News - How To Nuke Warzone Easily. Warzone 3 Champions Quest Masterclass

how to

Open the crate to pick up the plutonium. Immediately on the plutonium extraction the bomb site will begin to reveal, the whole bomb site reveal process will take around 30 to 40 seconds depending on how lucky you are as soon as you see the yellow plane making its way through the map you'll know roughly the line in which the nuke will drop once dropped you'll see a nuclear canister on the map showing the exact spot it'll end up moments later it'll take around 40 seconds total to make its way from the sky to the ground as soon as it's on the ground you'll be able to store the elements inside, if you have all three elements on your person you can store them one at a time and if you have the element spread across multiple people you can deposit all of them roughly at the same time, once all three elements are in the nuclear bomb site it's time to plan, you do have around 5 minutes to plant the bomb so don't feel too rushed, the bomb itself takes 10 seconds to plant and those have to be consecutive, you can't move around while planting and stopping the planting animation will reset your progress back to zero.

how to nuke

Once planted you're in the final stretch of the nuke you have 2 minutes to defend the bomb from any imminent threat it's important to note that once the bomb is planted it's your team versus the entire Lobby either you make it through the 2 minutes and detonate the bomb winning the game or some other team diffuses it and they win there are no other outcomes, the only way for someone to diffuse the bomb is to near the little yellow planting laptop to start the diffusal process when someone initiates the bomb diffusal for the first time it'll let you know with a voice line that says enemy's inputting a disarm code or something like that this is really important as it's the only time you'll get a notification.

For future diffusal attempts, you will receive no notification at all. One of the most important things to consider as well is that the bomb diffusion progress is saved, and it only takes 10 seconds. This means that if somebody runs up and starts the bomb diffusion and it takes you 2 seconds to kill them, there are only 8 seconds remaining on the bomb diffusion.


This makes the bombs incredibly hard to defend when there are loads of people running at them. If you are, however, able to make it through those two minutes, you've successfully completed the Champions Quest. I know it seems difficult but heading into our strategy section you'll get a better look at what you could do to limit the amount of difficult factors you'll face during your nuke attempt, let's talk about strategy there isn't any doubt that the nuke is hard to drop in war zone but there's definitely some things that you could add into your nuke reper to make them easier, let's start for the first step you spawn in grab the contract get the Geer counter find the yellow crate but wait this part of the nuke attempt is make or break I told you before that when you pick up the nuclear crate that contains plutonium, it'll start the bomb site revealing process what I didn't say is the bomb site spawns are in pre-picked.



Destinations: take a look at this map. A member of my community, glitch 420, made this with a few of his buddies. This is nuke gold. If there's anything you take away from this article, it's this map. These are, give or take, a couple of all of the nuke bomb site locations on the entire map of Zikan.


This is massively important because if you look at a circle when you start the game you can kind of get a feel for where the bomb s sites could potentially be if you look at the map and it heavily prefers the middle section of the map you'll know roughly the four or five different spots the bomb site could end up think back to that yellow crate with the burum, like I said this part of the process is very important once you open the yellow crate you'll need to immediately transport the burum, close to where you think the bomb site will be and drop it in my opinion you should wait until the first Circle closes to open the yellow crate so that you'll get a better idea of where the potential bomb sights could be the best spot to drop the be is in a spot that's really easy to retake, say later in the game you need to come in and swoop it up in a chopper or LTV to take it to the bomb site you'll be able to Precision the be and grab it SL Sly off the top of a roof or a gas station and deliver it to the bomb site safely alternatively.

You could place it near a zipline, but this is a bit sketchy as people could just shoot down the zipline, leaving you helpless. There is some luck involved with this, though, but if you end up dropping the bomb where the bomb site is, near it, or even just in a place that's easy to deliver it to the bomb site, your chances of dropping the nuke increase exponentially.

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Once you've dropped the bomb in a good spot, the rest of the game kind of plays itself based on what I've told you so far. There aren't many tips with the dribbling case or even shooting the plutonium yellow Chopper, but there are some things you could do prior to the game to set yourself up for success.

solo nuke

This is what my solo quad nuke loadout consists of, and most importantly, I have a thermal SVA for my long range, which gets used especially once the bomb is planted. People will throw a barrage of smoke at the nuclear canister, so much so that the thermals can barely catch up before anyone thinks this is Cap.

This is the exact gun build that I used to drop my solo quad nuke a couple weeks ago. Thermals are the one true way to make sure that no one is diffusing the bomb without actually going to check yourself. Second, I have my HRM submachine gun, but any submachine gun will work; use your preference.

solo quad nuke

After that, make sure to run smokes and sxes, as you'll need to be smoking your way around the map from point A to point B if you don't have a vehicle. Last, the preferred perk package to run for nukes is EOD, double-time restock, and high alert. The most important perks of the four are restock and high alert restocks ability to keep your smokes and a refreshed will consistently have you ready for whoever may come their way during your nuke run, which is pretty self-explanatory, as well as keeping you from being caught off guard while transporting the elements.

Speaking about equipment a little bit more, I can't guess enough about smoke. Not only are they great mid-match, but smoke is incredibly important when planting the bomb. They give you a ton of cover without being seen. One smoke lasts for around 7 and 1/2 seconds, and keep in mind that the bomb plant takes a full 10 seconds.

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If you have your teammate smoking you consistently, that will be the best way to get the bomb planted. Sometimes, when you throw smoke to go plant, people will throw nades in order to block the planting process. I have dropped multiple nukes where people have just let me sneak up to the bomb site and plant them without even smoking, which is important to keep in mind in a pinch. lastly let's talk about the optimal nuke.

Optimal nuke

Optimal nuke

If you only have one shot at the contract, this is what you're going to want to do. If you remember from earlier, when you pick up your burum, you either need to place it on the potential bomb site or place it near the bomb site. If you get unlucky and throw it down in the wrong place early on, you're going to have to get lucky in order to make it to the bomb site with it in one piece.

How To NUKE in Warzone EASILY! | Warzone 3 Champions Quest Masterclass. I hope you enjoyed the content today.
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