News - How To Complete The Dark Aether Without Killing A Single Zombie Warzone 2

I wanted to make sure I was aiming out the door, because there's a lot of these things that I wanted to try to keep as many of these zombies out of the room as I could. When this huge horde rushed back at me from this door, man, I was like, holy. Yeah, it was starting to get to a point, like at the end of this contract.

I was like, man, I don't know. I really hope I don't go down doing this, honestly. I think if I had gone down during this contract. I probably would have just popped my dog bone and maybe not even made the article, to be honest, but with that, we finally got this contract done, and what do you know?


There were so many zombies in here that when the contract was over, only about half of them despawned. I still had a shitload of them in this room with me, but what is with this loot? Man, this run was not good for me at all on the loot side anyway. Let's go see if we can get ourselves there. A free wonder weapon now remember I can't use my knife or my ether blade or anything to kill these zombies so I'm only relying on my decoys still and I only have a couple of them left so it's going to be just a lot of me running around trying to get to these keys and finally getting to that Wonder Weapons case so yeah we had to ditch underneath the castle cuz I didn't really have any other option at the moment, and I kind of got lost under here for a second I don't really do very much stuff down here I completed, like that little Easter egg that's in here and that's pretty much it I xfill, out of here sometimes but usually I xfill.


Up top because it's just easier to get there, and plus, you can kind of take a second to check out your loot and stuff once you're done with your run. I finally found my way out of here, and speaking of getting lost, if you guys need to know where anything is in the dark ether or if you're still struggling to find anything.

I'm going to throw up a map on the screen right here that kind of shows you where everything is going to be. These maps that I use are fully interactive, over on their website, so a big shout out to MWZ, Hub. If you guys want to know where any of the Easter egg parts are, maybe if you're looking for any of the hidden caches or want to know where any of the boss fights are, this is definitely a good place to find out all of that information.


But we finally found our way to the top of the Fortress, again here and we're going to easily Glide down over to this house that's where the first wonder weapon key is now this one always confuses, me I don't know why I always think this one's going to be in a certain spot and then it's not and then I have to run around for a second looking for it but luckily when I was actually, looking for this door I looked in the other spot where the wonder weapon spawns and I saw the case in there so I knew I had to go grab one of the other keys this is me almost every single time I get this key I swear just running around like an idiot for a minute I do usually always end up finding it but it just takes me a second.

I was almost at the point where I'm like, damn, I have a lot of zombies still trailing me. I'm like, should I maybe just xfill? But then I decided to take a look in here, and I was like, I see one now. To be perfectly honest, I think the scorcher case of the vr11 is one of the only ones that's going to honestly make this worth it if it's the ray gun case.

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I swear to God, I'm deleting this game. No, I'm kidding, we got to make our way over to the top of the fortress again and traverse. In this dark ether, honestly, it's getting harder and harder everywhere I go. I seem to find more and more zombies just kind of sitting on the staircases and stuff like that, and one's still trailing me.


Of course i ended up coming up the staircase. I thought I was going to be able to get back up here, but there were just way too many zombies in there, and I'm just. I still can't kill any of them, but I want to, so unfortunately, we had to come back down and reposition. And try this thing again basically we're going to end up going back around and kind of taking the same path that we took to get up here the first time but there's going to be a lot of traversal, on the edges and just kind of jumping over things and parkouring, and I don't know if you guys ever noticed this little glitch in the map up here that's going to be coming up I don't know if you'll see it but there's a open space in the ground like right up here when you're coming up the staircase and I'm like man if I fall through this I'm just that would make me so angry so yeah as you guys can see we're taking a few smacks here and there but we're surviving man as long as you guys keep moving and you keep that momentum, don't really turn around for too long or try to stay stationary in one spot I think that's how a lot of people get caught up also just never put your back in a corner that's a big no but we're going to be making our way back up in here for our second try and I'm just really hoping that these stairways are clear man.


And look at that, we actually got a clear pathway, all the way up here to the very top man. That's awesome to see. Now it's going to be just jumping over these vehicles here and hoping that I can actually jump over this bulldozer in time before all these zombies start jumping up here, which eventually they definitely did, and I needed to start doing a little dance on the edge of the fortress here because one was here trying to smack in my ankles.

Now I got the majority of them to go away, but this thing just wasn't wanting to come down and give me the time to jump on it, and these zombies were starting to come back up, so we needed to equip another decoy and throw another one, unfortunately. Actually, this brings us down to our final two decoys.


Now to just keep jumping around on the edge here until this decoy can actually distract these things. I eventually saw my window, so I said, Go for it there was probably a mangle, down there trying to shoot his hand cannon at me which was probably a good thing cuz he would have blasted me right off the edge.

Make our way over here and grab the first key, then we're going to hop across the ambulance and the second truck so we can get to that second key. Look at that ending up with all these keys and we're only going to use one of them now since I knew that the Wonder weapon was down here in this cell. I knew I could just hop right over the edge and drop straight down, going through this doorway right here, and the Wonder weapon's going to be right here in the little cell, unfortunately.


Man, I swear, the Modern Warfare gods were just not with us on this one because we ended up with a damn ray gun case. Man, I'm just honestly sick of these things; they need to buff this Ray Gun Man for such an iconic weapon. I don't know why it's so duty, but since we are already in the museum and Xville is just directly underneath this thing, we're going to go down there and hit that thing now that we've got both these contracts completed and the wonder weapon extracted.

In this video we solo the dark aether without killing a single zombie. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Previous Video.
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