News - How To Drop A Nuke Warzone 3 (champion's Quest Full Guide)

It kind of works like a reminder. Intel contract which will shoot a flare from its location the only thing is that's different you can't progress it faster if there are multiple teammates it'll just take a minute regardless of how many people are buy it but once you grabbed it you'll get a little bit money just like the first element, and this time you're going to not be able to use a vehicle at all it's going to disable and EMP any vehicle that's around you so what I like to do is I like to use redeploy drones at least one to two of them to kind of help rotate myself into, a high area or an area that has a zip once you get to a zip you can essentially, just rotate this second element for free but again portable redeploy drones are super clutched for in the moment and great for getting distances across a short amount of time so once you grab tridium the third element plutonium, is going to spawn in this helicopter, it's going to be able to be seen from any player in the game you definitely want to shoot this thing down fast I believe it takes around 300 bullets.

I've heard give or take another thing to know its health will regenerate if you are not laying consistent dam damage to it. I've only found out about this recently, so make sure you have another teammate to help shoot down with you. Another tip that I like to do Sometimes this helicopter is going to fly over an area that's near a lot of players.

What you can do is sort of shoot it a little bit to grab its aggro so it can fly over you and focus on you, and then once it gets shot down, it's close by for you to grab. Another thing to know is that when you grab this crate, it's not going to spawn the final countdown timer for the bomb site, so if you are pressed for time, you can literally just open the crate so you can clear the nuclear crate icon on the map.

It's like another be if you don't open the crate, so just add minimum, always open the crate, and if you're ready to assemble all the elements and rotate them, just go ahead and pick up plutonium, because once you pick up plutonium, you're going to start the final countdown for the bomb site spawn, all right, so the end game Ideally, you want all the elements in your possession at this point in time.

You either want to be in a vehicle or near a redeployment. Zip, if you are ready, there's a good chance you're going to get a very early plant. Early plants typically mean they're pretty likely to detonate once you grab the last element you're going to get a minute to see. Where the bomb site is going to land, you can actually see this plane physically drop the bomb site, whether you're in the game physically or you can see it on the map, but you can actually see it sooner.

You can see the plane sooner than you see it on the map, and you can kind of judge the flight path and estimate where the bomb site would go. If you use this, you know you're buying yourself so much extra time to plant and deposit all the elements, so you can plant as late as 1 second or less on the timer.

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You just need to have started planting before that final timer runs out, so you will have 5 minutes. Once that bomb site lands on the ground, you'll have 5 minutes to deposit it and then plant the bomb. Do your best to get there first. As I said, early plants are typically pretty guaranteed to nuke with little contest.

Now, in some cases, if you're having a contested bomb site, planning early is not really an option, so you may need to kind of just let the area cool down and just have the teams clear out each other, and then wait for, like, an opportune moment to plant the bomb, so you can choose your opening. Make sure you smoke it out and PA it so that they have a decent chance of planning it.

If you also have access to buy-buy mortars, and PAs are a must, you essentially just want to own the streak airspace so that no teams have a decent chance to take your positioning and get an opportunity to diffuse it. You will get one audio notification that someone is trying to diffuse your message; after that, you will get no more audio notifications.

Just be aware that sometimes when there's a lot of Pas or streaks going off, it can also override this audio queue because I've had a new get diffused just because we solely relied on this audio Q to tell us someone was diffusing, so always watch the bomb depending on the bomb site. Trophies are also pretty handy, as most players will always try to smoke when trying to diffuse, but keep in mind that if an enemy does manage to get a streak off on the bomb site, your trophy is going to get destroyed, so just keep that in mind when watching the bomb site.

It is obviously a very good idea to run a thermal site. Everyone has smoke nowadays and will try to smoke into the fuse, so when it comes to picking a good position to watch a bomb site, sometimes not picking the best building is the play when you use the best building. Typically, all the teams in the lobby are fighting for that positioning too, so your focus is just to watch the bomb when I run nukes.

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I typically have two to three people watch the bomb site, and then we have one person on standby to run over to the bomb site to clear the last second of diffuses. It takes about 10 seconds to diffuse, so if no one has started diffusing before the last 10 seconds, they will not be able to diffuse it.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that the Champions Quest will not fail if all of you die. As long as you've planted the bomb, you just wait for the timer to go out, and somehow, no one manages to diffuse it. Your nuk will still go off, and you'll still get through hordes during the last 20 to 30 seconds of the detonation timer.

I typically just tell my whole team to send the bomb, and I just own It's basically just all over it; kill anyone who tries to diffuse it, and you're essentially good at it. Go, stay alive. Just stay alive, you got. PA, God damn it, you took the photo. That's all Yeah, you guys are [__] horrible.

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