News - How To Find 'velikan' Dmz Fast & Easy (building 21 Boss Guide - Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded)

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I, It's unclear what the long run's going to look like for Building 21, but I'll keep you guys posted. There's actually more that you can unlock though than just those six free rewards through the weapon cases. You guys are probably familiar with them; he's part of the Shadow Company, and you can even unlock exclusive weapons that are not available in multiplayer.

So you really don't have much time in matches of Building 21, and you really don't have any time to waste at all, so that's why I highly recommend getting set up in matches of all mods or before hopping into this map, or if you have colored key cards, using those to access the secret rooms right away in a match of Building 21 to get your hands on three plate satchels, durable gas masks, and better weapons.

I'll be covering the secret rooms in a separate article that I have planned for the next couple of hours. You're back with some of the AI that gets really, really tough. You might have a shotgun that is perfect for close-quarters gameplay, which is what this map is all about, and that is what is going to kill Velikan the fastest as well.

building 21 best class

It's not a bad idea to also have an AR-15 or any type of long-range weapon in your lotto if you don't have a riot shield or if you don't have a shotgun. It's not bad to run an AR because those will definitely do a lot of damage to not only the boss but also the other AI. That's in this map now, the AI themselves.

Shadow companies do drop some pretty badass weapons. The rolling is also not a bad idea because it can go against the boss pretty well, so any one of those weapons is going to really be your friend here, and aside from that, in terms of equipment. I would say semtex. And drill charges will do you the best damage against not only the AI but even some of the real players that'll be on this map.

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Don't forget that when it comes to Building 21, you will see four teams of three spawning in every single match that you play, so be aware of that. Now, you could use thumb grenades to also stun Velikin, himself, or the other AI, but I like running stun shots because the AI is significantly stronger in Building 21 in comparison to Al Mazara, so you want to make sure that you help him regenerate as fast as you possibly can.

building 21 boss fight

With that being said, it is now pretty late into your match in Building 21, and in every single match you play, you will see a pop-up on screen that says the Velikan boss is nearby. With that being said, you could possibly just rush towards the center of this map to force spawn him in, but in all of my experiences playing this map, it was usually a little after halfway towards the match itself where he did just spawn in and would be around a bunch of AI in the area, so it's worth pointing out that he will always be located in this center area of the map.

building 21 easter egg

This is the same room with the marketing for Building 21 that I did preview in the season one reloaded blog post. It's this exact area, and he'll always be on the upper level next to a bunch of his shadow company's AI minions. Always be around here if you start hearing a grenade launcher being shot at you or if you start taking damage from a grenade launcher, it's very likely velikan because he's going to be holding the rgl80, a grenade launcher that we'll talk more about in a couple of minutes, but he's a bit of a tanky fella, and if you ever go up to him and you're like Hey, that's definitely velocate, you can see as clear as day his mask that you probably recognize from MW19, which is the And if you shoot him, he dies instantly.

Just know that other teams on the map probably shot at him first. He's usually not that easy to kill, but there were a few instances where he shot at him and he just died straight away. If you find them when he just spawns in. A bit tough to kill, though not as hard as a jug would be over on Al Mazura.

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But he's still very clearly the boss for this map and is much stronger than the other AI that you'll also see roaming around the building. Now, keep in mind that if he spawns in and nobody kills him, he will follow you and will eventually track you down when you're trying to X Bill towards the end of a match.

building 21 loadout

I got some funny footage of that where, at the very end of the game, the storm was closing in, which means more AI will spawn in to bombard the area to prevent you from xvilling. He could just pop in and instantly down you using his grenade launcher, which isn't very fun at all. I believe you can also track him on other floors of this building; he won't remain here, but this is where the center is, on the second floor of the building itself.

Just so it's clear, if you get up close and personal using a shotgun, you can kill him pretty quickly. There are many ways you could take them down, but obviously if you guys are all shooting them at once, he's going to drop rather quickly. But once you've killed Velikan, two different items will drop.

The first is a RG-LE80 Launcher, the one he was holding while he was probably attacking you, and you can actually Expo with this weapon and use it in any other match that you'd like on either Almazra or Building 21. Unfortunately, this doesn't unlock the weapon for multiplayer, which would have been cool.

building 21 quest

It'll be cool one day to see a bonus weapon unlocked that's only available through extracting, with it in DMZ or a weapon that a boss was holding specifically, and not something where you can unlock it by doing a regular challenge like we're accustomed to; maybe we'll get that in the future, but yeah, as of right now, the rgl80 is exclusive to DMZ, which I think is awesome, but you'll also notice that he dropped a black access key card.

I'll be talking more about the color key cards of course in a separate article, but this black access key card can be used in the same match or you can just Expo with it and bring it into another match of DMZ. So, where this black access key card goes is right over here, near the basement hallway. This is again the lowest possible area you can get to in Building 21.

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You can walk right over here, and you'll see this black access door. Use that keycard to unlock it. It's a one-use type of key card, which means you can't use it anymore after this, and inside of this room you'll see plenty of great loot that is perfect for regaining if anything ever goes wrong in a match of Building 21.

building 21 rgl 80

But Don't waste that key card in the master that you killed Velikan in now. I did see some cool theories all around the internet that maybe this isn't the actual Velikin that we know and remember from MW19. Maybe it's somebody out there trying to impersonate him or somebody in Shadow Company wearing his outfit, but it's not the actual Velikian; that might just be a joke, but I do think canonically that Velikan is dead because of what we just did here in the DMZ.

HOW TO FIND 'VELIKAN' IN DMZ FAST EASY BUILDING 21 BOSS GUIDE - WarZone 2 Season 1 Reloaded. Check Out My Recent Video.
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