News - How To Play Snd Warzone 2 (toronto Ultra Breakdown)

Sorry, IL; they've isolated IL by himself. And look at the play from Toronto; they're going to go through, he's going to push across, and I love this play from Kex. This is such a good heads-up play, so let's back off. Slightly, what they're doing here is their play call, okay? Insight is saying I'm going to watch over you, Kleenex, run through, and he's going to watch over Kleenex, so Insight is now watching this top area while this is happening.

Number five and number six are scraping on, and we are playing okay as they go through. I'm through I'm now they're that right what we need to do is we need see someone's probably backi they know someone is probably a maybe one player right so they're trying to play for that so they're going through that right where is this player back Al now what Kleenex is going to do, is, this is the this is the play call right, the team from Seattle right now Seattle are probably tweaking like okay no one's B they're probably coming a el like yeah I see one or two they're coming a they're pushing aggressive so the team from Seattle they're going to be transitioning over to help them out so what Kleenex is trying to do he's trying to catch them in the transition when you catch someone in the trans, to.

Cat if we look at Kenex here, where's K number eight? K is actually behind on the ladder look he goes through on taking out one kenex goes behind ABA, and this is what I mean, he's just taking the most perfect routes right now, is by himself, and now he starts to shoot. Number one could make a play on the flank, but guess what number seven's there?

Number seven's going to be inside. He sees him. So now they know, okay, AR is over there, and they call out Hook on the flank. Okay, all they have to do right now is play for one of them. So you see number eight, Kleenex, and insight. They're going to team up. They're going to try finding Hook, and the other two are going to find him there.

You go as soon as they kill H. They now know the last guy's face. You know he gets traded; it is perfect Search and Destroy. But it is very cholly from Seattle they're leaving a lot of gaps in their setup, and I have to say Kleenex this is an absolute Master Class, forget the kills for a second okay cuz I think obviously when you're eight and one you're having a master class, he's just finding the most perfect routes right now he does it again look he does it again he goes through and look at this now look at the difference they finally stopped him they chucked a stuns top middle now my question is why didn't they do this earlier why isn't this a default stun from someone, now you can see they've stopped him they go through and now look abuza tries to go through tries to catch Envoy off guard but they have such a good setup as Envoy is watching the front insight's watching his flank and they're just not getting caught off guard they go through Insight with a huge two-piece.

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