News - How To Drop 100 Kills Every Game On Warzone 2. Best Tips Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay

You want to run back and forth as well. You want to make sure that you're going from one spawn point to the one right beside it, and just let the enemy spawn across the map from you as well. This is good because then you'll always know where they're going to be; they'll always be spawning in the same area, and you can just keep checking both little spawn areas.

cod mw3 tips

I run through one of the containers, and I keep that container as a choke point, so I'll stay on one side of it for a few kills, then I'll move to the next side of it if I see that I have teammates there still. I know the enem is not spawning there, and then I'll move back to the original site that I was on, and you guys are going to see.

Just try to mimic my gameplay in a way, and I get a lot of high-kill games. I'm not going to say I get 100 kills. Every single game like that's just not happening; it's kind of impossible. Unless you're really, really good, which a lot of us aren't, let's be honest. I'm not even really, really good.

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I'm just really good, or good, some might say, but yeah. Just play it consistently, play it smart, play it slow, hold head glitches, all that kind of stuff. I just, I'm so the reason I'm making this article is because I'm so tired of seeing people go 30 kills and 30 deaths or 30 kills and 45 deaths on shipment guys.


It doesn't have to be that way now, my biggest tip, and if you made it this far into this article, congratulations! You're getting the best tip out of all of them. My biggest tip to you is that if you're playing Shipment and someone pulls out a shotgun back out of the lobby, Fast, I feel like while Shipman is here we should get the rocket launcher

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