's why I think ARs are so important, because if you have an AR on your hand and you have a pistol with it as good as Rene, you should be good to go man because your pistol can win close range gun fights as you just saw now you know who going a one2 he's going to chase one, he sees him but look at his time from inside turns around fantastic timing watches his flank and he just guns him so, another round win there Seattle should have won and they just lose it and I think right there scrap that gunfight that's what's going to win for me let's see it from Scrat PV cuz it's a different one so he's going to close his angle, so as he pushes look at this he's going to go for the jump shot and just I mean, it's a weird one it's a weird one from maybe could have slid slided around the corner maybe slide cancel maybe chck something like that I don't know make it a bit more mixy.

I think he just kind of took a 50/50 and scra just kind of shot on him to be honest with you, but kenix again, the guyy is playing with so much confidence, and when you're playing with this much confidence, you do routes that other teams won't do. Look at this: they've completely given up the middle; they've isolated themselves by themselves.

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